


1 year, 1 month ago



Creator Spikespoke
Designer Spikespoke
Obtained 3 April 2023
Worth nfs

Design and character copyright to SpikeSpoke of TH. Do not replicate or trace. Please ask before drawing if not part of Shadowblight on Deviantart.


Full Name Finnegan

Age 8 Cycles

Species Mixed Breed Cat

Gender Cis Male

Birth Name Warren

Birth Season Unknown

Sexuality tbd

Pronouns He/Him

Archetype Runaway Royal

Horoscope Leo

Ennegram Seven


Residence The Arc

Rank Youngling

Element Water

Alignment Chaotic Neutral

Nicknames Finn
Past Ranks Prince

A lanky grey-and-cream residual tabby tom with bright amber eyes.

Nothing is more trouble than a toddler going quiet. Though adults may worry for him and his antics, those his age will find him to be a social climber who is ready to tackle any challenge so long as he ends up the winner. When you're given a new start, you just gotta fly high, you know?


Height 11.1" / 28.2 cm

Body Type Slim, Lanky

Weight 9.1 lbs / 4.1 kgs

Breed Mixed, heavy Abyssian influence

Fur Color Grey and tan

Fur Texture Thin but sleek

Eye Color Deep Amber

Sex DmAB

Voice Ezreal (League of Legends)
Luckily for Finn, his voice has not taken after his father's deeper, rumbling sound. With a youthful whim to his tone, he is known for speaking loudly, confidently, even when he perhaps shouldn't have such bravery behind his words. He speaks with great informality and is readily reminded by others how loud he can be.
Gait High step, quick
If it wasn't clear already that his confidence is his first step forward, his own prance seems to do it. He raises his paws up high and can be noted for having a "skip" to his walk. He may be known for his expressions but everything about Finn is expressive. He prefers going around in a trot because adventure waits for no slow-walkers! Keep up!


Finn is a handsome fellow and he isn't shy about knowing this either. He admires and cherishes his pelt for its silvery and cream tones. If anyone were to acknowledge his uniquneness, it'd simply be him. Finn's fur is a stark steel-grey look with faded, ruddy-like patterns of flecked light silvers and creams among the charcoal ticks. The underside of this tom is notably pale though with faded hues of cream and tan blending out from the monotoned greys. To add contrast on top of the already bright and cool colors, the residual stripes lace over his legs to hint at the tabby pattern hidden within his genes. He has a notable stripe pattern on his face but it otherwise carries nowhere else. There is a dark dorsal stripe that runs from his head and down his spine, across his shoulder blade and along his tail. The very tip of the same tail is dappled in that white tone. The bridge of his nose has a heavy blaze of black striping which match his black ears and brows. The only other splashes of color to note are his paws and the ear spots which are soft white as contrast.

When it comes to Finn's build, he is going to grow notably into a slender and sleek type of tom. He won't look underweight though he won't be a type of muscular fellow either. Due to his long legs and narrow chest, Finn is notably taller in appearance based on his ratio. Only slightly taller than average, he won't be anything impressive against a larger foe but will find his own proportions near perfection. His fur texture is thin with little to no true undercoat leaving him with a pelt meant more for warmer months than the cold. It also will offer plenty of help to not be weighed down by a heavy pelt for swimming and such. Finn's face is a striking shape to note in particular as well with a muzzle that's boxy in shape with rounded edges that give his large nose a place to sit. Burly brows and large ears hint at a future where he ends up bigger than he does. His jawline is strong, however, with a clean cut shape that highlight his rectangular face and masculine appearance.

With strong paws and a slim, quick build, he will be a fantastic tree climber and a hunter aimed at fast prey. His strengths will be reliant upon dodging and being a limber foe with a quick strike of the claw. Finn will appreciate swimming and fast paced races. The older he gets, the more he'll find a competitive streak appreciating his swiftness. For all his looks, he will not carry the muscular battle brawn in return and will risk struggles against foes with brute force. Therefore Finn will have to look forward to being a nimble type who aims for efficiency.

The one thing that always comes to light, however, are the eyes. Not his in particular as any set of eyes can be a window to the soul. For Finn, there's one major thing and that's his sharp, amber colored orbs which are his one ill favored trait. He will happily admire his reflection but rarely make eye contact with his own stare. Though rarely one to indulge the curiosity of others on his personal feelings, if he were to come clean, it'd be because he sees his father's eyes. Remembering how his sisters couldn't stand their father's eyes, the fiery, angry expression they often came with- it's enough to make any cat sick when forced to remember them time and time again. Even so, there's no denying that Finn's ember colored eyes are powerful and bold against his fur. If only he liked them as much as others did.


None at this time.


(1) 'V' cut in top of left ear. During a reckless adventure, Finn and his friend, Bridget, encountered a small dog that bit and tore his ear. Minor injury with no long-term side effects.

Design Notes
  • Limited/no fur tufts with exception of reverse tuft on back of neck
  • Face shape is soft, rounded square with a particularly large nose
  • Thick, expressive eyebrows
  • Build is slim, fit as an adult with longer legs
  • Stripes do not need to be exact except for forehead


Positive Traits

Spunky Ambitious Charming
Neutral Traits

Dramatic Brash Socialite
Negative Traits

Intrusive Cocky Hot-headed

Escaping from his clowder, Finn now only dreams of seeing as much as the world can give him and experience it all. He wants to be popular, famous in a way, but without the responsibilities of leadership. If he can be known for being a popular, "storybook" type of hero, then he's done his job.
Fatal Flaw
Lying. He lied about his name. He lied about his past. He lies and seems unable to control that part of him. When will his lies catch up to him though? Every house of cards must fall eventually. Finn looks at his future and knows this but will continue to pretend everything is okay.
Finn will never reveal that he was one considered the heir to his father's colony. He will never reveal old name of Warren. He won't go back and he'll lie every bit through his teeth to avoid that being revealed.
Being a cat who relies so heavily on social climbing, his temper can be a vicious destroyer of his hardwork. Finn fears his own anger and if he'll risk ruining his chance at building a strong social circle.

If one thing is for certain, it's that you'll never miss out on Finnegan. That is to say he's a lot when it comes to his personality. In many ways, that can be hard to swallow but it's not always so bad. For instance, the over friendly nature that is Finn notably carries the charm of being a popular type. Courageous and determined, the spunky attitude is a contagious ones if given the chance. Quick at the draw with witty commentary, he is a joy to hold conversations with as there's rarely a dull moment in words. Finn prefers the idea that he can be a debator or a man of logic when the truth is, he's a silver-tongued cat full of sugary compliments. He takes a lot after his mother in that way, witty and socially smart. But not everything is born and raised as some of it is new to even Finn. One of those is his sense of drive. Unlike the luxurious royal life he once lived, The Arc has chances to become a rising star within their community and he has his eyes on the prize. Not swallowed whole by his goals but rather placed at a positive point of ambition, Finn uses it to fuel his involvement within the Arc and his growing curiosity in their world. Charming as he may be, skills in words may paint that future only so far. He knows how to play respectfully to the adults and offer cuteness to others his age. Using the social queues he had to watch closely before, Finn is trying to build himself to be a real star.

With a head full of new dreams and goals, there's other things that come to him as he grows. One thing is certain, he loves attention. Good or bad, it's all attention in many ways. Carrying it out in a dramatic light? Well, that's just icing on the cake metaphorically speaking. Finn's dramatic ways can be an entertaining show for those not at the butt end of his risky attitude which is fine and dandy for most. However, stuck at the forefront of it and it can turn into a wild "boy who cried wolf" tale with a few more added details than expected. Drama club? If only! Quick with wit and spontaneous in thought, Finn definitely can benefit from being a type that's always on the fly. Instinct drives him well though it can also turn its back on his actions when he risks barreling head first into danger. Self-preservation is not high on his code of conduct. He'd prefer taking the risk over wishing he hadn't done so at all. Finnegan's most noticed reputation though is "known by all, friend of none" ideal. You see, Finn adores the idea of everybody knowing his name and him knowing everybody else. That's his mother coming through for sure. Yet despite this, a future of knowing all comes at a price where his relationships remain shallow and inefficient. Finn will always struggle to maintain a relationship of depth and value without instinctively wanting to push it away. After all, the only reference point he has is his parents which were more trouble together than apart. Until he can learn to come clean to himself, and others, there's always going to be a wall between him and the world.

Hypocritical would also be a useful word to keep in mind. Finn hates spilling deep information on himself, primarily his family and past before The Arc. And yet, he hates secrets kept from him. Finn always wants in on the know and he happily shoves his nose where it doesn't belong. When it comes to others having personal information, he wants to gossip and simply know. What's the fun of being part of a big colony if you can't join in on the gossip, right? It's come to affect Finn's sense of self as well. Arrogant, cocky, a bit too proud of his work, of his fur, of his existence. Finnegan has confidence but the type that's spilled over into a gross sense of straight up ballsy pride. Most of this would be tolerable but one thing carried with him from his father of all cats. The one thing that he can't resist but hates as far as becoming the damaged corner on his suit of armor. That would be his temper. Finn may act all sweet and giddy but the truth is, he ends up being as hot-headed as his father was. When upset, he wants to snap. When driven to an edge, Finn shoves cats away emotionally and resorts to nasty words. It's all too familiar to him, recalling those days of his father and mother fighting, and wishing his voice didn't sound so much like his dad's when his temper gets the best of him...

  • Games, particularly "Truth or dare"
  • Clear night skies
  • Hunting fast prey
  • Physical touch like hugs
  • Midday naps
  • Blue eyes
  • The color orange, particularly his eyes
  • Chores or boring training
  • Long waiting for any reason
  • Cold weather
  • Snakes/adders
  • Awkward silences


"Head up. Stay strong. Fake a smile. Move on."

Finn is Mr. Smiley and constantly offers a goofy grin, a playful joke, and a challenge for a race. He is happy to be the one that is a welcoming face to those around him. Putting on a smile was one lesson he always did agree with and outwardly, he'll always be the friendly kind. Can't hate a cat who gives you no good reason to dislike him, right?


Absurdism. The meaning of life? The purpose of being here? Why has any of it mattered? When asked about why he is here, Finn prefers to avoid than answer. He hates the idea that he was born for any reason set by some higher power. Why can't "existing" be enough? Why can't the shared company of comradery be enough? Why couldn't he be enough...

  • Hums when things are too quiet
  • Quick to forget where he places things
  • Often can't stay still and fiddles with his tail to avoid being too antsy
  • Always cleans his paws before eating
  • Spends extra time fixing nest before bed
  • Can't sleep through the night and gets up in the middle of the night to walk and readjust
  • Nostrils flare in particular when irritated
  • Bites inner cheek when in thought
  • Speaks louder when nervous
Verbal Quips
  • Laughs a lot
  • Calls everybody "buddy"
  • Very informal and forgets manners
  • Prey: rabbits/hares
  • Scent: fresh summer breeze
  • Activity: hanging out with friends
  • Popularity
  • Equality of all
  • Forgiveness


pessimist optimist
naïve perceptive
introverted extroverted
open reserved
sassy polite
moral immoral
patient foolhardy

fight flight
fawn freeze

  • Quick on his paws
  • Strong climber
  • Agile swimmer due to lack of thick coat
  • Not phyisically strong
  • Subpar stamina
  • Struggles with large foes

  • n/a
  • n/a


Birthplace Hjálmar's Guild

Current Residence The Arc

Current Occupation Youngling

Previous Residence(s) Hjálmar's Guild
Education Level In-training

Guardian ???

Youngling(s) n/a

"I'm gonna fight my way to happy ever after."

Headfirst by The Royal

"I'm willing to brave disgrace and leave just a pretty blue face. Well, maybe it seems insane but at least you're entertained."

Lemon Drop by Raynes

"I feel hope deep in my bones. Tomorrow will be beautiful and I'm ready. God, I'm ready."

Seven by Sleeping at Last


Trigger Warnings

Please note, the history discussed below contains content regarding emotional abuse of a child, set roles, and violence from predator attack. It also includes mentions of poverty, hunger, and inequality. Please do not read ahead if any of these topics upset you, please do not read ahead. Caution has been advised.

A Lonely Prince

Before the Beginning

Long ago, there was a cat who decided to take charge. It was a small action that lead to a long list of generations that came to recognize themselves as one title: Royal. Their worth, their blood, their heritage defined their lives more than any ability they could foster. Those that followed them may not have loved it but they did so under the hope for protection. Safety. A community united by struggles. Leading the charge of this group was a tom known as Hjálmar. The guild took his name just at it had his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather before him. Any cats who crossed their path would face the wrath of Hjálmar's Guild.

Though far from being in love, Orna looked to her mate knowing he secured her a place of comfort among all those followers. So long as she stood beside him, she had no reason to fear for her own meals. Orna was smart and used her social wit to earn her place and was quick to assure others knew she belonged there. Despite their lack of love, the sense of responsibility was not lost on either cat which is what resulted in the royal's first and only litter. The three children bound to carry on the legacy one day: Asa, Hilda, and Warren. Though two daughters were born, Hjálmar only cared for the one son Orna gave him and that soon became a fact none would forget anytime soon.

A Prince and his Guard

Early on, everything was simple. Though they were not allowed to play with other kits, Warren at least had his sisters by his side. He, Asa, and Hilda were very much used to keeping each other company while their mother fussed over their appearances and attempted to curb their wily attitudes. Ren could recall how things rapidly changed when his father appeared. When Hjálmar made his appearance, all three kits were told to sit straight in a line and face their father with respect. When he spoke, nobody else did. When he made demands, they were to be followed. It wasn't much, mostly checking in to assure his kits were being raised to fit their standards. But by the time he was three cycles old, Warren was forcibly separated from his sisters.

No part of Warren wanted this. Screaming, crying, kicking, fighting- he did anything he could to avoid it. By the time Hjálmar stopped, he was plopped in front of another kit, the first he'd ever met that wasn't his own sisters. "Bridget, this is Prince Warren. You will address him with respect. Warren, this is your guard-in-training. From this day forward, you will will never be separated. Every king will have a crown and every crown needs a protector. She is yours."

It was an unfortunate meeting but Bridget made the best of it. Ren decided to do the same. Though she'd never replace his sisters, he figured he'd try to at least find friendship in her if he could. As the moons faded into suns and suns faded into moons, one by one the days passed. The two were trained side by side on the lore of their Guild and what was expected of them. Whenever Warren expressed disinterest in his royal duties, Hjálmar reminded him of his ties. "Your mother and sisters are still safe in my stronghold, boy. Keep this fight up and perhaps I can rehome them to assure you listen better, hm?" Threats like this became Hjálmar's way of maintaining control over Warren. What choice was there? The childish wonder he once had devolved quickly into the reality that he was his father's heir and nothing more.

Escaping for Tomorrow

Bridget did her best to be there for him but Warren slowly began to turn inward. Sunken and depressed, he felt trapped by the very upbringing he should have been thankful for. His father often reminded him how their people went hungry when the prey did not run strong. If he was no prince, he'd be starved and begging for scraps. It was a mental hoop to always be reminded he was living it great up in this stronghold and he needed to show Hjálmar that thankfulness he demanded. One day changed everything though and that was the day the two youngsters were taken out for training.

Hjálmar was not a selfish ruler in terms of action. He still fought alongside his guards and still hunted beside his hunters. He felt it necessary for Warren to know this too. It was the first time he left the stronghold and Ren looked upon the many cats they passed. They were all guildmembers yet they looked just as miserable as him. Why stay here if they all shared this unhappiness? It was confusing but Ren was called back to attention as they left the guild's safe stronghold into the territory.

"Stay close and don't lose sight of me," their assigned guard stated firmly. "I'm going to find where the fish are running and we will practice fishing. It's the safest way to hunt. Stay here, your majesty, and I'll return shortly. Bridget, don't leave his side." It felt surreal. Just the guard and the prince alone in the territory. It was surely only a few heartbeats before the adult would return and Ren hardly thought on his decision. He just looked at Bridget, knowing full well how she shared his desire for freedom. "Should we... explore?"

How much trouble could they cause? Two daring youngsters wandering out to simply meander and see the world for once. Ren and Bri wrestled and laughed and chased each other. The guard woudl have to catch up but let the punishment and scoldings come. They had the one thing they'd never known before: freedom. That was until the dog appeared. The beast came across the two playful cats and saw them as the prey they were as they had not noticed it. Oh, but they'd notice as it jumped in and grabbed up Warren. Oh how freedom became a fight for survival. Bri did her best to fulfill her role as guard, biting the dog and causing it to drop the prince. "RUN!" Who yelled it didn't matter. It only mattered that they did as the very word said. They ran, ran, ran, until the air they breathed in became painful. No more barking followed their heels and realization took the place of panic. They were truly and thoroughly lost.

New Lives: The Start

Wanderers on the Plains

It was best to stick together. The guards would surely be after them soon and the first thought was to stay put. Their scent trail would lead others right to them. Ren eyed the dusk on the horizon though and started to walk no matter how much Bridget tried to convince him to stay. "Why?" Ren tried to question back. "You... you don't want that life, do you? Come on. What other chances do we have? We can run and just go until we can't be followed. Please, Bri, you know this is not going to happen twice." Was it their friendship built on solidarity or their exhaustion of the guild? Who knows? But Warren's words were enough to convince her as the duo started to walk. It became clear then now that the panic subsided that his ear was torn and his body ached. But that was fine because he could bear just a little bit more.

One night turned to two. Then three. Bri could at least hunt small prey though she did not have the full skillset she could have had. It was only until they found somewhere to stay. That's all that mattered. They lost track of the rising moons and suns by now and the duo were beginning to fear never being in a safe home. That was until a set of patrolling cats came across them. They seemed genuinely concerned for the two young cats just wandering aimlessly. They explained they came from a group of cats, a colony known as The Arc, and they had food and room for their weary bodies to rest. It was Ren who blurted out a willing agreement to join.

When asked their names, he admittedly hesitated. If he offered his true name, would he be turned back? Did they get far enough that his father's colony no longer meant anything? What if soldiers came this far? Would they risk that for him? Would they-?

"Finnegan. My name is... Finnegan."

Bridgette seemed perturbed by his answer to which he quickly motioned for her to say nothing about it. She didn't follow his lead for her own name but respected his choice at least. THe kind cats were gracious enough to lead them back once introductions were out of the way.

The Arc

A new name. A new home. A whole new chapter to their lives. Maybe he could finally be free and wild as a cat should be! Finn, embracing his name in full, has found himself in a unique new place. One where nobody knows his name- at least not the old one. Now he is just Finnegan the troublemaker and oh, let that be the only way they know him. Trying his best to enjoy the life within the Arc, Finn lives his newfound lease on life carefree and careless all in one. Where will this take him? Who knows? Only time will tell.


Behavior Towards...

Finn finds it easy to approach those he does not know. Comfortable in himself, he happily will approach any cats he does not know. He is forward and quick to inquire about them without second thought. "A stranger is just a friend not yet made." That's his motto that he lives by.

Mischevious and playful, he often makes his friends the unfortunate butt of his games. He is quick with jokes, often preferring puns or dorky one liners, and finds making his friends groan in agony from them to be a joy in his day. His friends may notice he does more talking than listening but he does so to fill the space between them happily.

Cocky and full of smart alec wit, Finn's rivals deal with his mouth first and actual competition second. Happy to taunt and even accidentally edge on bullying behavior without realizing it, Finn loves the verbal war that comes with competition. His mouth runs faster than his paws and he's a sore loser but is thrilled every time to try again when a rival comes up.

Parent figures are... tricky. If inquired about his actual parents, you likely won't get the same answer twice. It's obvious he lies about them. Even so, he's tense at the idea of a parent. Those who attempt to be a caretaker to him may find Finn more sharp of tongue than he is to those his own age. He does seem more kindly to motherly types and quite aggressive towards the fatherly ones.

It's hard to tell how he feels about family or how he behaves with them. Due to his conflicting reactions to siblings and parents, some may assume he just prefers to not be involved. Truth is, he acts wishful towards a family life but often treats the idea as some sort of fairytale. Unachieveable beyond mere imagination. One may have to delve deeper to understand his family behavior better.

Love Interest
Hot and then cold. Where a crush may get all of his attention, a true love interest will be pushed away. Terrified of commitment as memories of his parents come to mind, Finn would quickly fall victim to his worst flaw and lie, lie, lie. Cutesy flirts were fine but settling down? Somebody actually liking him back? No. That's not how it works. That can't be how it works. Finn struggles deeply with self-esteem with love which becomes obvious when somebody likes him back.
Figures of power are still something new to Finn. Considering he came from a world where his word was right behind his father's, he's not accustomed to taking orders from anybody but Hjálmar. As such, he is surprisngly casual with those in charge and can slip up when talking to them by falling into casual, less than respectful wording. He listens but regularly forgets his place and ends up fumbling over his own paws again and again.

Finn is the "know no stranger" type. Once he knows your name, he becomes very chummy and interested in assuring you know him as a friend. A confidante, if you will. He goes out of his way to say hi to anybody he knows just to stay in the forefront of their mind. Obsessive in popularity? What makes you say that?

Best Friends
Finn rarely declares anybody his best friend in a genuine manner. It isn't to say they aren't special but there's a wall of trust he still fails to cross. Those who get that far see the rarely seen side of him: fear. He's lived a life of ease for so long, he has to truly trust you to open up about his struggles. Only his best friends may see that smile falter, the kink in his suit of armor.

Finn would never believe himself to have an enemy. Just a rival at worst, nothing more than that. He would never understand how a cat could dislike him and takes great offense at the idea. He'd outwardly continue to try and treat them like a rival but soon turn inward with his feelings. Despising himself for letting any relationship go so far, he'd end up anxious around the cat that declares him an enemy.

Finn enjoys being a sibling and reflects fondly on his sisters. Unlike his parents, he doesn't seem to readily lie about them. He is happy to self-proclaim himself as "bro" or "big bro" or even "little bro" when given a chance. He seems drawn into the idea of being a chosen sibling and is very much the type to act as that cool brother when possible.

Unafraid of pushing his chances, Finn will likely saddle up easily to his crush and blatantly make his affections known. Unafraid of public affection, he would offer cheesy, innocent pick up lines and get swept up in easily offering lighthearted promises of "forever after" without much thought. He's pretty shameless and rarely expects response to his words. He's fine with not having his feelings reciprocated, frankly.

Getting to a point of mate will be difficult as the other will need to overcome walls of trust issues, struggles to understand what commitment means, and a habit to lie before telling the truth out of belief that nobody will like him if he isn't at his best. But if you manage to do so, Finn becomes a cat who has more love than he knows what to do with. Playful, flirty, tender in secret- he will offer all his heart has to give because this is the one cat that will understand him the most.
Finn is entirely uncomfortable with the idea of being in charge of others. Though he wants to be a leader in a social aspect, falling in as the extrovert who adopts introverts, he doesn't want to ever view himself as "more important" than others ever again. Knowing cats once went hungry for him to eat makes him try to level the playing field whenever possible to make him and those around him as equal on footing as he can manage. He'll never be above others if he can help it.

Bridget [ friend ]

Bridget is the only cat who knows, well, everything about me. She stuck through my wild ideas and has tolerated me up to this point. I know we ended up friends by convenience but I do hope she'll stay my friend. It makes all this craziness feel less, well, crazy when I have here here.

  • Formerly his personal guard
  • Sometimes shares a nest with her when he can't sleep
  • "Bri-bri" or "Bri" for short

Name [relationship]

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Impedit eius perspiciatis suscipit quos voluptates iusto in maxime consequatur assumenda voluptatibus veniam labore, tenetur, quo ipsum soluta sunt, laboriosam voluptas provident!

  • Content.
  • Content.
  • Content.

Name [relationship]

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Impedit eius perspiciatis suscipit quos voluptates iusto in maxime consequatur assumenda voluptatibus veniam labore, tenetur, quo ipsum soluta sunt, laboriosam voluptas provident!

  • Content.
  • Content.
  • Content.


  • Cold weather will be hard on Finn due to his thin fur. As he is a mix of abyssian and oriental shorthair breeds, he doesn't have a strong undercoat.
  • Finn hates his reflection. He knows he's handsome but sees his father in his eyes every time.
  • He is extremely affectionate physically and is always one to hug even a total stranger in greeting.
  • Finn loves the game truth or dare but seems to rarely pick "truth" when playing.
  • Even from a young age, Finn has been a bit of an insomniac and prefers napping across the day than a long rest overnight.
  • He has a fascination with the night sky though doesn't enjoy talking about why that is.
  • When picking his new name, the only thing that came to mind was the history of leaders before him and his father. Finnegan was somewhere in the lineage though he has no clue why he remembered that name.

Headfirst - The Royal
Lemondrop - Raynes
Seven - Sleeping At Last
Important Links

  • Trouble- Capital T! Look, Finn isn't looking for trouble. Trouble just finds him! Often the accidental rulebreaker, he doesn't mind his reputation if it makes you laugh. So what do you say? Feel like causing mischief with him?
  • Social Butterfly, Broken Wing. Finnegan is the one who collects acquaintances more than true friends. He is great as getting things started but doesn't break his walls easily. But he wants true friends. Is there a cat out there that can earn his trust to be readily declared such?
  • The Truth. The Whole Truth. Finn holds his secrets close, even if they are ones that shouldn't ever come to fruition. It's more like fear of manifesting something even if the reality is his past isn't coming after him. Who can earn his trust to make him break and finally spill the truth?
  • His original design inspiration came from Mambastar's Generator but I took creative liberties
  • Personality inspiration started with Sunshine by Jef Joslin
  • My hope was to design a story surrounding the idea of "this is a new chapter in my life" and how to try and 180 your life.
RP Tracker
  • n/a
  • n/a
  • n/a


I think I found a place for us → It's down by Garden after dark → It's in my arms, it's in my arms.