Kuro Suzuki



1 year, 2 months ago


Personal Data
Kuro Suzuki
Feline Agility
The Rogues
March 14th
Blood Type
Ancient Egyptian History and Mythology, Acrobatics and Parkour,and Art and Creativity
Fighting Style
Close-range Combat
Hero's Status

Kuro Suzuki was born in Musutafu, a vibrant city in Japan, to an Egyptian immigrant family. Her parents, Omar and Aya Suzuki, had moved to Japan in search of better opportunities and a new life. Growing up, Kuro was immersed in a unique blend of Japanese and Egyptian cultures, experiencing the rich traditions and values of both worlds. However, tragedy struck when Kuro was just ten years old. Her parents, hardworking individuals striving to provide for their family, fell victim to a violent crime in the city's underbelly. This devastating loss left Kuro and her younger sister, Kijo, alone and without the guidance and support of their parents. Facing the harsh realities of life in the impoverished neighborhoods of Musutafu, Kuro took on the responsibility of caring for her sister. The siblings struggled to make ends meet, facing poverty and the constant threat of danger lurking in the shadows. As Kuro reached her teenage years, her quirk, Feline Agility, began to manifest. This quirk bestowed her with enhanced speed, reflexes, and agility reminiscent of a cat. Recognizing the potential of her newfound abilities, Kuro utilized her quirk to navigate the treacherous streets, honing her skills as a skilled and elusive figure within the local criminal underworld. Driven by the need to protect and provide for her sister, Kuro engaged in various acts of theft and acquired the skills necessary to survive. She became known as a skilled thief, utilizing her feline-inspired quirk to outmaneuver authorities and rival criminals alike. During one fateful encounter, Kuro intervened to protect a young Saku Aki from harassment by older kids. Intrigued by Saku's deranged yet unique nature, she extended her hand in friendship, recognizing his potential to contribute to their shared struggle for survival. This encounter marked the beginning of a deep bond between Kuro and Saku. As time passed, Kuro and Saku founded a group called "The Rogues," a gathering of individuals who had also experienced the hardships of life and were willing to fight against injustice. With Kuro's leadership, the group grew, attracting like-minded individuals with their shared vision of a better world. Together, The Rogues established an illegal underground bar in Musutafu. This bar served as their base of operations, allowing them to plan and execute daring heists and other clandestine activities. Kuro's cunning, wisdom, and tactical intelligence guided The Rogues' endeavors, ensuring their success while keeping their true intentions hidden from prying eyes. Throughout her journey, Kuro remained fiercely loyal to her sister and The Rogues, treating them as her chosen family. Her traumatic past and the responsibility she carries for her loved ones have shaped her into a compassionate yet resilient leader. Kuro is driven by a desire to dismantle corrupt systems, protect the innocent, and create a world where people like her and her sister can thrive without fear and oppression.


Ability 1
Feline Agility: Kuro possesses incredible agility and reflexes, allowing her to move swiftly and gracefully. She can effortlessly perform acrobatic maneuvers, leap across rooftops, and navigate through tight spaces with ease.
Ability 2
Enhanced Senses: Kuro's senses are heightened, resembling those of a cat. Her hearing, sight, and sense of smell are exceptionally sharp, allowing her to detect subtle changes in her environment and perceive details others may miss.
Ability 3
Cat-like Reflexes: Kuro's reflexes are heightened to near-superhuman levels. She can react swiftly to incoming threats, effortlessly dodging attacks and countering with precision and speed.
Ability 4
Claws and Climbing: Kuro possesses retractable claws on her fingertips, which she can extend at will. These sharp claws aid her in climbing walls, enhancing her mobility and providing an advantage in close combat.
Ability 5
Stealth and Stealthy Movement: Kuro excels in stealth and covert operations. She can move silently, blending into the shadows, and remain undetected even in the most challenging environments. Her agility and feline instincts allow her to navigate stealthily and maintain the element of surprise.

Feline Agility
Kuro Suzuki possesses the quirk known as Feline Agility, inspired by the agility and reflexes of a cat. This quirk grants her enhanced physical abilities, allowing her to move with incredible speed, agility, and flexibility.
Super Moves

Shadowcat's Reckoning
Shadowcat's Reckoning is Kuro Suzuki's devastating super move, combining her feline agility, stealth, and razor-sharp claws. She blends into the shadows, launching lightning-fast, precise strikes at vital points, incapacitating her enemies with a concentrated finishing blow.
  • Nightfall Whispers
    Nightfall Whispers is Kuro Suzuki's sub move, where she uses her mastery of stealth and misdirection to confuse and disorient her opponents. By emitting unsettling whispers and swiftly maneuvering through shadows, she capitalizes on the distraction to strike with precision and exploit her enemies' confusion.

Saku Aki | Boyfriend
Kuro Suzuki and Saku Aki met when Kuro rescued Saku from being bullied by older kids. Despite Saku's unusual nature, Kuro saw a kindred spirit in him and accepted him. This encounter forged a deep bond between them and led to the formation of "The Rogues."
Kijo Suzuki | Little Sister
Kuro Suzuki and Kijo share a profound bond as siblings. Kuro acts as a parental figure, protecting and providing for Kijo after the loss of their parents. Their shared experiences have created a deep sense of trust and loyalty between them.
Hinami Tanmatsu | Friend/Coworker
Hinami met Kuro, the boss of the Rogues, after her release from jail. Seeing her potential, Kuro invited her to join their organization, impressed by her skills and determination. Hinami accepted, finding a new purpose and a family among the Rogues.