Akira Emiko



9 months, 25 days ago


Personal Data
Akira Emiko
Ghost Manipulation
The Rouges
March 9th
165.1 cm
Blood Type
the Supernatural, Challenging Battles, and Artistic Expressions
Fighting Style
mid-range combat
Hero's Status

Akira Emiko, known by her alias Phantom, has a past shrouded in darkness and pain. Born into an Asian American family, her early life was marked by hardship, abuse, and neglect. Her parents struggled with their own demons, leaving Akira to navigate a turbulent childhood on her own. The absence of love and support led her down a path of isolation and self-reliance. Amidst the bleakness of her upbringing, Akira's life took an unexpected turn when she encountered Kuro, a mysterious figure who sensed something exceptional within her. Kuro recognized Akira's potential to harness the ethereal energies that intertwined with the spirit world. With his guidance, she began to develop her innate abilities, learning to communicate with ghosts, manipulate spectral entities, and even momentarily phase in and out of her physical form. As her powers grew, so did her yearning for something more. Akira's hunger for control and power led her down a rebellious path, drawing her into the fold of the Rogues—a group of villains who sought to challenge the established order. Within this twisted family of outlaws, she found solace, camaraderie, and an unexpected bond with her fellow Rogues. One individual, in particular, captured Akira's heart: Hinami, a kindred spirit who had also suffered greatly. Their shared pain forged an unbreakable friendship, providing Akira with a connection she had never experienced before. Alongside Hinami, Akira also found a lover in Atsuhiro Sako, someone who understood her darkness and desired the same kind of power and vengeance. As part of the Rogues, Akira's abilities flourished. She refined her skills in spectral manipulation, mastering the art of summoning ghostly apparitions, channeling their energies into attacks, and even temporarily shifting into an ethereal state. The Rogues became her twisted family, bonded not by blood but by shared anguish, ambition, and a desire for freedom from a world that had wronged them. Akira's choice to become a villain was fueled by her rejection of a society she deemed unjust and oppressive. Authority figures represented everything she despised—symbols of a hero system that perpetuated inequality and favored those in power. In the Rogues, she found a platform to challenge this system, to take control of her own destiny, and to reshape the world according to her own vision.


Ethereal Form Manipulation
Phantom possesses the unique capability to temporarily shift her physical form into an ethereal or ghost-like state. In this state, her body becomes intangible and can pass through solid objects, making her difficult to touch or harm. While in this form, she gains heightened agility and the ability to levitate, allowing her to move effortlessly through the air. This ability provides her with a powerful defensive maneuver, allowing her to evade attacks and maneuver around opponents with finesse. Additionally, it enables her to surprise foes by phasing through obstacles and appearing in unexpected locations, creating opportunities for strategic positioning and surprise attacks.
Spectral Projection
Phantom's mastery over ghostly entities extends to the ability to summon and control ghostly apparitions to aid her in various tasks. These summoned spirits can take on a range of forms, from wisps to larger spectral creatures. One application of this ability is to employ the spirits for reconnaissance—sending them ahead to scout an area or gather information. In combat, she can utilize these summoned entities to create distractions, confuse opponents, or launch coordinated attacks. Each spirit has its own unique spectral abilities that complement Phantom's own powers, adding an element of unpredictability to her fighting style.

Ghost Manipulation
Akira's quirk allows her to manipulate and interact with ghostly entities and energies. She can communicate with spirits, control their powers, and harness them to her advantage. Additionally, she possesses the ability to split in and out of her body, becoming invisible to others while still being able to interact with people and objects.
  • Spectral Attacks
    Phantom can channel ghostly energy into her attacks, imbuing them with supernatural properties. She can project spectral projectiles, release blasts of ghostly energy, and create illusions that deceive opponents. These attacks often catch foes off-guard due to their ethereal and unpredictable nature.
Super Moves

Ephemeral Nexus - Spectral Convergence
When activating this move, Phantom gathers multiple ghostly apparitions from her surroundings, drawing their energies together into a centralized nexus. The ethereal entities merge, forming a swirling vortex of spectral energy that engulfs her. As the nexus forms, Phantom's presence becomes intangible and elusive, making it challenging for opponents to predict her movements. The Ephemeral Nexus grants her enhanced spectral power, heightening her speed, strength, and agility while augmenting her control over her quirk's abilities. Within this vortex of energy, she can swiftly shift between her ethereal form and her solid form, making her movements unpredictable and evasive. She can launch devastating spectral attacks with amplified force and deploy her spectral summons in rapid succession. Phantom's ultimate move reaches its climax with a dramatic release of energy. She directs the gathered spectral forces into a concentrated blast of ethereal energy, a devastating wave that sweeps across the battlefield. Upon impact, the blast disrupts the fabric of reality, temporarily distorting space and time, disorienting and incapacitating opponents caught within its range.
  • Wraithwalk - Ghostly Infiltration
    In Wraithwalk mode, Phantom's ethereal form becomes even more fluid and elusive. She can effortlessly phase through solid objects without leaving a trace, making her nearly impossible to detect by conventional means. As she moves through walls, floors, and obstacles, she gains insights into the layout of the environment and the positions of her enemies. This sub move allows her to reposition herself strategically, surprising opponents from unexpected angles and launching attacks from vantage points that her adversaries might not anticipate. It's a move designed for espionage, stealthy reconnaissance, and setting up surprise attacks. Additionally, Wraithwalk enhances her ability to manipulate objects from within, potentially sabotaging equipment or creating diversions without direct physical interaction.

Hinami Tanmatsu | Best friend
Akira Emiko (Phantom) and Hinami share a profound sisterly bond forged through shared pain, ambitions, and unwavering support. Akira's protective instincts often lead her to keep Hinami at a distance, fearing her involvement with Bakugo. However, their connection remains unbreakable, demonstrated by their united front whenever Hinami faces danger. Their relationship echoes Deku and Bakugo's but healthier, characterized by unconditional love and occasional clashes. Despite differences, their mutual respect and dedication create a unique and compelling dynamic that enriches their individual journeys within the Rogues.
Atsuhiro Sako | Boyfriend
United by shared pain and aligned ambitions, their connection is marked by intense passion, vulnerability, and occasional conflicts. Their love story defies conventions, unfolding amidst the shadows of their villainous lives. As they navigate their roles in a chaotic world, their relationship becomes a reflection of their shared darkness, mutual support, and the complexities that define their unconventional romance.