Kodiak Zhou



1 year, 2 months ago



Gender cis male

Pronouns he/him

Age 31

Birthday November 11th

Sexuality Bi, fem pref

Race Chinese

Species Godzilla Rift

Zodiac ???

Kodiak is from a TTRPG game called "City of Mist", where the characters are/are given powers by various mythological beings. He was given powers by Godzilla, and therefore has that giant lizard screeching in his head, telling him what to do. He's big, tough, and scary, even though he wouldn't exactly like to be any of those things. He's gruff and knows how to talk well to people, and thinks that he's laid back, even though he feels the need to be busy constantly. Also he wears shades indoors.

Kodiak Zhou

Height 6'2""

Weight 290 lbs

Eyes Yellow, snake-like

Skin Tone Light Tan

Hair Color Natural black, dyed dark teal

Aesthetic Business casual

Alignment Chaotic Good

Design Notes

  • Do NOT draw him skinny. He's a certified husky boy
  • His hair is thick, straight, shoulder length, and half up in a samurai knot
  • Check his headshot image for a more accurate reference of his face! The main ref image was too tiny to fit much


Kodiak Zhou once was a normal dude with a dream of making a difference. Having grown up in a small port-adjacent town, he spent a lot of time with nature and quiet. This led to him eventually studying ecology in college, though when he couldn't get a job in the field post-graduation, he wound up moving to the City of Mist to seek employment. He eventually became a bartender at Signal Noise, a medium-high end club. When he grew bored with his bartending, he also began doing work as an information broker, selling information to anyone who would buy it.

This would eventually bite him in the ass, as one of his clients came back with their friends and a plan for revenge. As Kodiak would sell information to nearly anyone, this meant that he was playing both sides between cops and criminals. He wasn't sure which one this group belonged to, but they ambused him when he was out behind Signal Noise for a smoke break. After a bretty one sided fight, Kodiak was left beaten half to death behind the bar, and that was when his abilities were granted to him.


  • Seafood
  • Taking care of his orchids
  • Fishing
  • Cooking
  • Cookouts with the boys


  • Crowds
  • Sour foods
  • Stuck up people
  • The dark
  • Small spaces


He's more intimidating than he'd like to be, due to his stature and status as Godzilla's next of kin, but he really would like to be perceived as a gentle dude! That doesn't stop him from escalating nearly every conflict he's put in, though. He's blunt and down to earth, if you're his friend, you can tell him a secret and feel safe that he'll never tell a soul.


  • His taste for seafood defeloped after he was Awakened
  • His house is super humid because he generates heat and the city is quite wet