Kara (Powers / Abilities)



Powers / Abilities

Kara lacks any special combat abilities but makes up for it with her hand to hand combat, knife and gun skills. What makes her so dangerous is her usage of shadows.

Unlike her father, Kara can't attack anyone with the shadows she uses, but she can still use them to get the upper hand on her enemies. She has a pocket of unknown size somewhere that she uses to store small weapons, tools and really anything she might need when she goes on a mission. She also uses them to travel long and short distances.

She can use the shadows around her to silently move about and even travel to various places in the world in a matter of seconds. This ability is limited by her own knowledge since she can't shadow-walk to a place she's never been before. In order for her to shadow-walk somewhere she's has to visit that location at least once. This is usually why she'll do a recon mission before bringing in others so she knows exactly where everything is and how to get anything her team might need.

Having shadow based powers does give her an obvious weakness to light, but she always has an escape plan if she ever needs to get out of a sticky situation.


  • quick thinker
  • great at making plans and back-up plans
  • intelligent
  • stealthy
  • escape artist


  • large amounts of light
  • can't fight larger groups without her shadows
  • can't shadow-walk through things; needs a hole or crack to shadow-walk through