


1 year, 2 months ago


Prince Ashura

Creator Peach Pear
Designer Peach Pear
Obtained 08/22/2021

Was made and designed by Peach Pear, for use with in the Pardaris World.

Full Name Prince Ashura, First of His Name

Age 57 human years

Race Altoneian

Gender Male

Parents Queen Marsari + Bosseli

Birth Date 01/27/####

Kingdom Noctrum

Sexuality Homosexual

Relationship Married

Religion Worships Hayle, Aritha, and Tharn

Solstice Summer


Status Prince

Residence Albern Palace

Alignment Neutral Good

Theme Home - Passenger

Nicknames 'Shura
Aliases Prince of Frost

Ashura, prince of Noctrum Kingdom, is the arranged husband of Bryce of the kingdom Redcliff. They were matched together in an effort to end the ongoing war plaguing the Pandarian Continent. He is the bastard-born child of Queen Masari and a peasant (who is currently deceased), due to this he is still titled as a prince, yet he is not seen as such. He is snarky and difficult, only able to go along with the marriage to Bryce out of the promise of peace on the Continent.


Height 8'4"

Body Type Thin

Wet Blood Color Dark Blue

Dry Blood Color Black

Weight 280

Body Shape Rectangle

Significant Other Prince Bryce

Sex Male

Voice Claim

Dominant Hand Right Handed

Since Ashura is a bastard born, his fur is not white like the others in the royal family, instead he has lush, light gray fur with blue accented markings. His hair is raven black and is curly when unkept, most of the time, however, it is slicked back. His most notable feature is his eyes, of which are a vibrant, icy, blue.


As a Noctrum prince, Ashura is expected to dress according to the royal family's tastes, however, he often does what he wants. He wears a loose cream tunic, dark gray trousers, and a teal cloth belt. During more formal occasions, when doing what he wants is no longer an option under any circumstances, he wears an opened-backed vest with flowing sleeves and loose black pants. Despite the cold temperatures of the north, he is able to wear more "revealing" clothing due to his thick fur. However, said fur is shaved around his face and hands to keep up the well-groomed, princely, appearance.


Since Ashura is still considered royalty he is required to wear his crown, a thin loop of iron with three protruding spikes when seen in public. However, many of his citizens, servants, and family, don't believe he deserves the honor considering his birth.

Body Modifications

Ashura has several diagonal scars across his shoulder blades from an accident involving his older siblings and two piercings in each of his ears for silver looped earrings and occasionally sapphire studs.

Design Notes
  • Altoneians are very strict when it comes to fur color. The nobility are often dark gray or black while the royal family is strictly white. Ashura being the mix of a noble and a member of the royal family is an in-between gray despite being a prince.
  • His eyes are described as being extremely blue and sharp.
  • While often hidden by his little wisped of hair that falls out of his slicked-back hair, he has a little star formed by his Altoneian markings.


Positive Traits

Innovative Resourceful Resilient Punctual Decisive
Neutral Traits

Curious Honest Observant Neat/Tidy
Negative Traits

Snarky Cynical Confrontational Stubborn Abrasive

Ashura's main goal is to set up a home for himself, because sure he dreams of adventure and exploration, but really what he longs for is a place where he feels he belongs, a place were he can feel like himself.
Growing up in the palace, Ashura wasn't able to see the world outside of Noctrum. One day, he wishes to see the whole world to make up for the year he spent shut in a kingdom full of people who hate him.
One of Ashura's secrets that eventually gets out to his husband is the number of affairs he had during his and Bryce’s engagement up until he was caught. Ashura has an irrational need where he wants to feel important, offering himself to whoever would take him was a way for him to be something important, even if it was just for a moment.
Ashura's greatest fear is that he'll never be accepted as an individual and will die remembered as nothing more than the bastard prince of Noctrum.


  • Orchids
  • Freezing Weather
  • Reading/Research
  • Sweets
  • Daydreaming
  • Forest Walks
  • Sour Things
  • Authority
  • Bugs
  • Heat
  • Crowds
  • Loud Noises

Despite his own self-image of himself behind closed doors, Ashura holds himself highly when in the public eye. He doesn't want the citizens to see that their words get to him because he is supposed to be above them. He acts withdrawn and highfalutin around others to himself the appearance of someone who doesn't care. He is brutally honest about subjects of conversation, yet still tries to change the subject about things he isn't comfortable with.

The real Ashura, the one the citizen or his family never gets to see, is sensitive and nerdy. He reads tons of books about the biology of Pandaris and loves to learn about the world outside of Noctrum Kingdom. If you get him talking about the plants he's read about you will never get him to stop talking. He still tries to act sure of himself around friends, but it is less so, to the point where he is very upfront and more carefree.



  • Flicks his ear when annoyed (much like a cow)
  • Constantly sctaching himself
  • Sticks his tongue out while thinking
  • Hums to himself
  • Neat Freak
  • Writes page numbers down on his palm
  • Walks with chin high, and confident steps
  • Speaks clearly, despite his accent when speaking in common
  • Uses a lot of body language rather than actual words
  • Reading
  • Nature Walks
  • Writing out research
  • Corwalk River Orchids
  • Botany Books
  • Content.
  • Knowlege is control, and knowledge is comfort.
  • Sometime the only company you need if yourself.
  • Strangers can break you, keep your trust close to your chest.


pessimist optimist
naïve perceptive
introverted extroverted
open reserved
sassy polite
moral immoral
patient foolhardy

fight flight
fawn freeze

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  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Exercitationem eaque ipsum, voluptas pariatur autem iure quo excepturi enim modi possimus corrupti aut laboriosam commodi. Eveniet facere sunt voluptas tenetur hic.
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  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Exercitationem eaque ipsum, voluptas pariatur autem iure quo excepturi enim modi possimus corrupti aut laboriosam commodi. Eveniet facere sunt voluptas tenetur hic.
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  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Exercitationem eaque ipsum, voluptas pariatur autem iure quo excepturi enim modi possimus corrupti aut laboriosam commodi. Eveniet facere sunt voluptas tenetur hic.
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  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Exercitationem eaque ipsum, voluptas pariatur autem iure quo excepturi enim modi possimus corrupti aut laboriosam commodi. Eveniet facere sunt voluptas tenetur hic.
  • Content.
  • Content.
  • Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Exercitationem eaque ipsum, voluptas pariatur autem iure quo excepturi enim modi possimus corrupti aut laboriosam commodi. Eveniet facere sunt voluptas tenetur hic.
  • Content.
  • Content.


Birthplace Content

Nationality Content

Current Residence Content

Current Occupation Content

Previous Residence(s) Content

Previous Occupation(s) Content

Education Level Content

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante."

—character to character in something | XXXX

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante."

—character to character in something | XXXX

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer posuere erat a ante."

—character to character in something | XXXX



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sed, quam excepturi a voluptate quasi nam molestias, aliquam quaerat animi amet reiciendis aperiam autem modi non. Sunt voluptate magnam enim placeat? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tenetur in facilis voluptatum nemo ipsa iusto non aperiam voluptas, praesentium excepturi libero ullam vitae sint dolor mollitia possimus, pariatur hic beatae. Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quisquam exercitationem beatae, consequatur voluptas culpa ducimus accusantium? Neque, sint officiis, esse modi eligendi blanditiis, eveniet unde architecto praesentium eius voluptatem nulla.


Subheader 1

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Subheader 2

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Subheader 1

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Subheader 3

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Name [relationship]

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Impedit eius perspiciatis suscipit quos voluptates iusto in maxime consequatur assumenda voluptatibus veniam labore, tenetur, quo ipsum soluta sunt, laboriosam voluptas provident!

  • Content.
  • Content.
  • Content.
Name [relationship]

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Impedit eius perspiciatis suscipit quos voluptates iusto in maxime consequatur assumenda voluptatibus veniam labore, tenetur, quo ipsum soluta sunt, laboriosam voluptas provident!

  • Content.
  • Content.
  • Content.
Name [relationship]

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Impedit eius perspiciatis suscipit quos voluptates iusto in maxime consequatur assumenda voluptatibus veniam labore, tenetur, quo ipsum soluta sunt, laboriosam voluptas provident!

  • Content.
  • Content.
  • Content.


  • IC trivia stuff. Content. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Exercitationem eaque ipsum, voluptas pariatur autem iure quo excepturi enim modi possimus corrupti aut laboriosam commodi. Eveniet facere sunt voluptas tenetur hic.
  • Content.
  • Content.

Elijah - Matthew and the Atlas

Northern Attiude - Noah Kahan

The Family Jewels - MARINA

Fun Facts
  • A few fun facts.
  • Content.
  • Content.

OOC Trivia
  • This exists for you, the creator/author/owner/whoever you are, to explain your progress of this character. I.e., their original version, their first design, a buncha stuff you have planned for them, yada-yada. OOC stuff, pretty much.
  • Content.
  • Content.
  • Whatever inspired this character.
  • Content.
  • Content.
Extra Notes
  • Some extra notes.
  • Content.
  • Content.


The Altoneian didn’t smile, instead, he prickled, the light gray fur against his neck bristling up from where it was visible. “Ashura," he introduced with a bit too much tooth and fang.