


1 year, 1 month ago


NOTE: this character is still being conceptualized, so information is limited.


Sage of the Inferno

Salamand's current Sage, and the leader of the Red Band mercenaries. A fierce endra✝ warrior who is well-trained in physical combat as well as magical.

She was taken from her village as a child by the previous Sage of Salamand, who saw her potential and raised her not only as his heir but also as the future bride of his own son, Lunamis, who had no magical power to speak of. He was an strict and often cruel and selfish teacher, who disciplined her quite harshly. This led to her scheming with Lunamis to overthrow him as leader of the Red Band.

Under the new leadership of Akina, the Red Band has grown in power and influence, its members remaining loyal to her not out of fear as they had her predecessor, but out of a genuine respect for her and the care she and her husband show towards their well-being.

During the events of Song of Sages, it is Akina who finds Calum and takes him in, teaching him how to master fire magic and eventually naming him her representative champion in Azura's famed Mage Tournament.

  • ✝ - Endra are people who have the power to shift between animal and humanoid forms. Akina is a panther endra.