Chanterelle Barnes



1 year, 2 months ago

Basic Info



Psychic Ability





Psychonauts Field Agent


Square and heavyset, with light yellow skin and short dirty blond hair that hasn’t grown out yet. She has a strong browbone and bright blue eyes, as well as a handsome nose, but not much in the way of eyebrows  and lips. Dresses in a psychonauts jumpsuit or sweater and a heavy,  dark trenchcoat, always fully buttoned. If not wearing loafers, she is wearing work boots. Doesn't have great teeth. She usually only wears gloves on missions, but sometimes she wears them on normal days as well.

Recently known as Charles, Chanterelle is a psychonaut agent with the code name 'Blackbox.' This derives from the fact that she is completely psi-null- she has no psychic ability, and no psychic powers can be used on her. No clairvoyance, no telepathy, no confusion, no illusion. In addition, since no one has ever been able to enter it, despite repeated attempts, it's unknown if she has a mindscape. Considered to be on the extreme end of the <1st percentile in terms of psychic ability, and occasionally finds it frustrating, since she works among almost entirely psychics. Chanterelle uses many tools to aid her in her job and compensate for her lack of powers. Chief among them is the thought radio, which allows her to hear stray thoughts or target certain specific psychic wavelengths. She also has a specially designed Thinkerprint pin that generates a unique psychic signature. This allows her to access the motherlobe, despite having an unscannable brain, and it can be taken off to make her completely undetectable to psychic scanners. From her days as a private investigator, she has a revolver, which she keeps in working order but seldom uses because of its lethality.

Her colleague and oft-times dispatcher Liddell is one of her only close friends right now, as well as perhaps something a little more. She also maintains a cordial relationship with Otto Mentallis, who provides and modifies psychic gadgets for her usage, such as her Thinkerprint pin and her thought radio. Primarily works as an espionage agent, due to the inaccessibility of any information in her mind, her undetectability by brainwave sensors, and her immunity to mind altering powers. However, she is occasionally called to go on other missions, such as combat missions or errands to Whispering Rock Summer Camp.

Though she was never particularly cheerful, tending towards the laconic and serious, since coming out she has become even more reserved. She prefers to keep things all business, and is often frustrated by the inaccessibility baked into her job, despite working there for quite some time. It’s hard to get under her skin and get to truly know her, but if one is persistent, they will be rewarded with a still admittedly withdrawn, but warm and generous personality. To her embarrassment, Chanterelle is still really into cars; particularly, sporty muscle cars. She owns a very well taken care of black muscle car, and enjoys driving it around when she gets the chance. She also has more than a passing interest in radios and guns.