Dr. Ong



1 year, 2 months ago



Dr. Haomai Tuyen-Ong

31 [Born 50BBY]

Iqobal [Habitable Zone]



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The Republic Science Corps (formerly), The Galactic Empire



1.52 meters




Vietnamese (Cham)

Vietnamese (Cham)




  • Her eyes were a soft pink and yellow. As she continued using Zeltronian Sun-Poppy extracts, her eyes (sclera and all) became fully pink.
  • Dr. Ong's skin was naturally olive, and consistent sun exposure tanned her skin further. Time under Imperial custody made her lose her tan.
  • She had a birthmark above her lip which she concealed with makeup until she no longer had access to such things.

Dr. Ong

“Every flower withers. What matters is how proudly it stood before the sun.” ― Marty Rubin

Ai cần ai - Bảo Anh




Friendly Reserved

Mature Immature

Timid Brave

Sensitive Rough

Lazy Diligent

Complying Stubborn

  • Floral Scents
  • Helping others
  • Tookas
  • Pink
  • Physical Affection
  • Bitter foods
  • Being too serious
  • Painful procedures
  • Uniforms
  • Silence




Tuyen-Ong was born on Iqobal, in a small village on the gas giant's relatively small habitable zone. The eldest twin in the Haomai family of botanists, she took to gardening and a strong reliance on local flora at a young age--diligently reading the works of her family members before her learn everything she could about flowers. Originally fond of them for culinary purposes, Tuyen-Ong later became fascinated by medicinal plants thanks to her grandmother's work studying the Yenlong Barley--a strain of barley local to Iqobal which acted as an accelerant in bacta production.

Thanks to her brother's musical skill and her personable attitude, the two marketed the healing properties of Yenlong Barley across the Polith system, gaining a sizeable fortune for their small settlement as well as notoriety for their work. After receiving a scholarship from Athakam Medtech for her work in medicine, Tuyen enrolled in the First Republic Medical Academy of Coruscant and graduated with a doctorate in plant medicine. She returned to work for Athkam Medtech for a few years, assisting with the development of the SmartMed 1000 Integrated System, which reduced injury, lessened the effects of wounds, and assisted in recovery. She grew tired of being cooped up in one place for too long, and later moved on to acting as an independent medical researcher for institutions she saw as a good cause.


By the time of the Clone Wars, Iqobal had fallen to Separatist rule, and Dr. Ong could not return. Deeply upset by her inability to help her family and her people, she poured herself into her work as a healer, gaining a position as a field researcher for the Grand Republic Medical Facility on Coruscant. From there, she was tasked with doing very much the same as before, working for the Republic Science Corps by travelling far and wide across the galaxy to search for new breakthroughs, techniques, and tools that would better help heal those affected by the war. Joined by Coruscant Guard member Lt. Salve, the duo would revolutionize battkefield medicine with their discoveries. This would last until the 19BBY, when the Great Jedi Purge saw Lt. Salve reassigned to a new project and Dr. Ong taken into custody to formulate a new fast-acting Bacta for use in tanks necessary for a classified Imperial facility on Mustafar.


During the transitional period between the Republic and the Empire, Dr. Ong attempted to go AWOL from the Republic Science Corps as it transitioned into an Imperial facility. Captured by bounty hunters and returned to military custody, she was given an ultimatum: continue your work on painkillers and Bacta cultivation, or her family and her people would suffer the consequences, as she was technically guilty of treason. She accepted, feeling as though she had little choice otherwise, and was removed of her usual pink garb and homebrewed medical gadgetry. Fitted with a drab uniform and given a tiny, windowless room in Imperial barracks, Tuyen found herself becoming strangled by the cold, dreary and terrifying new life under the Empire. Her only reprieve came in the form of her thousands and thousands of vials of biofloral essences--their luminous colorful hues being the only source of vibrancy in her otherwise monochromatic existence. To cope with her new projects, experiments, and lack of autonomy, she began taking doses of the Zeltronian Sun-Poppy, allowing her to feel euphoria at the cost of a slowly growing dependency. She began to wear dark goggles to hide her ever-pinkening eyes, a side effect of Sun-Poppy use.

In late 19 BBY, Dr. Ong would be transferred to a new, top-secret project on Mount Tantiss, becoming the facility's anesthesiologist and bacta specialist, though she found herself doing little in the way of soothing pain and more often than not was responsible for finding new ways to exploit pain receptors instead. She continued her work in a poppy-fueled haze, hoping to be reassigned as quickly as possible.






Tuyen [friends only], Dr. Ong


3w2(?) 2w3(?)

Medical Doctor

Single (she was in Imperial custody, my dude)


  • Her PINK OUTFIT was her default appearance PRIOR to 19BBY, her BLACK OUTFIT (a wip) was how she appeared after the end of The Clone Wars.
  • While working for the RSC, she had a reputation for sneakily learning what her colleagues liked to order at fast food restaurants, and buying them lunch even if they didn't ask.
  • She had an exceptionally small and round Tooka Doll she called "Mèo." It was filled with aromatic herbs that cooled it, giving it that "cool side of the pillow" feel. Mèo disappeared after Tuyen left the RSC.
  • Her eyes were initially yellow at birth, but turned pink over time due to using Sun-Poppies recreationally.




Dr. Ong was prepared with a special essence-dispenser, able to easily store hundreds of micro-dosage vials that contain medicinal plant essence. These essences did anything from soothing sunburns to reversing tissue damage.

She could refil her vials or create new ones on the spot, so long as she had samples of plants on hand.


Specializing in both plant-based and critical care medicine, Dr. Ong used her extensive knowledge of botanical cures to become an extremely well known and resourceful aenesthesiologist.


  • Skilled medic
  • Encyclopedic knowledge of Galactic flora
  • Resistant to many organic toxins/poisons


  • Easily coerced into service.
  • Had next to no combat skill.
  • Eventually developed an addiction to Zeltronian Sun-Poppy.




baby brother

While Tuyen loved her brother, she resented how easily he would compromise his integrity for a bit of dopamine. After Vien-Ong became a propaganda machine for the Empire and Dr. Ong herself became entangled in top secret projects, she decided that it was in Vien's best interest if they maintained as little contact as possible for his safety. They haven't spoken in years.


partner [professional]

Dr. Ong thought Salve was a worrywart, busybody, and chronically overserious soldier, but she was thankful to have such a pragmatic individual keeping her from getting blown to pieces. The doctor hoped that, whatever became of him after his time on Mount Tantiss, he couldn't remember her. Unfortunately, for the both of them, Salve would remember each stitch, injection, and experiment.


i'm a healer, but...

Initially somewhat contentious colleagues in the RSC. After his expulsion from the group, Dr. Ong would speak out against his morally repugnant practices, distancing herself and the organization from his awful experiments. This later made things a bit awkward when both doctors wound up on the Empire's payroll, with Hemlock reveling in his superiority over his former peer.