yooo omg a need lol


paypal: [email protected]

character: Audrey (ponytail, purple cat shirt)

version:: kill

text style: 2

drink: custom (dr. pepper cream soda mayhaps? can doesn't have to be 100% accurate tho you can simplify/cartoonify it)

other: not that i can think of!

ych: SNAPCHAT KILL paypal: [email protected] character: https://toyhou.se/12917571.blair /// https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/48753421_F1Lw9ujVY9pCBAm.png version:: both text style: 1 drink: tropical redbull :3 (the yellow one) other: n/a!! lemme know if i need to add anything :3c

also NO idea why it condensed like that im sorry 3

LMAO it happens, sent you a DM!