

1 year, 5 months ago



As old as the Earth was formed (so, millions of years old)
Any pronouns, however He/him and She/her are used interchangeably
Ha-hah! Oh, you're a little funny one, aren't you?
― ??? Source

Vittankarmen is the godly creator of the Karmen Country, alongside the Karmens themselves. She is also considered to be the parent of Zuttan, Dettan, Summasaults, Odobelus, El' Phoe, Shauu 'Kka, and Pharamatara. Associated with plants and machines, Vittankarmen is one of the only gods who still has her power remaining from the superweapon's attack and more focused on keeping Karmen Country alive and well.


Vittankarmen's face is shaped like a leaf; just like a karmen mask. However two vibrant purples emit from the mask, three sharp lines on each side with two sides of fluff of her face. On her face, there's a giant yellow eye with a sharp pupil inside of multiple colors of muddy light yellow. There are two purple dots on each side, with large bug-shaped eyes in the middle. There are purple small pupils inside of the eyes, two more purple dots outside of the eyes are on each side. A large purple nose is in the middle, with one small purple dot on the side. Two dark muddy yellow tusks are on each side on the bottom of her face, two of each being larger than the first tusk.

A darker muddy yellow fluffy chest is underneath her face, with it vaguely resembling a upside-down triangle with fluffy spikes at the end. A eye with a sharp pupil is at the middle of the fluffy chest, being a light yellow color. Two dots are on each side, the largest a vibrant purple and the smallest light yellow. Underneath the fluffy chest is a thorned chest floating onto another, with each side having one purple dot and a purple circle, a yellow within the circles. The rest of the chest is colored pitch black. It floats on top of what looks to be a jaw, with two large spikes at the sides with fluff emitting from the bottom sides. They have the same symbols as on the chest, placed on both sides. The jaw is pitch black with inside of it what looks to be a sharp purple tongue.

Coming out of the bottom spikes of Vittankarmen's torso is a long yellow striped arm on each side, with a large yellow fluff looking like long arm-warmers. Two purple circles and one smaller dot are on the top, connected to three sharp claws on each side. On the first circle on both sides is a sharp pupil with layered muddy yellows, with the next circle having only one muddy colored yellow on the inside. The dot is just a purple dot.

In Vittankarmen's mortal forms, she has two. They are both short like a normal Karmen and have teeth on the bottom, all connected together. Both masks have dots surrounding the sharp eyes, what can be seen as joy. Eyebrows were on top next to another smaller dot on each side. Both have an eye with a sharp pupil in the middle, smaller dots surrounding it. They also both have a hanging fluffy coat on their arms, surrounding their entire hands and only the hands peaking out. They have dots on the fluff. Both forms represent either Dettankarmen or Zuttankarmen in some way, having their seperate features.


Vittankarmen is a joyful god who enjoys to chat and converse with food on the side; however seems to be more isolated lately. Even then, any mortals who happen to stumble into her garden will be treated with kindness and a cup of tea; unless they happen to try and hurt any of the plants within.

Vittankarmen is also very emotional regarding what he cares about, and can go into lengthy debates about anything small. She likes to be playful with anyone, especially liking to chat with other mortals. Vittankarmen is very easy to excite, with the smallest of gifts.


It was said that Vittankarmen appeared as the earth began to form, and was a mere plant as creatures rose to the surface. Vittankarmen was the first plant with green hues, and grew further and further as time developed on. It's said that Shookles are millions of years old, as they were one of the first living flora that were created (or, well, documented??).

Vittankarmen always remained onto the surface, as he watched another race began to build homes for themselves. They were the Karmens, and Vittankarmen took great interest in others who seemed to be the same as him. She grew numerous plants, poisonous for weaponary and fruity for the taste. Vittankarmen found great joy in how the Karmens used the life she created in numberous ways to survive.

When Vittankarmen finally showed herself to the Karmens, the Karmens were awestruck by the appearance of Vittankarmen. Instead of a simple fern now, Vittankarmen was multiple colors of purple and green, and revealed they were the creator of the plants that had abilities unheard of. The Karmens were impressed, and for Vittankarmens kindness began to wore masks resembling the face of Vittankarmen in respect for the deity- and in return, Vittankarmen promised protection for them, no matter where the place was.

As time grew on, Vittankarmen kept his distance still from the Karmens. Even with each new plant being born, she watched their progress grow and grow. As Karmens began to spread out into the tundras and deserts, Vittankarmen decided to make beings like him- essentially, creating godly life to watch over the Karmens. Odobelus and Summasaults were the first to be born from this decision, and soon others followed.

However the peace and development of the Karmens culture did not last long, as Ah-Oohs began to hunt down the Karmens and enslave them for their architecture. All of the Karmen gods began to panic, even Summasaults and El' Phoe creating a humanoid yet locust-like being to ward the Ah-Oohs away. But it was never enough, as they came from the sea in waves. As Odobelus swam to investigate, he discovered that the Ah-Oohs own god was doing nothing to prevent the damage of what his people were causing. When Odobelus came back with this news, Vittankarmen began to fly into a fury at this discovery- and wanted to visit said god to "give them a piece of her mind", however things were getting worse and worse within the Karmen Country that Vittankarmen began to deny going out of the country and the island to find anymore help.

As Ah-Oohs began to settle on the Karmen Country itself, the rest of the gods tried everything alongside their hero. But it only resulted in more Karmens being hurt in the few months that followed on, that many of the Karmens began to run and hide to prevent being caught. The Karmen Country was soon going to be no more, and Vittankarmen wasn't going to let that ever happen.

However the destruction of the Ah-Oohs wasn't by Vittankarmens own doing, but another. A enslaved Karmen forced to create a superweapon by the queen, however set it off in defense. The Karmen was unknowing of the power, as it almost eradicated everything it touched- leaving the Ah-Ooh castles into nothing but rubble and soil. Vittankarmen and her children grew weak like the rest of the gods, as Vittankarmen felt he was responsible for this.

To try and make things less worse, Vittankarmen created an egg to project all her thoughts into as she went to take a deep sleep from the events. Once it was finished, she gave the egg to the youngest child of hers; El' Phoe. The egg was placed within the wastes and began to slowly heal all of the damage caused, as Karmens began to protect the egg from it's power to heal and the shining light that came from the surface.

And as Vittankarmen fell into isolation within her garden, leaving her children on their own, the egg began to crack the moment the Patapons returned.


Vittankarmen, as one of the gods who hadn't lost a large portion of her power, is strong and scary to ever deal with. With an opening mask of teeth underneath that burn at the touch, and able to make plants strangle you into bits.. It's never recommended to fight her, even with the information needed.


  • "HER VOROUS TONGUE", able to sling out her giant tongue underneath the mask and grip a smaller person. The tongue's touch burns, able to burn and melt skin until it's nothing.
  • "A NATURAL SWIRL", able to create anything out of a single blade of grass, or a pitch of dirt.
  • "HER BEAUTIFUL WRATH", able to claw and tear anything in sight with her claws. With a single grip, you could get a longlasting scar that burns to the touch, unable to heal completely.
  • "JUST TAKE A DEEP BREATH", whenever Vittankarmen opens her two mouths, as fumes of gas emit.. it can send you into a dizzy nightmare, unable to recognize anything until they knock out. Those who breathe these fumes in often have longlasting effects in their vision.


  • Vittankarmens name is taken from Dettankarmen and Zuttankarmens names, as the V is one of the last members of the alphabet whilst I is at the beginning of it. They were chosen at random to make the name Vittankarmen.
  • The dots on Vittankarmens chest can be seen as nipples, or as a face. Vittankarmen has two mouths; underneath her chest and underneath her mask-face. Both of them are exactly the same, except one has sharp teeth surrounding it.
  • Vittankarmen adores bread and anything sweet, but her favorite stew is Doro wat dishes.

thank you to dvdexe for the html! please give them any support you can.