Goes crazy these r so good why did I find them so late 😭 can I snag #2 if they’re available? 👉👈

Yeah, of course!

eee awesome !! My PayPal’s [email protected] :D

Thank you! Request sent ^^

Paid! :D

#9 please!!! <3

Okay! Would you like an Invoice or my paypal?

Invoice! Same email as before! Want me to send it again?

No worries! Invoice sent! As a reminder, please do not use purchase protection 

I changed my mind i want #11 but sent!!! sorry for the wait!!!

ALSO!!! i might create a sepereate profile for the dansestor version!!! i know they are prob the same troll...but honestly they are diff enough to be different characters in my opinion!!! my tweak the lefts hairstyle alittle just to show they are 2 different!!!

Hi! I'm sorry, I really don't feel comfortable with you doing that,,,, I can sell you the troll as the same troll or I can sell you the original I marked you down for. I'm sorry for any confusion. 

2 Replies

i'd love to buy 10!

Of course! Would you like an invoice or would you prefer my paypal Email?

Either works for me!

I'm back!! if 4 is still available I will grab them now via ko-fi. if not I'd like to grab 6 instead

4 is absolutely still available! Would you like me to send you an invoice or would you like my email adress?

I'll take the email address

ohhhh i love #5!!!! would you be interested in a mix of art and money?

sobbingSpork's art examples - here's some examples of my style!! i was thinking $20 and a fully shaded half body as payment? :))

Yes that works just fine! 

Would you like my PayPal or would you prefer I invoice you?

apologies for the late reply, i've been busy with work!! what's your paypal link, i can send you the money asap, lmk what you want me to draw! :)


Does anyone in here (excluding the extra extra tent folder) interest you for 8? I can trade 2-3 of them and up to 10 dollars as well! ^^

Oh I'm so sorry! 8 is currently pending I've just not been at my computer so it's harder to update the list :(


Oh, alright! Is 1 still open? I've been looking at them too!

No, I'm sorry :(


That's alright! Thank you anyways! ^^

This user is not visible to guests.

Perfect! Would you like me to send you my paypal information or would you prefer to send yours?

This user is not visible to guests.
This user is not visible to guests.

Perfect! I can send you my paypal information or you can send me yours- whatever makes you more comfortable ^^

Just let me know and we can DM!

This user is not visible to guests.

just got paid so I'm offering the $35 base price on 4   

Perfect! Would you like me to resend my paypal information?

I'm so sorry, I'm going to have to back out of this. a lot came up since I offered on this and I don't feel comfortable spending on an adopt right now :( if things improve before they're gone I'm gonna try to snag one again, I really love your stuff.

Its alright!! I'm so so sorry to hear that and I really hope things clear up for you soon... : (
Would you like me to put them on hold for you? I don't mind at all! 

that's very sweet of you! but please keep it open in case someone else wants them, I want you to be able to get something for it as soon as you can. I'll come back when I can ^^

Ooo these folks are so lovely, awesome job designing them! My main faves in the batch are 1, 4, 5, 8, and 12! I'm waiting on my payday but I'll check in later to see which ones are available then!

I can offer up chibi art or half bodies for 3 and 7! I'm almost done with your other fullbody!

Hiya! I'm looking to buy number 7, where do I get the money to you? (Sorry if I missed anything in your account bio I'm new to toyhouse)

Hi! I can send you my paypal information or you can send me yours- whatever makes you more comfortable ^^

Just let me know and we can DM!

Yeah, you can send em the payapal info in my dm! Sorry for the late response I've been a bit busy

I have nothing to offer as of now, I just want to saw these all turned out beautiful! 1,5 and 10 are my faves. You really outdid yourself, Spacey !! Happy 4/13 :3 

Any chance you'd be interested in my bust art? I'm looking at 1, 5 and 8. I can also add in cash, or just pay for one at full price

Hey Spider! Which methods of payment would be most preferred for which adopts you like? EI would you like to pay full price for one and busts for the others or? 

That works for me! Lemme know how many busts total u want + which characters :3

Oh, no, its ok! I'm asking how many busts you would be willing to draw for one to make sure that your work is fairly compensated! 

Is four total okay? (Two for each character?)

If its alright I can sell you the Rust-Bot and the Cerulean-Sprite right now but I'm hoping to sell the olive for the cash price to someone else! So I can accept 2 busts for one and the cash for the other if thats alright ^^

If the deal on the olive falls through I will let you know! 

1 Replies

Absolutely dying over 5 and 12

I can offer trades from here for either of them!

I'm so sorry, no one here is really catching my heart right now :(

No worries! Thanks for looking anyways! <3