Ihi Huniflower



6 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Age/Birthday: 20, March 12

Pronouns: They/Them

Height: 5' 3"

Species: Elf

Kingdom: HonieField, The Gold Kingdom

Weapon of choice: Dragon Bond, small cantrips

Teammates: Ming and Tolk

Uncle: King Ingit

Likes: having his uncles approval, riches, night time

Dislikes: dragon bond pains, worries of what will happen with dragon bond, ming obvious mistrustful nature

Wanted Reward: None, doing this for uncles approval




Born into the most currently family ruling Huniefield.

Ihi is the nibling of the current ruler, King Ingit. from a young age Ingit took Ihi under his wing, treating like the heir to the throne. Ihi hardly saw his real parents and spent most of his day being taught under their uncles ruling. 

Ihi grew as Basically their uncles own child, and ihi was raised to want to do anything to please and prove his worth to the one man he saw as important in his life. 

When Ming had approached Ingits court and told him that he knew a way to bring power and great riches back to Huniefield, Ihi had become of something strange and even to their standers uncomfortable.

Ihi had not trust for Ming, in history Huniefield has been know for having its leadership swapped often as elves and dragonborn were constantly fighting over the throne. Ming was a dragonborn, coming from Zethras line, of the family that has fought the elves for the throne for generations.

Ming came under the intention of uniting the elves and dragonborn as the strongest race in the country, simply by bringing back Zethra, the most powerful and greedy dragon queen in their land. Ming said bring her back into the mortal world they would make her a leader that would destory all other kingdoms, putting the dragon kind and elves on top. they would have all the power and money with zethra back in power. and Ming had word that there was someone in the Black Lagoon on the brink of the discovery of how to do this. 

Ihi is quite distrustful of this, believing that they will be pushed under the bus by the dragonborns again. However his uncle has given is trust to Ming so Ihi will follow in sted. 

In this alliance and rise to power Ming had an ambitious plan.  to steal the information and take the upcoming race to travel to each kingdom and find the secret dragons stones as they were key to Zethras return. so until the time they would be preparing, giving them secret advantages to get the job done. sending spies to all the kingdoms to scout around, while inside the kingdom they will be working with secret dragon tech. 

most kingdoms used the left over of the dragon secret technology to improve their kingdoms, but most dont know the full information contained in this tech. Ming Dragonborn family has kep the secrets to themselves, as its something only dragons or those born of dragons can use as its a biological technology. advancements to weapons were made with the simple use or dragon tech and dragons blood. they made swords that hurt as a bear biting into your arm, arrows that sting like a poison with no applicants and most importantly, mutation based weapons. 

When the dragons ruled, Zethra has wanted to make dragons the only race, but destroy and repopulate was too slow for her. she started using dragon technology to forcefully reconstruct other racing into becoming the perfect dragon race. it was used and worked from time to time but it was still extremely dangerously experimental and has for the most part, gone nearly untouched since Zethra's downfall. 

Ihi was to be one of the first to use this technology in a long time outside of the Zethra dragonborn family line. 

Ihi has undergone changes to use these mutations in a berserk style fighting. appear as a regular elf but being able to activate the new dragon tech put inside themselves to cause them to go into a dangerous berserk mode causing a fast mass mutation to give them dragon appearance and strength. 

it seems to spread and cause ihi pain, and when it activates ihi has very little control over their violent nature. Ming has assured that Ihi power will be what will lead them to the future of the gold kingdom and King Ingit agrees with Ming. Ihi Doesn't speak. Ihi just follows intructions and suffers through.