


6 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Age/Birthday: 112, May 24

Pronouns: He/Him

Height: 8' 2"

Species: Gold Dragonborn

Kingdom: HonieField, The Gold Kingdom

Weapon of choice: Glaive and shield

Teammates: Ihi and Tolk

Mother: Zethra

Likes: Dragon superiority, dragon ruling, gold, power, being good at manipulation

Dislikes: Inferior races, the zethra clan being shunned, lack of power over the throne

Wanted Reward: its a secret




Ming, a dragon born just before the dragon wars to the queen of what is now Huniefield, Zethra. a powerful dragon queen  who ruled over his large kingdom with  great  power. she aimed to control everything, have riches and eradicate all races beside dragons or those of dragon linage. she ennslaved the elvish people of the forest, killed almost all but the few farmers of her kingdom, and breed with few mortals to have a few dragon born, seeing that they were a step in increasing the mass of draconic races  and replacing other on the world. 

in the beginning there was very few dragonborn from zethra, as she felt inferior to let herself breed with lesser beings often. she left it to her offspring to keep the growth of dragons.

Ming along with his few siblings were raised under Zethra guidance, and Ming. well Ming felt like one of the most important things in the world by Zethras side. She made his purpous seem to important. her ideology filled his mind and he would do anything to bring them to an all dragon future at her command. 

So at a young age the dragon wars started and Ming was too young to do anything but sit back and watch his mother and siblings and her army fight back those who wished to stop their plans. 

Ming was 12 by the tine the wars stopped and his mother was banished. Ming and the other dragonborns were all that was left. 

as the kingdoms rebuilt int he wreckage, Ming and the other dragonborns descending directly from Zethra banded together and flooded to take the throne in hopes of keeping Zethras plan strong. they kept the throne for only a short while before the clan of elfs that were taken from their homes and made to serve the dragon queen claimed they deserved the throne in the aftermath. a small war broke out in the kingdom of the dragonborns vs the people who wanted to leave the dragons behind.

the elfs got the throne and kept it for some time while the Zethra clan went underground, plotting. and soon they struck to take the throne back. 

this pattern has occurred a few time during the past 100 years, power of the throne exchanged by force through the Huniefield elf family and Zethra clan of Dragonborns. 

its been years since the dragonborns have had the throne,  Ming having taken a form of leadership in the clan has been planning away trying to figure out the next step when he heard word from one of his spies that a drow Black Lagoon was studying about the secrets of the country and recently has been learning secrets about the magic that banished the dragons. Ming has played the waiting game. once he heard the drows discovery on what exactly caused the dragons to disappear and how to get them back. He sent his best spies to steal the information and learn everything they can about them.

if the dragonborns alone cant get a hold of the throne or continue Zethras plans as she intended, then they would simply bring back the queen who was on the strong path to it. 

With their information they would be able to bring her back, but they couldn't just collect all the stones on their own without competently getting stopped out right away. so, they chose to use the one man who could get them the fire power to do it instead.

ming met with king ingit, call a truce on the war over the throne claiming to finally be done with it. instead he was here to help him further the kingdom, help them. all they would need in access to the storage of dragon technology they put away due to not being able to use (as it tech that could only be used by dragons) and that with the plans to bring back zethra they just needed to collect the stones. the race would be the perfect cover up to get into each kingdom and get the stones.

Now Ming along with ihi and tolk are ready to travel and bring back Zethra.

Ming of cource plans to bring back zethra and throw them under the bus when the time comes. But little does he know that when you open the bottle and pour, it will all pour out.