


1 year, 5 months ago


extra stuff:

- also known as "ehrummur", from their language.

- they have a great variety in coat patterns, most often being brown/tan/gray/white (much like other cervids). coats are also somewhat geographical, for example, northern sweden has a greater amount of bäckahästar with cool, grayish coats, while southern bäckahästar tend to be in warmer colours. unusual for many animals, bright white morphs are quite common in the species and don't seem to impede their survival much, and they occur in similar rates in all locations. it is most often the bright/white morphs that are actually pointed out by people to be "bäckahästar" while other morphs may or may not be mistaken for other mythological creatures (especially if they are in their humanoid forms).

- their lifespans are around 80 years

- their manes can kind of vary in how far it goes down the spine - the furthest it'll stop at is around the midpoint of its back

- cannot speak human languages in their regular forms due to lacking the appropriate vocal cords - their language consists of body language as well as very sophisticated grunts/whines/growls. they do have them in their faun forms and can therefore communicate verbally with humans through that, if they know the language.