🌊 Aonani



1 year, 1 month ago


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Name Aonani Solveig
Age 32
Alias Ao or Aonani
Gender Female [She/Her]
Team Name Sea Soul
Team Rank Diamond
Role Recruit
Branch Wayfarers

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  • Species: Springy Litwick
  • Level: 1
  • Nature: Gentle
  • Characteristic: Strong willed
  • Ability: Flame Body
  • Hometown: Sunbreak, Somerset Isles
  • Poke: N/A
Reference Here

Positive Traits

Straight-forward: She has no problem speaking her mind but is mindful to not hurt others in her habit of doing so.

Hardworking: Not afraid of getting down and dirty, scars, or strains, she will do what she can to complete a task put infront of her. She loves the challenge that comes with it, it always makes her smile.

Caring: Aonani is a warm person. She does her best to care about those she can, when she can.

Neutral Traits

Protective: She would do anything for those she cares about, and those that don't deserve the hatred or unfairness life tends to throw their way.

Curious: If something catches her attention she wants to explore it. To discover all that she can about it. Figure out how it works. Why it works. Etc.

Negative Traits

Vengeful: She has little problem dropping her warm act and turning to a burning, scalding, heat if there are those that hurt the ones she cares about. You hurt her loved ones, and she will turn up the heat.

Impulsive: From having no choices to having all of them, Aonani doesn't really stop to think about her decisions. She lets her heart guide her most of the time.

Critical: Despite her best efforts, remnants of her past cling to her. Mostly directed at herself, she is critical towards all her actions or appearances that she perceives as faults. She tries not to direct this towards other, it is mostly self-critical in nature because of her upbringing.

Introvert Extrovert
observant dense
Cruel Kind
organised messy
Cautious Adventurous

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Aonani flares her wings and fire, causing some damage and a chance to cause the other to flinch from the bright light.


Mixing pollen from her sunflower with her fire, a nauseating smog is produced which she pushes towards her opponent.

Pain Split

With a steady breath, Aonani takes in the others pain and balances it between them.

Heal Pulse

Gentle waves of healing energy comes off of Aonani. Warm and soothing.


Content Warning: Mentions of wars/major fighting, Violence, Discrimination, Strict / controlling parents, Backstabbing(figurative and literally), Wing breaking, Runaway, and Child/Adult Injury.

The thing you have to know about Somserset Isles is that it is divided into eighteen regions. Each for the typing of pokemon types. There exists pokemon in each land that are dual types, and those types are often looked down upon for not being as 'pure'. A label that comes from legends of the founding pokemon of the island being only mono-types and thus the strongest ones that could protect each region the best. This label of pure often led to dual types being harrassed, or neglected, and thought of as lesser. While prompting those of current 'pure' types to not wish to evolve out of fear of gaining that discrimination. This. This is the island Aonani was born into. One of strife and endless fighting between each region, aliances coming and going on whims.

At first she wasn't aware of the intricacies. She was born to one of the main prominant families within the Fire region. All she knew was her strict parents that would control her every move. Do this not that. Don't play with others. You're better than them. Stand tall. Don't speak out of turn. FIGHT. Politics and blade-fighting were introduced , and with it came the backstabbing. Both literally and figuratively. It was a messy business and one she couldn't easily escape from.

Aonani grew to hate it. To hate her parents. To hate this island. To yearn for more out of here and fly free from this insanity, blood and death, and lies and -- It was too much. Yet she had no way out. Not until she made a mistake. Finding a dying 'enemy' on their lands, instead of killing them she spared them. Gave them aid and helped them escape. She was found out. In a fit of rage, they held her down and blasted her wings with alternating fire and ice until they started to crack. Threatening to shatter. The one she helped escaped, a milcery, came back for her and helped her escape.

She ran away. Adal (The milcery) in tow. Together they escaped the island and bonded over their trauma of somerset, learning from each other as they started to travel. They settled on Kala Island. A peaceful place where Aonani picked up work as an apprentice blacksmith to a kind local. Soon she was his partner in the forge, finding she picked up the trade well and was decent with her quality. At least until a young man dropped by, looking for recruits to join his team. With nothing else to do, Adal and Aonani joined Team Sea Soul.


  • Height: 5'1''
  • Body Build: Inverted Triangle.
  • Her freckles and eyes glow.
  • She has burn scars/marks on her hands/lower arms.
  • Her wings have cracks in them.

  • !!!EXTRA INFO!!!

Some words here
Aesthetic Sunshine and Fire
Alignment Neutral Good
MBTI content
Sin Lust
Virtue Diligence

Designer JKDreamer
Obtained idk
Status content
Value $$$

Life Donors

There is no one other person (or people rather) in the world that she detest than her parents.


Her not-quite son. She plays guardian to him and together they learn how to be 'normal'.