Madame Honey



1 year, 2 months ago



Madame Honey

Age 26

Candy Chocolate Honey

Height 5ft 6in

Power Keeper

Alignment Neutral Good

Sexuality Pansexual

Pronouns She/Her

Code octopi

Madame Honey runs the Honeypot Tavern. She's an overworked but friendly sweet who is always trying to offer help to others. Her bee Bean is constantly at her side, she has a special link with them and can understand them completely. Honey uses her role as a tavern keep to offer shelter to anyone. (even sour candy folks down on their luck) If you are able to work, you can stay at a guest room upstairs! Unfortunately she ends up giving a lot more than she has, so she is a little in debited to a sweet named Mr.Eggo, but she believes it will all work out!


Madame Honey has the power of a Keeper, meaning Beans holds most of the power with her. Beans is able to grow 10x their own size, Honey able to ride them into battle or use them to fight in battles.

She also has a mermaid form! She usually isnt around any large bodies of water so its uncommon to see her like that, but it is still an ability she possesses by being a liquid candy (honey)


  • She loves to dance!
  • She used to be a very popular child singer, but gets embarassed if it is brought up.
  • Her father was actually a sour! (bitter dark chocolate)
  • Her arms up to her elbows are covered in burns.



Dr.Ian • Friend

Dr.Ian is a guest at the Honeypot Tavern! He helped fix Baron's eye and helped the two sweets reconnect (Even if it was accidental). Madame Honey sees Dr.Ian as a weird uncle they found in the trash and thinks he is very funny. She is not afraid to get him to work however; no freeloaders!


Baron • Friend

Baron is one of Honey's oldest friends. They had a falling out as teenagers during an accident at the tavern where she lost her dad and burned her arms/hands. She does not blame Baron for it today and loves him like a brother.


Mr.Eggo • Neutral

Mr.Eggo acts as Madame Honey's landlord. He helped offer her money to get the tavern fixed, but is constantly popping in to remind her of the payments due. She knows it is just his job, but finds him frustrating to deal with at times. Over the years he has grown more and more impatient.