Jackalyn Ludin



1 year, 1 month ago



Jackalyn Ludin






Petty  Smart  🍵

Jackie or Jackalyn is a young girl who attends High school in South Park.

She is a highly intellegent girl who enjoys viewing nature and the like. She became the popular girl due to always wanting revenge and being petty. If you get to know her though, you'll know she just has a bit of a temper sometimes, most of the time shes actually quite sweet


Lady Gaga

  • Gardening
  • Flowers/Plants
  • Lady Gaga
  • Inclement weather
  • People
  • Parks
  • Actually Gardening
  • Her weakness
  • Fragile things
  • Bright/Neon lights
  • Slobs
  • Feeling Fatique




  • She's been in and out of the hospital
  • She was put in public school at 9
  • She may have anger issues
  • Her favorite color is green
  • her favorite food is Cheesy Potato Balls
  • She tries to only wear soft clothing
  • She holds grudges
  • It's 50/50 that her revenge plan actually works
  • She's extremely smart that once she hit 12 she skipped a few grades

  • Flowers in her hair and makeup is optional!
  • When her nails are painted, it usually matches the main color
  • Her hair is slightly shorter in the back
  • Her shoes ahave a slight heel
Short Backstory

When Jackie was 4 they found she couldn't do many things, she was too weak to even cry properly, so for most of her life she's lived in a hospital, taking part in homeschool and heronly friends were hosptial staff and emotional support animals brought in.

As time went on, she became bitter, lacking remorse for anyone having loss out on her childhood due to her disease. She focused all of her time on learning, hoping to become smart enough that physical strength wouldn't matter

Short backstory p2

Once she turns 9 she finally becomes stable enough to go to public school, entering South Park elementry, where she can finally show off her intellegence and prove that in life that's all you need, a brain

But entering school has changed her, she starting caring more, caring about how others felt. This angered her because controlling these unknown feelings was so foreign, her whole life she knew ever outcome and things had become predictable, but actually being around humans, who had personality, feelings, a mind. A pleasant experenice was all she needed to make her a better person

Short Present Story

Now she turns 14, she had already skipped a few grades having been smarter then most her age, she was already sad having to leave behind the people she had gotten to know so well, but knowing she'd see them again was all she had to keep on working as hard as she could

Despite having turned over a new leaf she still had rements of her past haunt her, she was still petty, she was still quick to anger, but she had more control over this, but like many others her age, she'd just have to work on it

Currently, she has no friends

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But hopefully that'll change :3

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consectetur impedit corporis hic nobis, assumenda enim illum, atque esse vero odio qui aliquam, distinctio harum. Impedit nisi sed quam veniam expedita.


Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consectetur impedit corporis hic nobis, assumenda enim illum, atque esse vero odio qui aliquam, distinctio harum. Impedit nisi sed quam veniam expedita.

I guess it's nice to have friends sometimes...