Basic Info


Shu Liu / Zu Liu


Zuzu/ Shhhhhuuu/ Watermelon head/ Some ablino rat





Gender, Sexuality:

Male, Demi-Panromantic



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"Hi, cutie~ Wanna get red and blue slushies so people ask why our tongues are purple?"

Shu was once a young monstrous rat who belonged to the nest of rats in which his father, Aisling took care of. He was the most humanoid out of the nest and Aisling treated him the most human. With the ability to have a lanky horrific form and also turn into a small albino rat, Shu was tasked to watch over the royals of the MixScape for his parents, who wished to take down the whole world and act like he was superior. Through Shu's stalking experiences, he found himself not fond of the job, feeling guilty over the whole situation and wishing he didn't have to do such things for his parent...until the Queen herself had caught the small rat off guard.

Revealing himself to the Majesty herself, Shu begged for mercy, scared of what possibly this woman could do to him. But he receives kindness from the Queen as she forgives him for such actions as long as Shu tells her his father's plans. The Queen helped Shu change his looks to be more human once Shu had told her all he knew, feeling euphoric in his new body happy to be more human as the Queen took him to a new world where he could start anew.

Escaping the grasp of his parent and leaving the fantasy world, Shu, renamed to Zu lives out his life in a modern world tasked to do his own things and be independent. Through his journey he found himself going to a place for better education along with having interests in sweet foods, skateboarding and slushies, along with gaining a huge influencer career with his new good looks and flirtatious personality, which seemingly attracted his new possible partner, Blade, though, Zu wonders if his past comes back to bite him...

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Flirtatious - Naturally, Zu has a very flirtatious and outgoing personality, something that made him burst into the influencer gaze, having all the cute people swoon over him as if he was a charming devil in disguise...he's not, he's a rat.
Secretly Shy - Though behind the flirty nature, shows a more nervous and shy Shu, afraid to come out of his flavourful shell and be someone to finally accept the two lives he has lived by, scared of what consequences might be out there.
Clingy/Affectionate - Zu is a person who when he has people close to him, clings onto them for dear life and never lets go, wanting to always be by their side no matter what, the loneliness had gotten a bit too much for him when he first arrived by himself.
Impulsive - Zu when it comes to sticky situations can become impulsive and immediately choose a decision to escape the area, so there might come a time when he could immediately jump out the window.


Aisling - Shu's parental figure, someone he doesn't exactly have much interest in, as Aisling was just truthfully never that great of a parent, having priorities of worshipping a dead man rather than being some caring person for him.

Blade - Zu's boyfriend, a person probably closest to him and he cares about a lot, enjoying every moment hanging out with one another, though Zu is afraid to reveal his true identity to Blade...

C - Majesty of the MixScape, what an interesting Queen. After being Aisling's spy for a while he got to know the Queen once more, and the Queen got to know Shu's situation better, helping the poor rat out, which he's forever thankful for.

  • Slushies
  • Bright colours
  • Gold piercings 
  • Pretty boys in patched-up hoodies who likes rodents
  • Influencing (numbers, numbers, NUMBERS!)
  • Star-Gazing
  • Being in his monstrous rat form or his small rat form
  • Having to work with this parent (Aisling)
  • Other rodents (he's literally a hypocrite)
  • Superhero genre
  • large areas
