Basic Info


Rian [???]


The right-hand Snake


RJ/ Rotten Jelly/Guinea pig killer






Demi-Boy, Pansexual (is willing for an open relationship)




"Okay okay okay...Slow down, you're going too fast here."

Rian, usually Referred to as RJ is an easy-going yet mischievous person, with dangerous abilities that he cannot be bothered using. RJ used to be one of the villains that resided in a world that is now destroyed, being friends with Willa in their younger years as he would tease her and make fun of her while fulfilling his goal of wiping the world of its most destructive race. The human race. 

Through this RJ would use his ability of hypnotism to drive people insane or torture themselves until they died as a means for entertainment and as an effective way of achieving his goals, as once he would do that, he would kill himself so the world would be at peace. His plans never fully followed through as the world got destroyed by another force, deciding to play the anti-hero and prevent the destruction he failed and was sent to the underworld, to achieve a new goal, be the devil's right hand.

Once RJ achieved his goal he was bored with what to do with his life, not being able to do much he escaped and snuck out of the underworld as a demon, strangely without a proper demon form he discovered a whole new world with old familiar faces, and a whole new place to mess around within...



Laid-Back - RJ is a very laid-back person who often chills with the situations he's thrown into, often going with the flow for most things, though when things become more intense he steps in to stop a situation from getting worse
Devilish - RJ is a devilish and mischievous demon, often enjoying seeing others in a confused or dangerous state, seeing it as free entertainment.
Secretive - He was always a very mysterious and secretive person, especially to others he cares about, not wanting them to find out about who he truly was as a person...


Willa - Long time friend of RJ and also an old Rival, he used to tease her often using her name through the pun of "WIllawillyoudanceiwthme" which pissed her off every time, making him laugh.

Spice - Spice is RJ's little boyfriend whom he deeply cares about, loving hearing him talk for every moment, finding him so cute and full of energy <3 

  • Cats
  • Guinea Pigs
  • Doodling animals (He cannot draw to save his life)
  • Doing Pranks on others
  • Board games
  • Having staring contests
  • Fungi/Mushrooms
  • Failing to do cool tricks :(
  • Swimming
  • Cute Pink stuff
  • People getting in the way of his relationships or plans
