Tik Tak



1 year, 1 month ago

Basic Info

code is a little outdated, i changed their lore a bit


Tik Tak

"we all have demons and nightmares, and I chose to feed mines"

A alive dream catcher who lives in the dream world and jumps from dream to dream collecting nightmares and leaving only good dreams for people. He is curious and always tries to please everyone, hating to disappoint or upset people, and despite being talkative and extroverted, he usually speaks softly and quietly, giving the impression of someone calm

Whenever they has an opportunity he likes to go to the waked world to explore or enjoy things that don't exist in the dream world (like real food for example) besides that the experiences and textures of things are different


Name Tik Tak
Age ???
Gender male? (he/they)
Species Fluffy snake/Alive dream catcher
Birthday April 21st
Height 1,58
Orientation ???
Occupation Nightmare hunter/Dream catcher

  • "Nightmares, they are cute!"
  • Pins and buttons
  • feathers, colorful and shiny things, little stones, etc
  • Rain
  • the waked world
  • Star shaped food, especially sweets

  • mud, or getting dirty in general. He likes/dont mind ash though
  • fights
  • the "rulers" of the dream world (their bosses)


  • He absolutely loves nightmares, he thinks they're adorable, so it's usually possible to see him surrounded by these fuzzy little black balls. Because of them he often carries around a bottle of dream pieces that are shaped like stars, which he uses to feed the nightmares he catches
  • When they was created he didn't have a name, and it stayed that way a lot of his early life, they chose the name "tik tak" after seeing the name in a child's dream, he loved the sound of the word and found it funny so the adopted as his name. His dream world companions find it kind of silly
  • His Lanter helps guide dreams and scare away the nightmares that are in people's minds
  • He likes to cut food into star shapes (likewise, if you want to convince him to eat something just cut it in that shape)
  • He loves collecting brooches, especially those that have to do with the moon
  • Can shapeshift, but he likes the fluffy snake

Design Notes

  • Can be drawn with the lantern or not
  • The dark part is his right side (our left)
  • Usually surrounded by the black furballs, but it is not necessary
  • The bottle with little stars is optional


Tik Tak was created in the dream world by the beings that rule there, as well as many other creatures from nightmares, dreams, imagination organizers, among others. He was made to imprison nightmares and eliminate them, leaving only good dreams behind, so for as long as he can remember he has been doing that job, but he was always a little different from other dreamcatchers, and from the first time he saw a nightmare in its original form he fell in love completely and started to taking care of them, to the point where they never really got rid of any nightmares, just adopting them, which even today causes strange looks from some other dreamcatchers, but by now most have got used to his strangeness. Although, because he is different he ends up getting in a lot of confusions or getting scolded, especially from his superiors

After he grew up a bit he was allowed to visit the real world (or waked world as they call it) and he just found it amazing. Strange, but amazing. Unfortunately his visits have to be rare and not too long, but whenever he can he tries to enjoy every second exploring and discovering everything it has to offer. He has taken a very strong liking to rain and food (even though he doesn't need to eat)

Currently he lives life quietly, in his usual routine and waiting for the next opportunity to go to the real world, but with the time he ends up discovering more and more things even about his own abilities, such as the most recent one in which he can talk to people in their dreams, which honestly is something he loved and now starts to torment several people trying to talk to them while they just want to dream in peace ksk. Most don't seem to remember him after they wake up, but some still have the vague memory in their head. Maybe it's an opportunity for him to meet more people

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