Cástor & Póllux



7 months, 22 days ago


Cástor & Póllux

"and from the first time i saw you, i knew i was not alone"

Cástor and Pollux are parasites of the dream world, being incomplete forms of alive nightmares and dreams, and are still in development. Cástor is the moon half, being a dream in development, Póllux on the other side is the sun half and is a nightmare in development and even though nightmares and dreams are always fighting and killing each other the two are inseparable, loving and caring for each other almost as if they were a part of themselves (which they technically are).

Póllux is sweet and can express herself very well with those she knows, although she has difficulty speaking to strangers, while Cástor finds it easy to talk to anyone, but he is more reserved and silent, preferring to listen than talk. The two tend to be more extroverted and happy when together and discouraged, closed or stressed when alone or far away, in addition to being super protective of each other. They have a tendency to be more apathetic towards other people, and even though they get along well and are friendly, in a life or death situation between them and another person they will choose each other and themselves without thinking twice

Their codependency is not very healthy, but they quite literally keep each other alive, having been like this all their lives, so they are still having difficulty trusting other people


Nicknames Cas and Lux/Lulu
Age ???
Gender none (any pronous)
Species (disguise) Parasites
Species (true) Dream/nightmare in development
Birthday Octuber 27
Height 1,47
Orientation ???
Occupation casher / restocking

  • P: Sweet food (REALLY sweet)
  • P: learning about fantasy stories and worlds from people's imaginations
  • P: Books, mostly fantasy
  • C: Spicy and bitter food
  • C: Began to be interested in musicals
  • C: Science series/documentaries
  • Share their interests to each other

  • P: Spicy and bitter food
  • P: Being forced to interact with strangers for longer than necessary
  • C: Sweet food
  • C: People wanting to talk when he wants to be silent
  • When the other is in danger or scared


  • Cástor manages to create and infect people with melatonin, while Póllux manages to create and infect people with dopamine. Using their combined efforts, they put other creatures to sleep and use their abilities to make them have dreams or nightmares, using the vital force and their emotions at the time to feed themselves (Castor eats fears and bad feelings, Pollux eats happy feelings and satisfaction) Although this doesn't help them grow it is a good enough alternative to keep them alive in this world. Those affected end up getting super tired and having a bad night's sleep for a week, so they only do this when really necessary (like when they can no longer maintain their disguise form)
  • Their size sometimes causes some people to confuse them with children
  • Cástor likes to get into small places like boxes, closets and things like that
  • Pollux is terrified of insects, invertebrates, and anything that is smaller than her that "moves or is weird" as she puts it
  • Although Póllux uses more feminine pronouns and Cástor masculine, they don't really mind being called with other pronous (some clients sometimes use masculine for Póllux and feminine for Cástor) the concept of gender of the inhabitants of the awake world is still strange to them (as well as many other customs, languages and traditions, they are still learning)
  • The spines on Pollux's back can vary from soft and malleable to hard and sharp. She uses them in her real form, wrapping herself around the creature (usually legs or arms) and sticking the spines into their skin

Design Notes

  • Can be drawn in real form or disguise (worm or anthro)
  • Always with the stars earings
  • wip
  • wip



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