Sophia (COGS.INK Profile)



1 year, 1 month ago


Employee Information
Employee ID
Suit Name
Date of Hire
Hiring Manager
Nicks, Sophia (S.N.)
18 months ago
Disciplinary Records

For any inaccuracies in the list, please contact Robot Resources to have them corrected, as they may affect your future promotion / remuneration changes.

- Slacking Off, 3 months ago: *Miss Nicks has a habit of engaging conversation with fellow Sellbots as well as managers from other departments (In particular managers B.Biggs and B.Ruffler) *Let off with verbal warning after review proved such fraternization did not impede her work. -Property Damage, 10 months ago *Following an altercation with another employee, Miss Nicks was found to be in a high stress state, leading in an eventual [REDACTED] causing damage totalling in excess of $1,500 cogbucks. *UPDATE: Please see additional notes regarding Miss Nicks' internal build data, Sellbot HQ shall recieve extra fire extinquishing equipment in anticipation of another flare-up from Miss Nicks.
Personal Statement

Your personal statement forms a part of your application to C.O.G.S. Inc. Should we find inaccuracies or discrepancies between your personal statement and the facts collected by our Suit Intelligence Team, we reserve the right to dismiss you without warning.

Your personal statement is kept here for archival purposes.

I have held an avid interest in COGS INC since I was a mere juvenile. Leaving the nest of my home in Toonessee, I have hoped to find my place within the wings of such an illustrious company as this. My past work history will prove I have a passion for working hard and working well. I believe in striking when the iron is hot, with accuracy and power. As an assitant secretary, I promise to do my due dilligence to keep the ducks in a row of every manager, director, and Department Head that may need my assistance. ... Ahem, yes, I suppose I should mention that my internal flight mechanisms are quite faster than the standard-issue propeller.

For Hiring Manager Use Only

For archival purposes the following fields cannot be edited. If any of the fields below need to be updated, please contact Internal IT Support.

Employment History
-18 Months as an Exterminator for S.C.R.A.M. Pest Control -3 Years waitressing at "Nest Egg Casino and Bar"
Soars above and beyond in her work duties, intimidating to toons, gets along well with most managers
Easily bribed, notable concerns regarding her temper, occasionally melts her surroundings
Additional Notes
-Internal Build Concerns *Miss Nicks is a suit built with a fire affinity, however, her heating elements have a design flaw that causes her to exude heat at extreme temperatures, and can rapidly endanger other suits in a short amount of time. *These "flare-ups" appear to be tied to her emotional state, although Miss Nicks has proven sufficient in keeping these outbursts well under control given her job's requirements. *Employees are reminded not to intentionally aggravate Miss Nicks and raise her temperature, as her peak temperature can lead to an explosion hazardous to all entities within a 6-foot radius of her, save for Miss Nicks herself. *Mechanical aid is deemed not necessary in these occasions, as Miss Nicks also possesses a superior self-repair program. -Has been aquainted with one Mr. Ruffler since before either suit was hired by COGS. Presumably, they were either students in the same classes at university or customer-and-waitress at 'Nest Egg Casino and Bar'
Interviewer Notes
- Opening Remarks "She is an incredibly pretty young suit! I would almost think she was too fancy for a job like a secretary, but she seems quite engaged with the posistion." "Has an incredibly mean glare to her, and I'm pretty sure I saw her kick a toon's hackey sack halfway across town. These new suits sure are built different." - Qualifications "In addition to her work history, she has a long list of academic achievements. I didn't even know Toonnessee public education even had Competitive File-Sorting! And to do that on top of being on the Kickboxing team? Why, the dear must be an expert multitasker." - Closing Remarks "Her name doesn't quite fit the convention we look for at COGS, but even I can't deny that she is quite qualified to work here. I'm sure she'll be a blessing and a half to any department that gets her."