Sophia (Old Profile Into)



1 year, 1 month ago


Sophia Nicks
Age: Late-20's/Early 30's (Adult)
ID: Female, She/Hers (Pansexual)
Occupation: COGS Secretary, Sellbot Department
Height: 7'3"
Birthday: May 28th (Gemini)

Brief Summary:

A  bird-like Suit hired by COGS Inc to be an assistant to the official  secretary of the department. Young and even-tempered, she has is  passionate about two things: doing her job with excellence, and keeping  track of the day-to-day drama and relationships of her myriad of  co-workers.

Extra Info:

- Grew up living on a farm in a  majority toon-based part of the country (Rural Toonnessee, far from the  industrial cities most suits prefer to dwell in.)Her father was a  farmhand- more specifically, the weathervane

-Her real accent,  therefore, is VERY Southern, but she has taught herself to have a  neutral accent over the years. It does slip when she's particularly  exasperated or tired, however.

-Has a complicated opinion on  Toons. Going to school with them, she formed the opinion early that  Toons delight in violence and chaos..... And that, regrettably,  sometimes they are actually funny.

- Previous work experience  includes: 18 months as an Exterminator for S.C.R.A.M. Pest Control, 3  years as a Waitress for the "Nest Egg Casino" (the latter job  acquainting her with one Buck Ruffler a few years before either were  hired by the COGS inc.)

- Loves drama TV, esp foreign shows. Insists on subs over dubs.

-Polite  with most all of her co-workers, but has deep judgemental opinions on  all of them. As well as all of it recorded in her burn book.

-  Can be bribed. (Hot chips, cinnamon lattes, shaped erasers are all good  options- as well as new gossip about other cogs, of course.)

-  Has innate fire abilities, though they are mostly limited as a response  to her mood. Extreme feelings in any direction can drastically increase  the temperature of her surroundings, so Sophia takes care to keep her  temper professional in all settings. Hard to do when her passions are  brought up in conversation, however.

- (Has melted company property on accident due to this)

-  Her crest feathers are actually glass ink pens. Do not ask how she  refills them, this is covered by toon logic. When engaged, the ink  inside glows and boils like the liquid in a lava lamp.

- Had  originally planned to marry into money through a higher up in the COGS,  but once she met some of her prospects of similar age, she dropped the  idea quickly. (Still open to dating someone in her same tax bracket)

- Types exclusively in Hunt-and-Peck.