Alex Phelaia



6 years, 8 days ago


This is so sad, Alex play Despacito.

A disaster lesbian bard with kazoo proficiency (also violin and piano but those aren't interesting, shut up). 

Her full name is Alexis-Phelaia Ingriat, but thats way too long so she goes by Alex

She has a bio somewhere but i cant find rn. 

Her typical clothes (for her modern version at least) are a grey hoodie over a t-shirt that usually has some sort of meme on it, blue shorts and mismatched socks. (I don't have any good art of her wearing this oof) (The old fullbody art of her done by me three years ago is a placeholder until I get around to drawing her again) (which, is probably never because i'm bad at motivation) Her D&D clothes are a tailored silk dress shirt, black dress pants with gold leaves embroidered up the sides of the legs, and a grey cape.

Physical Details 
Age: 24
Eye Color: Black (Yellow sclera [had to look up the word for that {its like the whites of the eyes but they aren't white in her case so :/ }])
Hair Color: Blue (Originally black)
Height: 5'7" without horns 6' with
Weight: 153 lbs
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (She's in the adventuring game for the money, but she ends up getting attached to the people she meets on her adventures, so maybe she'll try and help them out, provided there's something in it for her. She'll give them the friends and family discount, but she's not gonna do this stuff for free.) 

Artist Notes

For the love of god, don't whitewash her. I didn't think I'd have to say it, but it's happened twice before.
You can draw her in pretty much any outfit, so feel free to get creative.
Her horns and skin are not the same color.
Gore is okay.
Feel free to draw her with anyone in her links.