[ Pouflon ] Dandelion



Basic Info



Gender Pronouns



Farmer / Gardener

Body Size

Pixie Polo Mix - seems to be a lanky pixie body type!

DA Application



:bulletblack: Polo Size
:bulletblack: Moo Antlers
:bulletblack: Petite Ears
:bulletblack: Normal Wings
:bulletblack: Pup Tail 

Name: Dandelion
Nick Names: Dandy
Gender: Female
Age: Young Adult
Species: Pouflon
Breed: Standard Pixie/Polo

Image Reference:
Pouflon Ref: Dandelion by CloverCoin

Hometown: Goldfair
Current Residence: Goldfair
Occupation: Helping with the Family Farming
Bank: 0 Coins
Knight --- 0 tier / 0 exp
Mage --- 0 tier / 0 exp

Gentle / Protective / Earnest
Dandy has always been a calmer spirit than pouf her age. Always shouting and sprinting about full of energy. She was perfectly content to sit and listen to stories or follow around her parents or neighbors for things to do. Always actively helping pick things up or doing little chores like sweeping and weeding. She is normally always smiling and pouf of all ages find her very easy going to be around. Dandy can find her moments of energy though, when she's excited about something she can't seem to contain herself. She skips everywhere for the rest of the day and normally caught humming! The only time she ever seems to be upset is when her garden is spoiled somehow, infestations of bugs or critters, or maybe just a bad storm. A destroyed garden can bring her to tears.

Personal Tastes:
♥ Gardening, Cleaning, Cool dips in the stream, Fresh flowers and veggies, Day Old Bread

✖ Big Thunder Storms, Fire, Slugs, Rabbits, Overly crowded places

Dandy was born and raised in Goldfair, she loves it here. The warm weather, the sunshine, the green pastures! She can't get enough of her home. She especially liked the other poufs who live there, all very easy going and calm pouf much like herself. A little awkward on her lanky legs as a bud she was a bit clumsy and occasionally teased for it. Another pouf a little older than her would stick up for Dandy, her neighbor Miles. He was pretty clumsy too so when he tried to yell at the other buds he usually only made them laugh louder as he tripped over himself... Dandy has been following Miles around ever since they were small. He was always getting into trouble for not doing his chores or helping with the gardens, so she learned to work extra fast to cover his duties too. He never quite said thanks to her, but he always did things like give her small random presents like pebbles or flowers he would find that weren't normal in the gardens. When Miles announced he was leaving Dandy was heartbroken, desperately trying to convince him to stay. But it was too late, he had made his mind up. He wanted to be a knight and he wasn't ever going to get anywhere by staying here in this tiny farming village.

After Miles left for the bigger cities Dandy sulked quite a bit. The other Villagers tried their best to cheer her up, but it seemed nothing could stop her wilting demeanor. She spent every day with Miles, her best friend. Now with him gone, it all seemed so empty. Even her flowers seemed to droop around her. It wasn't until a stranger stopped in their village to stay a few nights to recover from his long journey, a Mage in training named Emery. He was showing the villagers minor magic tricks to help their plants grow. Dandy was fascinated by his skills and what magic could do! She knew there was natural magic and some poufs harnessed it. But never had she seen it for herself. Spending some one on one time with Emery he was happy to explain the way nature and magic cooperate with each other.

It was then she decided, like Miles she too would start on her goals too. Dandy wanted to become an elemental mage and learn how to help all of her plants grow better and stronger! With skills like that her village would never needlessly suffer due to harsh weather or accidents.

On Going:
Dandy now understands Miles drive to work hard and chase his dreams, she isn't quite ready yet to embark on her journey yet but hopefully soon she plans to make her way to Riddlelock and try to enroll in the magic school there just like Emery!