
Name: Wilbur

ID #: 3949

Level: 5

Andrew’s Notes: “How the scientists working to replicate the DNA of Mew actually succeeded just from the DNA of two separate Pokémon plus some trait tweaking all combined into this little guy I have no idea. He and Hazel have got it into their minds that since the little Mew was born of his newly upgraded DNA in the labs, that must mean they’re his offspring. And while they adore each other, if Wilbur weren’t gray already Hazel’s antics certainly would’ve given him gray hairs, that’s for sure!”


Species: Lechonk/Klefki/Drifloon


Ability: Aftermath

Types: Normal-Steel-Ghost

Traits: Hybrid (45/40/15), Luck, and Luminous 

Ball: Premier Ball 


Evolution: Level 18 (Not Eligible)

Healthy Breeding Slots: 1/1

Offspring: None


Obtained: Quest

Hall of Fame: Not Eligible 


Level Log: 

+5 Reference