Wolfgang Klostermann



1 year, 1 month ago


40 (180)
  • Wolfgang
  • 40 (180)
  • Male

"But despite what may be said by many a man; no time period is without both splendor and misery. As I've visited nearly all of them, I speak from personal experience."

Wolfgang is a time traveler from the late 19th century. He's a very fancy kind of gentleman, almost obsessed with decorum and etiquette. A brilliant scientific mind, his area of expertise is in modifying the human body with his own steam-powered gadgets.

For a brief period of time, he was a Red Medic, but soon defected from the team after realizing the war was pointless. Now he mostly wanders throughout time, offering his medical/scientific knowledge to whoever might need it. He's remained in the present day hoping he could help modern people how to be refined. It was quite a cultural shock, especially given that the group of rogue mercenaries he's fallen in with usually aren't very fancy (and even rather risque at times).
He tries his best to not judge modern people by Victorian standards, since he wants to live and let live- but it's still incredibly awkward for him any time he sees people just freely showing their legs and ankles in public.


  • Classical music
  • Sophisticated clothing and decor
  • Cybernetic/steam powered body augmentation
  • Scientific literature


  • Revealing clothing
  • Chaos and messes
  • Insults to the time period he's from
  • Sudden change