Sherco Cerade



1 year, 1 month ago


Sherco Cerade

"0)-> It d0esn't matter h0w l0ng the j0urney is, all that matters is that y0u had fun with it! <-(0"
  •  Name  Sherco Cerade
  •  Age  10 Sweeps [22] 
  •  Gender  Cismale 
  •  Pronouns  He/Him 
  •  Sexuality  Pansexual 
  •  Personality 
    50% genius, 50% himbo. Very openly friendly and warm!! A little exciteable as well. Talkative and sweet to basically everyone he meets. Can be a little clueless/oblivious at times. Doesn't entirely pick up social cues either. All around a good guy to be around if you need a buddy! A friend to all who needs one type.
  •  Appearance 
    [See gallery].
  •  Likes  Motorcycles/motorized vehicles, exploration, stunts
  •  Dislikes  Cooking, sitting still, getting upset/mad 
  •  Backstory 
    Sherco was just a little ball of energy as a grub!!! Constantly running and rolling around, trying to get his little feelers on whatever looked fun! He was a little moving, grooving stuntman every since he was born! Even tho his Mandrill Monkey lusus would probably have mini monkey heart attacks because of this. Sherco's life was pretty much okay until he moved into his new neighborhood where he was relentlessly bullied by one of his neighbors which resulted in him changing himself. As he grew up he started to gain a love for motorcycles, going to greath lengths to make his own custom bike so he could travel around the planet, learning new little things about mechanics as well. His daredevil like tendencies stems from how rambunctious he was as a grub. He's not scared of death, he just loves the thrill!
  • Damiri Kothar Red Crush [Mutual] 
    An Indigo blood that Sherco is horns over heels for. He admires Damiri for his intelligence and skills [And finds him incredibly handsome]. He developed a red crush on the other Indigo blood from being around him, although it took him awhile to realize he even had a crush on him. He just hopes Damiri feels the same back. 
  • Giamin "Gigi" Meline Moirail/Sister
    No one knows how it happened, but yes. An Indigo blood like Sherco and a Burgundy girl like Giamin are biologically related. The Jades at the time assumed there was some sort of mutation between the two of them, but nope. Normal little grubs. Giamin lives with her moirail/brother and was also raised by Sherco's Mandrill Monkey lusus.

  • Poisio Pinpik QPK 
    These two are Queerplatonic Kismesises. Although their relationship just started, Sherco is very much dedicated to making sure Poisio knows he cares a lot about the Cerulean.
  • Vityaz Meiura                                                       Friend
    Sherco met the Oliveblood when he found Yaz passed out under some trees. His good nature made him stop and help wake Yaz up and give him something to eat to help him recharge after god knows how long of being passed out. Sherco's very fond of the Oliveblood and tends to ask him if he wants to go exploring/adventuring with him from time to time. [He also doesn't hold anything against Yaz for the fact Yaz tried to hook up with him at one point]

  • Maasai Kogoma                                       Aquaintance 
    The pair met when Sherco went off on one of his many little adventures traveling about Alternia. Sherco is one of the few people who don't realize Maasai's dark intentions, they're both friendly towards each other and talk on a few occasions, but it seems like Maasai doesn't have good intentions for the Indigo blood.
  •  Trivia 
    • ● Due to Sherco having a monkey lusus, his skills in climbing and general grip strength are quite impressive
    • ● Sherco's workshop is located OUTSIDE of his hive, better ventliaztion outside!
      ● Sherco's ears tend to wiggle when he's happy or very excited! He can also make them wiggle on his own
    • ● Sherco has a Mandrill Monkey lusus
    • ● Sherco is the Heir of Breath
    • ● Sherco is a Prospit Dreamer
    • ● Sherco's sign is Sagius, Sign of The Traveler