
1 year, 1 month ago


baniti sayed
my man needs a hug.

ban, bani
himbo (he/him)
24 years
demonic bulbasaur
gijinka height
feral height
lawful good

kind but shy, baniti always tries to do right by the world. he often assumes the worst about himself, but is trying to be better in that aspect. he carries around a notebook to remember things that don't stick in his head (which is most things).

bani is sweet and caring, but has a hard time opening up to other people. he likes music and wants to learn to play an instrument someday.

please be nice to him i beg you.

sturdy body

positive traits

kindhearted: baniti has a strong moral compass and will always stop to help someone in need. he's trustworthy and compassionate, and makes an effort to do the right thing in every situation.

courteous: ban believes that everyone has some good in them and treats them as such. he respects all people, regardless of who they are or what they've done, and always uses his 'please's and 'thank you's.

hardworking: bani wants to believe he has a place in this world, and he works very hard to prove it. when given a task, he'll happily complete it without complaint or pause.

neutral traits

altruistic: bani cares a lot about other people and does everything he can to help out, often unprompted. he'll even do so if it's detrimental to his own well-being, because he puts others ahead of himself every time.

sensitive: ban has a lot of emotions and he's easily affected by pretty much anything. he bursts into tears for everything, from a sad movie to someone yelling at him to someone saying they're proud of him.

absentminded: bani is a little airy at times and doesn't notice a lot of things. he can be pretty oblivious and doesn't really have many thoughts in his head.

negative traits

timid: baniti is pretty cowardly and does NOT like conflict, no sir. he'd much rather hide from his problems than face them head-on.

faint-hearted: bani can't handle anything even remotely scary. he'll pass out at the sight of blood and start crying in the face of danger. sometimes, he still worries that there are monsters under his bed.

passive: ban takes everything sitting down and never stands up for himself. he's often taken advantage of because of this. he'll defend someone else if he sees them being bullies, but for some reason he can never manage to do the same for himself.

team seafire, the chaos ever.


team leader

"peter always looks a little annoyed, but that's probably just his face. i hope he warms up to me soon."

team leader

"florence is a little worrying sometimes- especially when she does stuff that's probably illegal- but is still a good leader, i think."


he's strong! SO strong!

grass / poison

vine whip

deals damage
slender black vines twirl out of ban's bulb and lash like whips at his opponent to inflict damage.

razor leaf

deals damage (with increased critical hit ratio)
large dry leaves with sharp jagged edges unfurl from baniti's bulb and slash outward at his opponent.


causes target to become 'badly poisoned'
a puff of hot smoke leaves baniti's bulb and coalesces on his target, causing them to cough. the poison damage worsens with every turn.
tl;dr he has trauma.

home island
spiral archipelago
located in
desolate sea

content warnings
physical/verbal abuse, heavy alcohol use, child labour, major character death, implied murder

early life

  • baniti is born and raised in the pleasant town of portsmouth
  • his parents separated soon after his birth, with one father leaving for another man and the other (a venusaur tavern keeper) keeping bani
  • because of how similar ban looks to his absent father, bani's dad ammon (he/him) resents ban and often neglects him
  • ban spends lots of time away from home, fed and kept busy by a kind brionne teacher at the local school by the name of miss maisy (she/her)

baby bellhop

  • at the age of 6, ban's dad puts him to work in the tavern. because portsmouth is a popular sailing town, there's always jobs to be done
  • bani works as a bellhop, carrying sailors' luggage to their rooms and doing odd jobs for those who stay at the tavern
  • at the advice of miss maisy, ban asks his father to be paid for his work. it doesn't't go over well, and ammon hits him for the first time.
  • baniti continues to work at the tavern and slowly builds up muscle from carrying things around
  • he saves a few tips here and there from kinder visitors

miss maisy's good deed

  • ban spends all his free time with miss maisy, learning how to read, write and do basic maths
  • maisy advises him to go to school, but bani explains that his dad wants him to work
  • miss maisy is more and more concerned about baniti's home life and asks to visit the tavern, but ban refuses
  • maisy continues to teach ban, using the same lesson plans that she makes for her students
  • when bani turns 8, miss maisy shows up at the tavern, requesting to speak with ammon
  • she asks that baniti be sent to school and promises she will provide for his supplies and such
  • maisy cleverly confronts ammon in front of potential clients, and he agrees in order to save face
  • ammon's conditions are that baniti must wait a full year, and continue to work at the tavern while he attends school

going to school

  • at 9, bani begins attending the portsmouth public school in miss maisy's 4th-grade class
  • he's quite shy at first, but with maisy's encouragement, becomes more social with his peers
  • a few kind friends bring ban out of his shell, and he begins to realize that it isn't normal to be working at his age
  • when ban turns 11, he moves to secondary school but still visits miss maisy every day after school
  • he isn't the brightest student, but maisy tutors him and he begins to feel safer at school and her house than at home
  • ban is still saving up his meager tips, and begins to consider leaving his dad's tavern

the tavern's undoing

  • ammon is a regular drinker (running a tavern and all) and whenever he gets too drunk, he gets really angry
  • he often mistakes baniti for his ex-partner and screams at him to leave, and hits him if he doesn't
  • during ammon's drunken spells, bani escapes to his locked room or miss maisy's house and stays there for the night
  • one day, when baniti is around 14, ammon is a little tipsy and stumbles upon ban's sparse savings
  • he blows up with rage and attacks bani furiously, accusing his son of being disloyal and ungrateful
  • ban shows up at maisy's house brutally beaten and crying, and she takes him in and tends to his wounds
  • the next day, maisy returns to the tavern with a fearful ban in tow, and (in front of quite the audience) exposes ammon's cruelty and parenting methods
  • word of ban's experiences spreads like wildfire and the whole town knows soon enough
  • business at the tavern slows to a total stop, and after a few months, ammon sells the building and uses the money to leave portsmouth

a bit of a break

  • freed from his father, bani shyly asks if he can stay with miss maisy, and is welcomed with open arms
  • he graduates from portsmouth's school district and begins plans to attend college
  • he's really nervous and scared and still unsure if he deserves a higher education, but maisy says it's a good idea so he works hard for it
  • ban is overjoyed to be accepted into a small spiral archipelago college as a business major
  • he prepares to travel, taking up his savings and making sure miss maisy will be alright on her own

not this guy again

  • the week before bani leaves, there's a mysterious knock at the door when ban isn't at home
  • maisy opens it and is shocked to find a much more ragged-looking ammon glaring at her
  • against her better judgement, she invites him in for tea and a conversation, simultaneously asking a neighbor to keep baniti away
  • ammon immediately requests custody of bani as his legal father, but maisy refuses on the grounds of his previous treatment of bani
  • the conversation becomes heated, and ammon throws his teacup at maisy before storming out of the house
  • bani comes home a few minutes later, to find his teacher's head bleeding and shards on the ground
  • maisy reluctantly explains what happened, and baniti reacts with terrible fear. he runs to his room and locks the door, crying himself to sleep


  • the following morning, baniti heads out to leave portsmouth. miss maisy explained that if he could just stay away until he was 18, ammon would no longer have legal power over him
  • bani goes to college, his 18th birthday a few months away, and writes only once to maisy to make sure she's alright
  • the day after his 18th birthday, ban returns to portsmouth and goes to maisy's home, but it's empty
  • he asks around and finds that a few hours earlier, ammon and maisy had been spotted at the former tavern, and neither had been seen since
  • terrified, baniti rushes to the tavern to find maisy unconscious and ammon nowhere at all
  • he carries his former teacher to the nearest doctor, but there's little to be done for her at this point
  • maisy doesn't wake up again.

running running running

  • stricken with grief and fear, baniti takes the few coins he has and boards the first ship out of portsmouth
  • he doesn't care where he goes, as long as its away. now that maisy's gone, there's nothing left for him here
  • the ship docks on kala island, and bani quickly enters ethovalon and applies for the first job he sees- ironically, a teacher's assistant
  • ban spends the next two years working a quiet life with young kids, trying not to feel guilty about abandoning his hometown
  • he hears lots about the gcsf- some of the students he works with are children of former adventurers- but isn't particularly interested

but it's not enough

  • one day, when bani is 20, the worst possible thing happens- he runs into ammon on the street
  • completely panicked, baniti turns and runs away, pursued by ammon
  • he ends up at the bounty office, where he bursts in asking for help, closely followed by ammon screaming something about 'betrayal' and 'mine'
  • before he can get a coherent sentence out, a spinda bounty hunter hits ammon on the head and he crumples to the ground, unconscious but alive
  • bani starts crying and, after some tea and gentle words from the kind bounty hunter, reveals his predicament
  • the bounty hunter, spencer (he/him), advises him to join the gcsf to avoid ammon, but he says he wants a few years to wrap up his affairs and such
  • in the meantime, ammon is banned from entering ethovalon so ban can live in peace

team seafire

  • bani spends four years more relaxed, taking up a new job at a cafe and saving up his wages
  • he starts dating spencer, the bounty hunter from before, who also makes sure that ammon is nowhere nearby
  • they're happy for a while, but spencer's job takes him far and wide and eventually they grow apart
  • the two part on relatively good terms, although it's a little bit awkward
  • when bani is 24, a short fletchling comes to the cafe and catches his attention
  • she introduces herself as florence, she/they, and almost immediately steals a pastry from the display case
  • not wanting to lose his job, ban chases after them onto a small (pirate?) ship and is confronted by a young salandit (peter, he/him)
  • florence eats the pastry and baniti starts crying, knowing there's no way he can afford ethovalon unemployed
  • a bit guilty, flo and peter offer bani a place on their wayfarer team, team seafire
  • after some thinking, and not wanting to disappoint them, and also wanting a way to avoid ammon, baniti accepts
he'd probably hand everything over if you asked.

items applied

demonic potion