


1 year, 4 months ago


info wip, please see "other" section for the clarification regarding Lucille vs Hadrien

Name: Lucille Allard

Aliases/Other Names: Hadrien

Titles: Disgrace of the Allard Clan

Gender: Male

Age: ~24

Affiliation: Contrabel, Phantasmaphor, Sacerbel

Powers(Lucille): it's not super fleshed out yet but basically he can make portals that stuff can move through(himself, other living beings, and inanimate objects included). He can summon them at whatever size he wants, wherever and whenever he wants, and there isn't really a range limitation. He can use it to do stuff like stab a Bel from far away by putting the blade through a portal that connects to a location near the Bel or transport himself across the world in an instant. Physical and other properties(such as energy or temperature) are not modified in any way as they move through portals(for example, if an object was falling before it went through the portal, the object's velocity would still be the same when it came out of the connected portal).

Powers(Hadrien): Hadrien can manifest and manipulate "sin". It takes the form of dark chains that he can control at will. These chains can be used as physical chains could for things such as typing someone up or acting as a weapon, but they have another, more potent use. Hadrien can attach these chains to others, which will then force them to act in accordance with the "sin" infused in the chain(it can be anything from a general value such as one of the seven vices or it could be a specific order such as "kill this person"). These chains of "sin" must be accumulated from sources such as other people or himself, but can be stored indefinitely(he has a large stockpile). The chains are only visible to others when Hadrien wants them to be.

Skills: good with knives(and other small blades) and skilled at martial arts involving kicking. He also has extremely good hand-eye coordination. Lucille is also very charismatic, capable of getting anyone to say anything, regardless of whether they wanted to or not(hence, extracting information is easy). His balance is insane(he can walk backwards on a tightrope in heels without any difficulty)

Personality(Lucille): Lucille is charistmatic, kind, and generally optimistic, appreciative of the little things in life. He places a high value on the lives of those close to him, and would do just about anything for his sister Fleur in particular. Although careful with his words and commitments, his loyalty is undying. If he says that he will do something, he will, regardless of the consequences for himself. Other than that, he has an appreciation for theater and the circus, enjoying it both as an audience and as a performer. He loves being in the spotlight and is more than capable of managing himelf constantly without slip-ups, but knows when to take a bow and leave the stage.

Personality(Hadrien): Hadrien feels very few attachments to the world, seeing the entire thing as a stage for his own amusement, whether he wants to act as a performer or watch from the audience. Although the only ones he genuinely feels ill-will towards is the Allard family(excluding Fleur), his actions would never show that, given everything he's done to completely unrelated people. He's more than willing to commit evil and sin for his own amusement, caring very little about whether he's hurting humans or Bel(although he knows which are which, he hardly cares to make that distinction). The only priority that's greater than his own amusement is the protection of the existence of Lucille, which he will easily sacrifice his own entertainment for. After all, that's the whole reason Hadrien exists.

Family: Fleur(she's his older twin sister)

Friends: Ael(they get along when they see each other, despite the fact it's not very often)

Enemies: Bel(the monsters threatening the world), the Allard family(it's complicated)


-Lucille and Hadrien are just two "sides" of Lucille. Lucille refers to both the original Lucille(before he forced Hadrien to manifest) and the lighter, kinder, and purer side, while Hadrien is the darker, more sinful, and malicious side. Although the two sides are capable of communicating with each other as though they were different, they are ultimately the same person and completely capable of recognizing this. One side can take control to a greater degree, which will cause a shift in eye color(see "design notes"), but normally Lucille's personality is observed to a greater degree than Hadrien's, though some of both of their traits will combine into their normal personality.

-Hadrien didn't originally exist(at first, it was just Lucille). However, after years of suppressing even the minor darker urges and reaching a breaking point, Lucille forced Hadrien to manifest, knowing that he would destroy himself if something didn't change. In this way, Hadrien is the manifestation of all of Lucille's darker urges and desires.

-Hadrien's top priority is to "protect the existence of Lucille". Meanwhile, Lucille's top priority is "help Fleur". When these two ideals clash, there's no clear way to tell which will win over in the end

-Typically, he can use either power(Hadrien's or Lucille's), but when one takes more control their power gets stronger

-He can and will use his heels as a weapon

-Outside of his work in Contrabel, he performs in a traveling circus called Phantasmaphor doing aerial acts like trapeze and tightrope

-He's not really a part of Sacerbel, but has been infiltrating it for years and is technically one of their top members

-Wants nothing to do with the Allard family beyond Fleur, the one thing keeping him connected to it. He holds no positive feelings towards the Allard family (excluding Fleur, who he loves very much)

Design Notes:

-Depending on the alignment of his actions, his eyes change color. When acting majorly as Hadrien, both of his eyes will be blue(as seen in the ref). When acting as Lucille, his eyes will both be pink. Their neutral state is one of each, denoting his actions as falling somewhere in the middle

-If he's acting as Hadrien, his hair bangs are positioned differently, showing both of his eyes(see ref)

-He's supposed to be pretty lol

-He has a bell on his neck

-He's supposed to have big heels

-The hat always rests on the right side of his head(his right, our left). It's meant to be slightly tilted