Alex Flint



1 year, 1 month ago


Alex Flint

Pokemon Species: Farigaraf

Age: 22

Gender / Identity: Nonbinary (closeted) 

Sexuality: pansexual greyromantic 

Pronouns: He/Him (they/them) 

Height: 6’7” (without horns) / 7’2” (with horns) 

Physical Description: A very pretty man who takes care of his hair and hygiene, stands generally taller than most due to his long neck. Very lean due to often running for sports and lifting weights. 

Personality: Friendly and trusting, energetic and extroverted. Loves having fans and playing sports, likes to motivate others and is supporting of any friends endeavors. Secretly is insecure and worries about how others perceive him, can be a little toxic masculine to fit in with the team or medias expectations when on the field. 

Background: Grew up to a single poor mother, his father being out of the picture. Has two younger siblings and spent most his youth training for sports to help the family with finances. Struggled with the fact he had to ask his mother for money for shoes and uniforms, and does his best to pay her back tenfold. Hopes to make it to a major league team and set his mother and siblings up with a better life and house. 

 Declared track/major/minor: Athletics (Soccer), Creative Writing

 Extra: takes some business class for advertising purposes. Sponsored currently and has his own health food and drink line. Won't catch him not ad placing his drinks and posing for photos. Giving out free merch when the teachers aren't around.

Often spotted running laps around the campus grounds and dorms.

Likes to cook food in crockpot, such as stews and soups, concoctions of vegetables and such, and is rather charitable both financially and food wise. 

Likes to wear eyeliner and lipstick in private or with friends, paints his nails openly. To most he is cis and straight, very shy about talking about gender in public. Afraid the media will hunt him down or he'll get bullied by the team or rivals.

Has earned his wealth, family was poor and scraped to get by, doesn't want anyone else to go through being hungry or struggling. 

Literally can't fit in school desks and has the worse posture if he can't stand and take notes.

Struggles with identifying and understanding Romantic anything. he will say he understands but is that show with candles and roses really romantic? Needs a wingman to help with dating ideas.