


1 year, 1 month ago


Clayd is a Scout in the Warfang army, and classifies himself as an independent researcher.

Name: Caloros  Clayd

Also Known As: Scout Caloros

Candy cane fucker (by Infernier)

Gender: Male (He/Him)

Age: 74

Born: year 2942

Height: 5.9m/19'4

Element: Fire (red, scarlet tinted)

Element Mastery: Controled

Magic Mastery: Proficient

Occupation: Soldier

Grade/Rank: Scout

Flight/Assignment: *pending*

Status: Missing (deceased???)

Orientation: Loosly straight

Social Status: Taken

Affiliation: Warfang (formerly)

Personality: Stoic and unkind, Clayd dislikes being called by his given name, Calorors, and is easily irritated when called so. He is highly dysmorphic of his appearance and element especially. Displaying a strong interest in Dark Dragons ever since he was a child, he was mistreated often by his peers, causing him to become unapproachable by others (mostly due to him fearing to be harassed)

     While usually seen with a stoic demeanor, Clayd becomes very excitable and loud when it comes to topics he likes or when observing/playing competitive games (and whenever he's intoxicated) to the point of being overwhelming, also becoming rather physical and jostling anyone unfortunate enough to be in his vicinity.

History: Clayd was initially part of a Clan when he was a child, however once he was halfway through his schooling his clan ended up disbanding. With the majority of the Clan's members being killed in the war suddenly, the Clan was forced to disband (he was abandoned by his father not long after, not wanting to provide anything for him to keep what coin he had left).

     Clay displayed a strong interest in Dark Dragons more and more as he became older, either unaware when others would become uncomfortable about the topic, or disregarding their feelings completely. He would often ask about Dark Dragons to his flight's Education Masters, only ever leaving the topic alone when it came to Magic classes. While other adults would accuse him of being a hazard to his flight mates because of his interest in Dark Dragons, his Flight Master argued that Clayd was just eager to research them (while true, he wanted to understand more than research them)

     Once Clayd's schooling came to a close and was deployed for his mandatory service, he took up being a Scout for his military occupation. While Clayd genuinely enjoyed scouting enemy territory, his main focus was to hopefully get into contact with Dark Dragons. He is well aware that it's a naive plan, but he seems to be the only dragon in Warfang that actively wants to understand Dark Dragons (in his eyes). More info TBA


     Element: Clayd despises his element, refusing to use it no matter what, even if he needs it for self defense. He only ever reached Controlled in element mastery.

     Magic: Clayd has become Proficient in magic mastery, he had preferred his non-elemental magic since the day he discovered his fire, and trained it consistently whenever he had the chance to.

     Physical: Clayd is tall with an athletic build, being extremely physically powerful to make up for the fact that he refuses to use his element no matter the circumstance.

Family: None


     Lumbrier: Clayd became close friends with Lumbrier while they were flight mates, him being the only dragon to not avoid him for being 'odd'. They both bonded over their mutual interest in practicing their magic. After an incident that is now considered classified however, their friendship broke, with Clayd reportedly going missing almost instantly after

     Geodis: TBA

     Infernier: Clayd sees Infernier as an obstacle, as he always gets in the way when he's around Lumbrier, and antagonizes him for his "interests" whenever he can. Infernier has mostly seized this behavior towards Clayd as of recently (mainly from Clayd attacking him while on deployment), but he still bothers him from time to time.


  • Clayd was initially something called a "Storm Devil", an original species. However, he had to be changed drastically to fit the DI canon.
  • Clayd has an Irish accent
  • His voice claim is Daithi De Nogla, his voice is spot on for Clayd it's insane. A close second would be Ed Maverick though.