


6 years, 1 month ago


Hera The Black Raven

hera_by_impalae-dcnc05q.pngName Hera
Age 6 years old
Gender Female
SpeciesGrey Wolf
Zodiac SignAries

"I want to be remembered as someone who used herself and anything she could touch to work for justice and freedom… I want to be remembered as one who tried.” - Dorothy Height

Hera, commonly known as The Black Raven, represents the head of Sioux, a large empire situated on the winter cordillera of Nihoka. Loyal and dedicated to he throne duty, Hera was once the leader of the revolution against the previous King, Alaric, who ruled the pack in madness. With courage and leadership skills, Hera managed to take the throne, which she had the right by blood, as the granddaughter of the King. 

Rising to power in the early age of 2 years old, the female built a large empire under her name, building a safe and stable solace for Sioux like never before.

Today, an experience Empress, Hera continues focused in her duty, now with a family of 5 children, heirs to the throne she fought for.



  • Height: 31"
  • Weight: 75 lbs
  • Scent: Wheat and Olive
  • Likes: Cherries, Her children, Her pack, Birds, Mountain View, The wind.
  • Dislikes: Coyotes, Bears, Fire, Storms, Stressful Situations, Disrespect.
  • Items: Long silk-like cloth, Raven Wings Color, Raven feathers Circlet.

At first glance, Hera is seen as a tall and sleek black figure with alluring eyes. Her short fur is typical to the temperate forests of the south, where she was born, giving her a slender appearance. Always in a, somewhat, uncomfortable elegant and presentable appearance. At the age of 6, almost reaching an aged adult stage, Hera rarely raises up for commoners and other members of her pack due to a few joint problems caused to years training and battling for her pack.


Immediate Family








Paternal Family

  • Nahko (Step-brother;  )
  • Jack/Uka (Step-brother;  )
  • Aiyana (Half Sister;  )
  • Anne (Half Sister;  )
  • Elula (Grandfather;  )
  • Rodrik (Grandmother;  ).

Maternal Family

  • Galem (Uncle; Alive)
  • Alaric (Grandfather;  )
  • Rhea (Grandmother:  )
  • Gariza (Great Aunt;  )
  • Kadirr (Great Uncle;  )
  • Shehaan (Great Uncle;  )
  • Maeva (Great Aunt;  )
  • Aarn (Great Grandfather;  )
  •  Helei (Great Grandmother;  )
  •  Ezekiel  (Adoptive uncle;  )


























Analytical & Curious
"I see you come from a far land, still, tell me about it. Tell me your origins and the morals in which you've been raised."

Hera loathes contradictions and illogicalness; with her sharp intellect, she quickly and comprehensively grasps patterns, principles, and structures. She is particularly interested in the world she was raised in and the beliefs that were taught to her, however, does not follow straight rules before analyzing them. Hera does like to work alone; her ability to concentrate is massive. She is very curious and is always open and interested in new information.

Tenacious and Dedicated 
"I'll hunt down that rabbit through thick and thin and I won't give up until I have it in between my teeth."
Nothing can make Hera give up on something she desires. She likes to bear responsibility and welcome challenges. She is stable and reliable. Despite her ability to work alone, relationships are very important to her. She is an excellent organizer and is very happy when things are done correctly and punctually; she can quickly react impatiently if others are not as conscientious, orderly and dutiful as she is.

Loyal and Patriotic
"I love my pack and my family, I would die for them."

Hera is fiercely loyal to her pack and family. On top of that, she is faithful to the traditions and values that she was raised on. She is hardworking and has a huge sense of duty based on the grounds of her pack, she is always inclined to giving her best in all situations.

Catalyst and Visionary
"The opportunity I have here is singular and I'll never have the chance to take it again unless I do now and face its consequences."

Hera is always looking for opportunities to profit personally, sometimes without consideration of the impact on everyone else. She not only finds opportunities, but she is able to sustain a vision – a direction. She is able to differentiate between opportunities of the moment and sustainable opportunities for the future.

Argumentative and Centred
"I'll prove myself right, trust me. I'll insist and keep defending my morals."

Hera has a constant need to be right in her thoughts, she can always give in if she is seen wrong but to get that from her may be a hard path to take. She is very centred and due to that she knows exactly what she wants and studies what she doesn't. To avoid being wrong Hera tends to stay silent and analyze the situation before even speaking up if needed.

Calculating and Ambitious
"I need to do that if want to to get what I desire, I know just the perfect plan."

Hera thinks a lot of details. She is attentive to details, think in advance, tends to remember events, dates, and plans. That trait can be efficient for a task but most of the time is annoying in friendly or romantic relationships. She does her best to maintain an order. Hera tends to make room for changes to plans and try a little more than others to get the best of situations. However, sometimes this trait can lead to assertion, demands, and even manipulation. Something that falls upon her ambitious mind and morals that drive her actions and plans.  

Naive and Narcissistic
"You are wrong! This is my right and I'm not giving it away to simply favor your needs."
Hera was once obedient but at this point, her ambition and life events have led her to become naive to commands that do not respect her on morals and her knowledge of right or wrong. If it is a simple and cultural situation she may stay silent and not interfere with her opinion, however, If it comes to insult her morals on the most basic line she fits in to prove her own thoughts. 

Background Story

The Puphood

A blessing struck the pack of Druid in a spring evening, when a litter of three healthy pups was born under the warm and comfortable Alpha den.

The litter of heirs, awaited for months, was finally here. Roan, Killian and Rhea II. The three pups grew happily under the care of Elysia, their mother, and Hagar, their father and Alpha of Druid. Being the last born, Rhea II was never set as an heir to the throne of Druid, even though she seemed to be born with an incredible sense of leadership and courage. The young female would be constantly rejected by her father when asking about the possibility of becoming an Alpha, instead of her older brother.

As she continued to search ways in which she could explore her leadership core instinct, Rhea found herself training hunts even before her time of apprenticeship came. Going outside the arboreal area to seek small rodents and birds on the grasslands. 

The practice was constant, becoming a personal habit during the last months of her pup hood, as she aspired to become a Hunter of some sort.

Her plans were immediately interrupted when a devastating storm approached the lands of Nihoka. At that evening, when Rhea II hunted a small bird in the golden fields, a large lightning struck the forest where her pack's territory was located.

The scene was of horror, as she ran into the forest, attempting to approach the fire she could hear howls of her desperate familiars. But before the youngling could waste her life trying to jump across a line of fire she was stopped by the pack's previous Beta, who had disappeared from the territory weeks prior.

The male took the terrified pup to a pack in the mountains, Sioux, as an offer of peace to the pack's Alpha, Alaric.

Rhea II at that time was incredibly confused and shocked, and due to the Alpha's impatience she was re-named, Hera.


Turbulent concepts of adolescence are not even close to what Hera had to overcome through that period of her life.

As she reached the age of one year, only a week after arriving at Sioux, Hera was settled as an warrior apprentice (without choice) with a mentor called Sean, a trusted warrior of the pack. During that time, Hera was forced to train daily under dangerous circumstances and even battle other apprentices of the pack. 

Under the command of the King, Hera received an extra hard training from her harsh mentor. Still, she did not loose her courage and motivation for her dreams.

In secret, Hera managed to meet up with a new mentor, one she had chosen. Lucian, a hunter, who happened to be building a secret revolution from the roots of Sioux.

As the revolution against the mad King grew, so did Hera, training day and night she continue to aspire for freedom and power (over herself).  


The last day of her apprenticeship was set to be the day of preparation to an attack to the King, in order to murder him. Still, nothing could foresee what would happen in her last day of training. 

Her mentor prepared some type of exam where she would have to battle him...for her own life. The fight went on for a whole day, and at the end, Hera won. 

Wounded and tired, the female returned to the pack site, devastated with the situation she had gone through. That was the last thing she could take, her patience had been cut off and as she arrived at the den site she was faced with the rage of Alaric, accusing her of treason. 

Hera, sided by a few revolutionaries and Lucian, commanded the murder of Alaric at the scene, putting an end to the era of terror in Sioux.

The Heir

A few months into the throne of Sioux, Hera was surprised by an outsider that approached the pack in it's den site. The desperate female mentioned her friend, a female from another pack who was highly sick and her young pup, the son of Alaric who had never been revealed to the public. The female begged shelter for the pup who would soon loose his mother.

Doubt rain through Hera's mind. She could not refuse shelter for a young helpless pup, however, that pup was a direct heir to the throne, before herself. Son of a mad King, the pup could even inherit similar traits that would consequently bring Sioux back into ruins.

In confusing with her own thoughts, Hera decided to take action and rescue the pup. 

Named Galem, the pup was adopted by Hera and raised as her own son. Rejected by most of the pack, due to his heritage, Galem grew into a rebel child. Constantly rebelling against Hera's rules and morals as she began to build a new empire for Sioux.

After finding out Galem had broken a law, she prohibited him from committing any crime again and, in rage, her ran away, never to be found again in the boundaries of Sioux.

The Marriage

At the age of 4, Hera was faced with a brand new issue as she conquretized the empire. The council was worried that Hera would not produce heirs to the throne as she began to go past the fertile age of wolves. Hera seemed to have no interests in love or similar subjects, however, the council decided to give her a chance to discover such world, setting an arranged marriage for the Alphess.

Hera soon married Oberon, a wolf of ancient lineage and known title amongst Sioux. Quickly into the first months of marriage Hera fell pregnant, with her first and only litter of heirs. 

The pups were born a few months later, five healthy young pups, considered a blessing by the wolves of Sioux. 


  • Hera(Rhea II) was named after her grandmother Rhea I.
  • Hera became a Delta warrior at 2 years old, but not long after, became an Alphess.
  • Hera and Oberon had only one litter during 3 years of marriage.










