Mason D Richard



6 years, 1 day ago


Mason D Richard

41 . Male . Bisexual

Mason D Richard was a man who lived in Como, Italy, all his life. When he was alive, Mason ran a Mafia familia under the name of Riccardo, and its main dealings was taking out other famlies when they took things too far.

Mason now lives in hell, after his death, to be the personal Driver, Body guard, and assistant to Yokumbi by the Order(blackmail) of his twin brother, Yokai Rogers. Its a hell of a time working for Yokumbi with all the crazy shit this man gets up to that drives Mason absolutely insane. His life is anything but normal now.

" A real man never leaves those he loves behind. "

. . . .
Species Demon
Birthday April 30th
Job Personal Attendent for Yokumbi
Hobbies Reading and drinking wine
Theme You're Gonna go Far, Kid. The Offspring

  • Mason has a bunch of scars from the time he was alive. From stabs, to gun shots, to burns.
  • He sometimes smokes when he's very stressed. He enjoys thin cigars the most.
  • While he won't ever admit it, Mason has a sweet tooth. He loves chocolate lava cakes with fresh strawberries.
  • Even though Mason stands at a good 6'2, hes actually more on the thin side. Hes still strong though!
  • This man was a Virgin before he met Yokumbi.

In Life

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam et sodales orci. Suspendisse nec sagittis leo, ut commodo turpis. Curabitur in hendrerit orci, nec vestibulum neque. Donec placerat lorem sit amet purus posuere fermentum. Aliquam id laoreet leo.

Fusce sodales pulvinar risus vitae consectetur. Quisque luctus est nec nisl lacinia, convallis elementum ex suscipit. Donec eu lacus blandit, convallis eros pretium, tempus lacus. Nam at ipsum finibus, porta eros et, ultricies sapien. Sed turpis nibh, condimentum at urna eget, tincidunt rutrum mi.

In Death

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam et sodales orci. Suspendisse nec sagittis leo, ut commodo turpis. Curabitur in hendrerit orci, nec vestibulum neque. Donec placerat lorem sit amet purus posuere fermentum. Aliquam id laoreet leo.

Fusce sodales pulvinar risus vitae consectetur. Quisque luctus est nec nisl lacinia, convallis elementum ex suscipit. Donec eu lacus blandit, convallis eros pretium, tempus lacus. Nam at ipsum finibus, porta eros et, ultricies sapien. Sed turpis nibh, condimentum at urna eget, tincidunt rutrum mi.

The Peace

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam et sodales orci. Suspendisse nec sagittis leo, ut commodo turpis. Curabitur in hendrerit orci, nec vestibulum neque. Donec placerat lorem sit amet purus posuere fermentum. Aliquam id laoreet leo.

Fusce sodales pulvinar risus vitae consectetur. Quisque luctus est nec nisl lacinia, convallis elementum ex suscipit. Donec eu lacus blandit, convallis eros pretium, tempus lacus. Nam at ipsum finibus, porta eros et, ultricies sapien. Sed turpis nibh, condimentum at urna eget, tincidunt rutrum mi.

Yokumbi Rogers
Its Complicated

This is the man Mason has been working for for quiet some time. Yokumbi is absolutely the biggest asshole on the planet and all relms, but some how Mason manages to deal with his boss' bullshit. With their first meeting ending in Mason almost being outright slaughtered, he still managed to make a impactful impression. Even though Yokumbi is the thorne stuck to his ass, they are still very close thanks to all the hell they went through together. Makes a man really wonder if friends is really all they are.

Yokai Rogers

When first coming to hell and having one hell of a blow out with his brother, Yokumbi, Yokai took Mason along with him and under a very kindly worded threat, gave Mason the job of pesonally looking after Yokumbi. Mason gets mildly annoyed by Yokai as well, only because he didn't expect this cheery looking man to metaphorically grab him by the balls and threaten eternal burning in hell after telling him all their secrets. Suffice to say, Mason agreed so long as he got paid in money and a never ending supply of coffee.

Yeonglihan Jason
2016 Ford Black Mustang

Yeonglihan, who goes by Nero, is a Wanyudo spirit that Mason tends to drive under the order of Yokai. Mason and Nero get along well enough, but in terms of age, he's still a kid to Mason and still has odd slangs and terms that just confuses the older Demon. He's still not sure why Nero calls him a DILF sometimes or what it even means.

Dante de La Vega

Dante... Is Dante. Mason isn't sure which other way to put it. This man is slow, yet somehow a genius. He will never understand how Dante functions and probably won't care to. The man is just a mess of ridiculous Texan non-sense and horrendous jokes that makes Mason wish he stayed with Yokai instead of Yokumbi.