Yokumbi Rogers



3 years, 8 months ago




 NAME  Yokumbi Rogers


 AGE  Ageless

 SPECIES  Demon • Ultimate Evil


 ORIENTATION   Pansexual 

 STATUS  It's Complicated

Yokumbi Rogers (Born in 31st, August), is, surprisingly, the God of Demons and ghosts, King of the Underworld. He has a human form, which he spends the most time on, of a blonde man with red eyes and strange tattoos on his cheeks. His height is 6'6", weighting about 180 lbs with an athletic body type. His element is a combination of two, Fire and Earth, making it into a Lava/Magma Element.

In the mortal Realm, he appears just to be a very care-free metalhead who has a lot of money and a red Mercedes. Altho very charismatic, he is very distant from humanity, mostly because of their mortality versus his own Immortality.


  • Guitars and Cars, obviously.
  • Rock and Roll, Sex and Drugs. And a lot of Alcohol and Cigarrets. Like, he smokes a lot.
  • Being treated as a normal person with a lot of flaws and some qualities.


  • Himself.
  • He actually hates to be called 'demon' or any other type of name that was given to 'Satan'. All he wants was to not live that type of life. He didn't ask for this.
  • Making difficult and life changing choices. He lets his brother do the difficult part of thinking of the consequences.
  • He actually dislikes the idea of being a God and has been neglecting the Demonic Realm ever since the Apocalypse happened in Eden.


  • Yokumbi has been originally created to be a Fullmetal Alchemist Fan-Character with a mix of Naruto, as a Lynx with four Tails. The Idea of the Feline continues, but he has been heavily modified thro the years.
  • His first appearance was in 2011, as a Fire Lynx, making him the oldest Original character of mine!
  • Yoku's story has a lot of many myths integrated in his story, including Babilonian, Christian and Norse mythology.
  • His first appearance in human form was heavily inspired by Reno, from Final Fantasy VII the movie. Well, I was 14, so it was a actually a copy, lmao. But he is very changed, as you can see.


  • ABC.
  • ABC.
  • ABC.


He's a grade A asshole, but a lovable asshole; Gets depressed through triggers, but mostly is from contemplating his immortality; Yokumbi is the true Devil King, but he hates it and decide to just not care at all to the Demon world; He loves his brother (Yokai Rogers) to death, he literally would die for him; Hates the 4 Superior gods for lotsa reasons; He hates himself; Yoku gave the idea of making a tech company with Yokai and gave him the idea of personal Computers and founds DOORs Operational System, however he makes his brother the CEO and himself the Shareholder; He has a huge collection of guitars and has a room on his home dedicated only for guitars and golden LPs.


Another Earth • Eden

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Vestibulum eget posuere massa, ac vehicula nunc. Donec mollis lacus ac dictum vulputate. Sed congue iaculis dolor, in dictum ex aliquam ac. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Current Life • UK

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquet mollis mauris ut consequat. Duis ut enim neque. Ut at enim ut ante iaculis fringilla a id sapien. Curabitur consequat neque elit, a placerat magna pretium at. Vivamus pulvinar leo enim, ut tempus ligula porttitor gravida.

Vestibulum eget posuere massa, ac vehicula nunc. Donec mollis lacus ac dictum vulputate. Sed congue iaculis dolor, in dictum ex aliquam ac. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.



Yokai Rogers is his dear twin brother, who he loves to death and would die for him. Their relatioship is both complicated and simple at the same time, Yokai always needs to take care of his brother's antics as Yokumbi falls back into his depression and questioning of reality and purpose. Yokai is the only one who knows of The Truth, but not able to tell a single word to his dear brother, in fear of what he would do with such information.

Yokai is a character that was created after 2 years of Yokumbi's creation, in 2013, as a critique of a Demon King who had no counter-point to balance the chaos. And thus, Yokai, the God of Angels and Souls has been born!

MASON D. RICHARD It's Complicated

Mason is at the beginning, a little bother to Yokumbi, as he felt like a child again to have a "babysitter" to take care of him and his shenanigans, however, seeing how much Mason was trying his best to understand him, Yoku became hostile, rooted in his trauma from not being able to be friends with any mortal. He treats badly the poor Italian, who in response retaliates and makes comebacks, acknowledging he is the "Satan" of this world, but not showing a single ounce of fear. This surprises Yoku, who keeps a lot of time to reflect what he is trying to achieve being such an asshole to his bodyguard. After a long fight, he decides to take another shot, becomening deeply emotionally connected to Mason.

DANTE DE LA VEGA Haunted Car • Employee

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NERO VINACENT Haunted Car • Yokai's Employee

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