Pritha Alberich



1 year, 1 month ago


Name: Pritha Alberich

Nicknames: Pri, Prith

Fanchild of: Kaeya x Tartaglia

Gender: Female (She/her)

Element: Hydro

Weapon: Polearm

Region of Origin: Mondstadt

Constellation: Pavo Minor

  • Meaning: Young Peacock

Story: The first of Mondstadt's "terrible trio", Pritha is the oldest child of Knight's Calvary Captain and the 11th Fatui Harbinger. She lives most of her life in Mondstadt, but does know a lot about what her father does. Not much can be hidden from her, but Tartaglia still tries to keep his work life as far away from her, and her siblings as he possibly can. Yet, that doesn't stop Pritha into get into her own brand of trouble.

Personality: Pritha may be the spitting image of Kaeya, she takes after Childe more when it comes to living her life. A thrill seeker through and through, Pritha is often the ringleader in her, her friend's, and her siblings adventures (read: chaos). She loves to see everything the world has to offer her, both good and bad. As a result, she's reckless and very impulsive. While that does mean she's great at thinking on her feet, "hindsight is 20/20" has pretty much become the phrase she embodies.

Signature Weapon: Twin Stars

Passive: Increases drop rate of items against Abyssal enemies.

Has Lines About: Kaeya, Tartaglia, Diluc, Albedo, Alexander, Rachel, Yukari

  • Kaeya: Dad was...actually the one who chose my name. Apparently it's from where his mother's home and he wanted to still have some sort of tie to her. It's sweet. But back to the point about him. He was really protective of me when I was younger. I'm not sure why since, Pops was also there to help, but I was probably because he wanted me to grow up in a different way than he did.  I don't really know, he doesn't drop his baggage on me, but I can tell he worries. I think...he wants me to become nothing like him. Don't let the facade fool you. He cares about the people he loves. Deeply.
  • Tartaglia: He thought he could hide what he does from me? Ha! He wishes. But wow, Pops will be so mad when he finds out I picked up sneaking around and eavesdropping from him. Dad says he's a horrible influence, and looking at it now, I can't really say I disagree. *haha!* Of course he took care of me, and taught me a lot, but he also encouraged all my adventuring. Sort of came to bite him in the ass though. The first time I came back home a bit later than usual and covered in scratches he looked like he had seen a ghost. Said if I was gone any longer he would've went out looking for me.
  • Diluc: If there's one thing that my entire family loves to do, it's bother my uncle. Granted, my dad has that privilege as the younger brother, and Pops very existence seems to make him annoyed, but that's beside the point. When both of them were away, my siblings and I would stay at his house. He'd tell me all manner of stories about Dad and himself when they were younger. Apparently Uncle Diluc was the troublemaker of the two? Wish I could've seen some of it myself.
  • Albedo: He and Dad are really close. We're talking like best friends who can communicate through facial expressions alone close. Sometimes I wonder if they had a thing for each other, but it doesn't seem like it. Dad never saw him that way and Albedo always had eyes for someone else. But anyway, Albedo, despite being a bit dry sometimes, is really fun to be around. He always has something interesting to say.
  • Alexander: Okay, so Alexander is his full name, but everyone calls him Alex. Our dads only say his full name when he's in massive trouble, like about to get grounded, trouble. Which granted isn't often. It's a funny thing, he's actually the most well behaved of us. Kinda. He likes to think ahead, or as he calls it "actually consider consequences" But if Ray and I bother him enough he goes along with us. After all, he's still a part of the "terrible trio" as we're known.
  • Rachel: My baby sister! When I realized Rachel also had stars in her eyes, it was so exciting! Knowing that Dad and I weren't the only ones, it felt comforting. Ray and I also "match each other's energy" as Pops says it. I will admit, I'm not exactly the best role model as I always say yes when she asks to go adventuring. Then we double team to get Alex to come with us! But for real, even though Ray is a fast learner, it's still my duty to protect her as the older sister.
  • Yukari: Oh right! My cousin's best friend! It was Ruby who introduced us, but Yukari and I have gotten pretty tight on our own. She's so much fun and just gets me y'know? Sure she might be the youngest in her family, but she has the most responsibility put on her. She gets the weight of it. Which means she understands how fun it is to cut loose! When it's the two of us the world feels like it's ours! Nothing can stand in our way!