Rachel Alberich



1 year, 7 days ago


Name: Rachel Alberich

Nicknames: Ray, Ray-Ray, Rakel (only by Kaeya and Elias)

Fanchild of: Kaeya x Tartaglia

Gender: Non-binary (She/Her)

Element: Cryo

Weapon: Claymore

Region of Origin: Mondstadt

Constellation: Filia Media Hieme

  • Meaning: Midwinter's Daughter

Story: The third of Mondstadt's "terrible trio", Rachel is the youngest child of Knight's Calvary Captain and the 11th Fatui Harbinger. She lives most of his life in Mondstadt, and is fully aware of what her father does. Even more so than her siblings, Rachel is considered a somewhat unsettling child. With her mismatched eyes and passion for appearing places she's not supposed to, she seems to have a goal of becoming Mondstadt's resident urban legend. 

Personality: Smarter than she let's on and more cunning than anyone would expect, Rachel is often considered the biggest of the troublemakers out of her three siblings. She's crafty like Kaeya and a friendly face like Childe, but also ends up taking a the combination of both their worst traits as well. Rachel ends up bottling up most of her feelings and trying to blow off any help offered to her. But buried beneath it all is a sweet, compassionate girl.

Weapon: Dream of Technology

Passive: Increased droprate with Automatons.

Has Lines About: Kaeya, Tartaglia, Zhongli, Sucrose, Pritha, Alex, Ousei, Emeric, and Atlas

  • Kaeya: Out of all of us, Dad seems to worry about me the most. Well, now I guess. According to Pri, he acted the exact same way with both her and Alex when they were my age. Which is weird, 'cause everyone else in Mondstadt seems to think of him as this carefree, suave, smooth talker. Everyone's got a persona, I guess. Anyway, Dad really does care a lot about me, I think at this point he gave up hiding stuff since it didn't work the first two times and just tells me all his "secrets".
  • Tartaglia:  Papa's favorite nicknames for me are "menace" and "little monster" and I'm pretty sure he was given the exact same one when he was my age. But really I wear those names like a badge of honor. It's fun being a little monster! He's taught me a lot about what adventuring is like and has a lot of stories of the places he's been. Although, his favorite adventuring story is always the one about how he met Dad. It is romantic...in a weird way. The two apparently became friends when Dad threw a snowball at him when they were kids.
  • Zhongli: It's so weird. When my parents talk to him, it feels like they're all telling a joke that I'm not in on. I know Papa and him were friends for a while. Then...apparently he kinda hated Uncle Zhongli for a time. Something about making a deal behind his back and dating the guy who wants him dead? I don't know, the two don't really talk about it more and they're mostly cool. But more about him, it's so funny to me that he just plays himself off as just a guy who's "well read" in his words. I feel like that kinda rubbed off on me.
  • Sucrose: Right, Mercury's mom! She and Dad work together sometimes. Dad tells me that she opens up a lot more around people she knows well, and I've seen it! Everyone knows she's really smart, but what people don't know is that she can be really scary sometimes. Wait, you don't believe me? I gotta show you one day, you'll be shocked. She tries to hide it most of the time and I can't really blame her. I don't think she's proud of it.
  • Pritha: It's basically a gamble of when she actually acts like the oldest sibling and when she acts my age. Which I guess is also very similar to how Papa acts. Speaking of, like Papa, Pritha is the one who always wants to go on the dangerous adventures. Although I think that comes from both him and her friend Yukari. Dad makes the joke that it's practically a miracle that he ended up as her good influence. Okay, okay, I know I'm throwing a lot of shade her way, but that's just my job as the younger sibling.
  • Alex: Best way to describe him? A ball of nerves. While he doesn't scare easily, believe me I've tried, he's still really stressed out a lot. I can practically see him thinking all the time. Sometimes I think he should just cut loose and join us once in a while. Just going for it without a care can be really fun. And sure we can sometimes get him to come along, but that's a rare thing. But when he does, it's a blast. That's why we're the "terrible trio"!
  • Ousei: Some people describe them as "kind of unsettling" too. But honestly I don't see it. If anything people spook them more than they do. But we do make a good team though! Sei always seems to notice everything around them, like, even better than I can. Sei says it's because of their magic, but I'm pretty sure there are some other reasons too. There's a lot of stuff they haven't really told me about themselves yet. And I can tell whatever it is, it kinda bothers them. Well, I'll be ready to listen when they are ready to tell me.
  • Emeric: It took a while for me to warm up to him and vice versa. He's still a lot closer with Sei than he is with me, but I don't mind.  After we became friends, I think it really only then just occurred to me that we were all "weird kids". So I guess that's how we were all drawn together! *haha!* But that's really it. A lot of people are bit put off by Emeric and yet it never really bothered them. I have a lot of respect for that.
  • Atlas: Atlas wasn't originally part of my friend group. I met him while my dads were taking me and my siblings on a trip to Fontaine. And yet, from the moment we met, we hit it off. He's clearly a performer at heart, which really isn't my sort of thing, but I love watching him doing it! And he's probably one of the only people who will listen to me talk about all the things I know. It's nice. I like having someone like him around.