


6 years, 4 months ago


"The Fighter"

Motherly . Learner . Timid . Teacher

Name Ezekiel
Called Ezekiel
Gender Male
Age 800
Element Poison + Life
Allegiance Pride
Height 13.5 Ft
Sexuality Straight
Race Lion of the Cosmos
Mate Kalila
Alignment Lawful Good
Theme Song Link


  • Family
  • Dream walking
  • Calmness
  • Respectfulness 


  • The idea of losing her cubs 
  • Thunder
  • Fighting
  • Dying or falling into another eternal slumber


Growing up Ezekiel was always a happy cub, sure he had to fight his  siblings for their parent's attention from time to time he never let  that bother him. He wanted to live his life with a good mindset and  always looking ahead with happiness. He took that into most of his life,  he was easy to talk to and would never hesitate to offer his helping  hand if needed. Unfortunately, that vanished the day his family was  ripped away from him and murdered in front of him. Under his cold dark  exterior, hidden away, lies a lion who just wants to care and help  others but he's fearful of putting himself out there for the world to  see. Its the reason why he has hidden away on planet Z-99. Now, most of  Ezekiel's life is dedicated to his job as a prison guard, and he takes  this job very seriously. It keeps him busy and he no longer worries  about the free time letting his mind wander to that day. He is loyal to  his cause and he works hard enough and almost always refuses to leave  the prison planet. His home planet just brings back so many memories.  Now Ezekiel isn't the perfect lion and sometimes he can let his temper  get the best of him when dealing with some criminals. The few lions that  hit his sore spot will always be murders. Ezekiel tends to be more  forceful with those lions and never takes any crap from them. He isn't  afraid to set them straight when it comes to stupid behaviour. One thing  he prides himself in is that fact he refuses to complain about his past  and the shitty hand life dealt him. He never wants to worry people  about his problems and what could would complaining do to his family? It  wasn't going to bring them back to him. There is one secret to Ezekiel  that only his mate knew, his romantic side. Maybe one day if by a  miracle Ezekiel found love again he would let that side of him out. But  for now, it stays hidden locked away. 

Ever since that day he has been a complete different lion, he has  closed himself off from the world and puts on a show for everyone else  around him. He's a broken guy, his heart has been shattered to a million  pieces and noting would ever repair it. He lost every single person he  held dear to that day, and forever that day will haunt him. Often his  nights are filled with nightmares of his brother standing over him and  his young daughter dangling in his mouth with blood pouring from her  wounds and there was nothing he could do. Mentally he is lost with what  to do in life and views his job as the only thing he can do right. Why  should be a warrior for the pride if he can't even keep his only family  alive?




They met within each other dreams. What started out as a strong friendship slowly built itself into the relationship it is now. Aithea is her rock, foundation and light in a dark place. She can always count on Aithea to be there when ever she needs her. Together they three adorable children.


Adoptive Son

Farren will always hold a special place in her heart, when he came into her life he was nothing but a scared little cub and she was a shy lioness who just woken from an eternal slumber. Together they worked with each other and build each other up. Without the other they both believe they wouldn't be the lion they are today. 



Rêve is her lost child, the one she felt like she had failed. She spent year away from her mate and family looking for him. Once he came back she held him close and refused to let him go. Every couple days Damara will visit him through his dreams and they always keep up. She proud of what hes became and has grown into a wonderful man. 

Name: Ezekiel

Gender: male

Element: poison + Life

Alliance: Pride + himself

Sexuality: Straight

Mate: Maz - Deceased

Cub: Evelynn 'Estelle' - Deceased

Rank: Prison guard.


Dedicated, Forceful, Romantic, Uncomplaining,

Aggressive, Reserved, quiet 

Abrasive, Regretful, Broken/lost, Cold, Angry. 

Growing up Ezekiel was always a happy cub, sure he had to fight his siblings for their parent's attention from time to time he never let that bother him. He wanted to live his life with a good mindset and always looking ahead with happiness. He took that into most of his life, he was easy to talk to and would never hesitate to offer his helping hand if needed. Unfortunately, that vanished the day his family was ripped away from him and murdered in front of him. Under his cold dark exterior, hidden away, lies a lion who just wants to care and help others but he's fearful of putting himself out there for the world to see. Its the reason why he has hidden away on planet Z-99. Now, most of Ezekiel's life is dedicated to his job as a prison guard, and he takes this job very seriously. It keeps him busy and he no longer worries about the free time letting his mind wander to that day. He is loyal to his cause and he works hard enough and almost always refuses to leave the prison planet. His home planet just brings back so many memories. Now Ezekiel isn't the perfect lion and sometimes he can let his temper get the best of him when dealing with some criminals. The few lions that hit his sore spot will always be murders. Ezekiel tends to be more forceful with those lions and never takes any crap from them. He isn't afraid to set them straight when it comes to stupid behaviour. One thing he prides himself in is that fact he refuses to complain about his past and the shitty hand life dealt him. He never wants to worry people about his problems and what could would complaining do to his family? It wasn't going to bring them back to him. There is one secret to Ezekiel that only his mate knew, his romantic side. Maybe one day if by a miracle Ezekiel found love again he would let that side of him out. But for now, it stays hidden locked away. 

To the outside world, Ezekiel might appear to be cold-hearted and angry with life. Now they wouldn't be wrong. Since his arrival on Z-99, he has shut out every other lion working with him, save a few lions he has let into his life. There is only one lion as of now that he enjoys sitting down with and talking during meal breaks or on their off time. Other than that though he hardly ever talks to the others and would almost never talk to the prisoners unless he needed information or was in charge of their care for a shift. Often though when he does converse with prisoners, he tends to get aggressive with how he talks to them and sometimes treats them. This doesn't mean that he attacks them or aims to wound them sometimes he just handles them rougher than he should. With his fellow guards, he won't open up to them and keeps most of what is on his mind private and a secret. 

Ever since that day he has been a complete different lion, he has closed himself off from the world and puts on a show for everyone else around him. He's a broken guy, his heart has been shattered to a million pieces and noting would ever repair it. He lost every single person he held dear to that day, and forever that day will haunt him. Often his nights are filled with nightmares of his brother standing over him and his young daughter dangling in his mouth with blood pouring from her wounds and there was nothing he could do. Mentally he is lost with what to do in life and views his job as the only thing he can do right. Why should be a warrior for the pride if he can't even keep his only family alive?


Ezekiel's life started how any lion would want, he was born into a loving family of five and in his parent's eyes, he was their precious baby boy. Living with three siblings Ezekiel had to occasionally fight for his parent's  attention but being the youngest of the litter he had small advantages,  although he would never be on the same level as his sister. Being the only girl of the litter their mother paid special attention to her, and often babied her more than her brothers. Growing up the siblings were close and pretty much inseparable from one another, no matter was one went they would at least have one sibling following them around. Because he thought his brothers and sister were enough for friends he never put himself out there to befriend other cubs, his other siblings thought otherwise and they started seeking out other friends but they never really left one another. Ezekiel and his siblings were good children,  they hardly got in trouble with other lions. Granted this does not mean they were anywhere near perfect but considering their fathers past many were shocked to see how well they behaved. They often had enough entertainment playing and creating their own games. One of Ezekiel's favourite games to play was one him and his sister made. They would create code words, and through the day one of the cubs would shout out the word and the other had to do whatever the word meant. He loves this game because the fact the word could come at any moment and you always had to be ready. It also created some funny moments. 

When the time came for them to start training Ezekiel wanted nothing more than to be a warrior for the pride. He wanted to be worth something in the eyes of the pride and his own father. during this time he worked his butt off, he simply wanted to be the best warrior he could be. He had small doubts about his chance of becoming a warrior since pride manes ran through both sides of his parents but his father was lucky enough to get a warrior mane gene so what was stopping Ezekiel? So he did his best during this time not to think about it and keep his eye on his goal and continue to work hard. It was also during this time it met and grew attached to his mentor Inna, he began to feel the need to make him happy and proud of everything he could accomplish. Inna was one of the two lions in his life that he wanted to make proud. 

It was also during this time he began showing some interest in his sister's close friend Maz. From time to time he would just follow them so he could just be near her. This did cause some stress between the two siblings but  Ezekiel knew something was special about her. His sister never did like the fact that he would just follow them around like a lost puppy. It took him a while but he did learn and realize that following her around wouldn't get him anywhere. This was the first female that has ever got his attention and he wasn't really sure how to go about it. Over time he slowly got closer to Maz, and even as a cub he knew he had more than a  crush and simple feelings towards her. He couldn't wait for them to age so he could pursue a real relationship with Maz. Now his sister was never happy about it because she always thought her brother was stealing her best friend. It took some time but Estelle got used to the fact that she would have to accept that they were going to be a thing. 

As  Ezekiel grew close to again he started to get more and more nervous and anxious about what mane type he was going to get. His biggest fear was growing a pride mane at this point in his life. Now that he had feelings towards Maz his drive to become a warrior grew. He needed to know how to protect her when they were officially mates and when the time came,  their cubs from danger. 

With only a few more years till he and his siblings aged, he began pushing his boundaries, pushing the knowledge about his abilities. He spends as much time with his father and Inna and possible, he wanted to learn everything before he was thrust into the world of being a warrior. He also began spending some time with some pride healers, he wanted to know more about his life element and how he could use it later in life.  Still to this day he does regret the fact that he never worked on his poison element enough. He still thinks that maybe if he took some more time learning about it he could have saved his family.

When the time came to finally age he couldn't be any happier, it was finally time to grow and learn if it was privileged enough to grow a warrior mane.  There was also a bit of conflict with his ageing, he was going to have to wait for Maz to age before they could work on what they were. The wait was going to kill him, but for Maz, he would wait a lifetime for her. During the ceremony, it was a time of celebration with his family,  time of pride, happiness, joy. Their parents couldn't be any happier with their children and no matter what path fate put them on they would be great additions to the pride.

When Maz finally aged they were finally able to be together again. Quickly they rebuilt their relationship and became official mates soon after the fact. In typical fashion, it didn't take Maz long to fall pregnant with cubs. Both lions were beyond excited to have cubs together. They were going to be parents. Maz had Ezekial wrapped around her little toe.  The day he felt another living presence within Mazhe told pretty much anyone would talk to him, and even took the time to seek out people like his family and close friends. Ezekiel never really thought about the idea of being a  father, it was never on the front of his mind. But the moment when he realized what was going to happen he couldn't have been anymore ecstatic. Although once the initial excitement wore off the nerves began settling in and he quickly realized how much responsibility it's going to be to have cubs. He would be in charge of another living being. Was he ready for such a task? He began thinking that, just maybe, he wasn't going to be a good father and he would fail Maz and their future cubs.  What if he screwed up and disappointed Maz?

During Maz's pregnancy, Ezekiel did whatever he could for his mate in order to be ready for his children to come into the world. He listened to other lions about their experiences and what he should be ready for mentally and physically so when the cubs came he was ready. But the moment his little girl came into the world, suddenly she became the center of his universe and all his thoughts were about this little cub before him.  At that moment in time, he forgot everything he was told and prepared for.  He was speechless all because of a little ball of murky green fur that was now his and Maz's. Ezekiel did whatever Maz needed him to do, he would lay down his life if he was asked. The first couple days Ezekiel was a typical fumbling father, not 100% what to do with what they have been given, but it didn't take long for him to understand how everything worked. Now his biggest flaw about being a father was how protective he was with his family and even his sister. 

Nearly a year after the birth of his daughter a familiar face appeared at the pride, and soon  Ezekiel and his family were reunited with their lost brother. Everyone was happy to see their eldest brother and child. They were all curious about what happened during his time away from the pride but they didn't want to push him and risk the chance of pushing him away again. The whole family was unaware of why he ran off in the first place and didn't know what happened to him while he was missing. All of them were not aware of just how dangerous their brother was going to be. 

One day the family got together and decided they would go on an adventure with little Evelynn to the outskirts of the pride, getting the chance to stretch out their legs and teach their daughter more about the pride. As a group, Maz,  Ezekiel, Evelynn, Estelle, and  Hammurabi went off walking exploring and pointing out different locations and points of interest to the little cub. they were about an hour into the walk when Hammurabi and Estelle broke off from the group leaving the small family alone. Estelle wanted to go back to the pride and met up with another group of lions and their brother agreed to walk back with her. The three enjoyed their time alone, spending the extra family time together meant a lot for Ezekiel and Maz since they wanted to spend as much time with their daughter since one day she will grow up and no longer need them like she does now. 

   With a loud cry, I watched from the corner of my eye as a green blur leapt towards Maz, dragging her to the ground. Before I even had the chance to move I watched as my brother sank his teeth, knowing full well his teeth were coated with a thick layer of deadly poison into Maz's neck, It was almost as if the world slowed down, I could feel everything around me stop and in an instant my whole body filled  with dread. Creating a loud cry of my own and a broken snarl I lunged at my brother, teeth bared, eyes filled with a fire of anger and hatred.  At this moment the only thing I could see was red, and my brain had shut down the need to protect my family fueling me. With all the power I could muster I felt my paws connect with Hammurabi's flank which pulled him away from Maz. My brother looked up at me, within his mouth was a  pile of fur and skin ripped from the neck of my mate. I didn't even realize that tears started to form in the corner of my eyes. I was only given a few seconds to let everything set in before my brother lunged at me. We both fought with everything we had, I needed to do everything to keep my family safe and save Maz. As time went by I knew I was getting tired and I began to panic. With a final push, I shoved my brother away from me, both of us panting and glaring at each other with hatred. Blood was pouring from both our wounds, but just by looking at my brother I  could see I had taken more damage than he had. I don't know how much time passed but we circled one another, not once breaking eye contact.  At this moment this small feeling in the back of my mind was telling me to look at Maz, to go her because she needed me. It was the only reason I  looked away from my brother and I was greeted by a scene that I will never be able to forget. There lied Maz, blood pooling out of her neck and black like veins running from the wound. It was then I noticed that her familiar life force was gone. Panic filled my eyes and I ran towards  Maz and dug my face into a somewhat clear patch of fur and began crying  "no...no..Maz, please move..please wake up. Don't let this happen. I'm not ready for you to leave. Maz..Please Wake up.." I tried everything, pushing all my elemental abilities into her to heal her, but the wound would not heal and her heart would not start beating again. With one final effort, I tried reaching for her life force once again, but I caught it just as it faded away to nothing. My attention was turned back to my brother, and without even realizing it I saw a  small bundle of green fur hanging limply from his neck, Evelynn. How could I have forgotten about her? I shook my head, my eyes pleading towards my brother "brother please, don't do this. Take me instead of her. Give her the chance to live her life and make something of herself." I had resorted to begging for my daughter's life. She deserved so much better. I began feeling for her life force, a small glint of hope sparked inside myself when I felt her there. She was still alive. "So blind to everything going on around you dearest baby brother. I was always a shadow underneath you, how could I live up to the image that my perfect little brother had? How could I live with myself knowing that Maz picked you over me? I LOVED HER!" he shouted, his voice dripping with utter detest towards me. "If I can't have her, then why should I let you? No one can have her! None of you deserves to live brother." I was not expecting it, but without even getting the chance to react he bit down and his teeth sank into Evelynn's little body, a loud crack and snap sound happening. I felt it instantly, her life force vanishing.  He killed them both. "You see Ezekiel, you are now left with no one, Maz, your child, our sister Estelle? All gone and its all y-" I didn't give him the time to finish when I lunged towards him. I can't remember what happened, the next thing I know I am standing over my brother with his throat missing and large wounds littered across his body. Standing above my brother I was panting heavily and I could feel his blood dripping from my muzzle. I almost didn't want to take my eyes off his dead body scared of what I will see when I looked at Maz and Evelynn. I wasn't ready for what I was about to see. 

 They were the loves of my life, now they’re nothing but two corpses thrown and discarded on the ground. A steady stream of blood was flowing from their necks and stomachs, no matter what I did nothing would bring them back to me. I simply cried. 115 years with Maz and now she’s is gone,   stolen from me by my deranged and jealous brother. My young daughter was taken from me before she even had a chance to experience the world. I   should have known better than to trust him, he had an aura of darkness clinging to him whenever he was around. Now? He to is a corpse, one that will be left and forgotten.
Tears poured down my face, staining my fur, my heart had broken into a million tiny little pieces and would never be fixed.

 I  spent the time with both Maz and Evelynn cleaning their wounds and bodies, dragging them away from the bloody scene. I can't remember how long I was with him, one moment I had both of them curled around me and the next there was a small group of pride lions lifting their bodies and waking me up. A broke cry escaped my lips as I jumped up and ran towards them trying to take them away from the lions. No one was allowed to take them from me. It didn't even clue into my mind that they were helping me and bringing them back to the safety of the pride so they could be handled correctly and with the respect they deserve. I see the looks of pity from all of them, how they all looked down at me as if a  lesser being. I couldn't stop the sobs that racked my body. Again my memory was left blank as the next thing I wake up was to find myself in a  den, alone. I refused to get up, I had no strength left in my body to even try. Wallowing in my own self-pity I didn't even register the lion entering my den and walking towards me. "I'm sorry Ezekiel, we...we also found your sister's body...We tried all we could but..." He didn't have to continue, I already knew what he meant. "Just leave."


It’s a single word, one word that will forever haunt Ezekiel. The voice is one of a little angel, so soft and innocent. The word used to bring him such pride, happiness, contentment.
Years have passed since that dreadful day, and every night, every dream he hears his little Evelynn calling out for him.
Sometimes it’s quite and a simple question as if asking for directions. Other nights it’s a loud cry begging for help. Sometimes it’s cries of pain asking to save her from the pain. Once it was a broken word muttered as the light left her eyes.
You don’t realize how something so small could hold so much power in someone’s life. How crippling, damaging, draining a single word can be for someone. A word that should bring someone nothing else but happiness. A question that leads to nightmares, day terrors, and to an empty broken heart.



Alive, out there somewhere left the pride after Ezekiel’s brother killed Maz and Evelynn. Heartbroken over the fact their own child could do something so evil, so cold-hearted.
They are ashamed of their family and does not feel comfortable within the pride anymore.

Hammurabi,  he was the one who killed Maz sand Evelynn. He had a crush on her as a  cub as well and hated that his younger brother got her. Out of jealousy and raged he killed her and their child so no one could have her.

unknown_female_warrior_by_overlord_of_loEstelle, she was Ezekiel ’s best friend. Super close while growing up. Ziek met Maz through Estelle as they were best friends growing up. She was Evelynns godmother. She was separated from the group and killed first before Hammurabi went to kill the others.

unknown_female_warrior_by_overlord_of_loOfficially became mates 32 years after his ageing ceremony and weeks after hers. He waited years for her and would have waited forever just so they could be together. Maz is best friends with Estelle, and it was because of her that Ezekiel and her met.

Evelynn ‘Estelle’

Their only cub and their most precious belonging. She was killed alongside her mother, Hammurabi never planned on killing her but things got carried away and unfortunately, she fell target. She got her middle name from her godmother. Ezekiel and Maz wanted to say thank you to her for bringing them together all those years ago.