

"The Lover"

Motherly . Learner . Timid . Teacher

Name Farren
Called Farren, Goose(family only)
Gender Male
Age 500 yrs
Element Life
Allegiance Family, Oasis
Height 14.3 Ft
Sexuality Gay
Race Lion of the Cosmos
Mate Solaire
Alignment Lawful Good
Theme Song Link


  • Family
  • Helping others
  • Calmness
  •  Learning


  • Pain
  • Silent
  • Looks of pity
  • Fighting


Farren started his life struggling, it had formed so much of his cubhood left him broken and struggling for so long. When he came to the pride he was nothing but a nervous and scared wreck. Fearful of letting anyone help in in fear that this was a test from his uncle and was going to come back and at minute to punish him. He was lucky that Damara was willing to reach out and help him, first with calming his horrible nightmares then next reaching out to her mate to help teach him confidence in himself. Without them there would be no way that Farren would be the same lion he is today. Granted he is in no way perfect, and still struggles daily with the ghost and monsters of his past. Granted now he does his best to pass it forward, helping others just like his parents did to him. Its one of the biggest reasons why he decided to become a healer in the first place. 

Most of the time Farren will appear to be a happy lion with no problems, he had become very good at hiding his emotions and pushing forward. Behind his dull blue eyes there is still a storm brewing just waiting for the moment to be released and ruin what ever progress Farren has made through his life. The one thing you can guarantee that he will never hold a grudge against anything, other then his uncle, and refuses to remain angry at anything. While they don't live short lives on lochren and even more so now that he lives within the Oasis, but he still doesnt see a reason to stay angry at someone. It would take a lot for someone to fuck up so badly for Farren to not forgive someone.

The one person he can rely on most to keep him calm and bring him back to the present would be his mate Sol, he is willing ton confide everything to him. Farren believes that Sol is his rock and foundation and will love him with everything he can offer. He would do anything to keep him safe and it forever thankful for him for being there when his lost his leg during the final battle. WIthout him Farren doubts he would even be here right now, painfully willing to admit that he would have most likely given up and have let the brutal amputation kill him.




Damara was the one to help him when he first arrived at the pride, she was able to calm his nightmares. Slowly over time his trust for this lioness began to grow until one day she brought up the idea of him calling her mom. He liked that and ever since that moment they've been nothing but mother and son. Damara is his idol, he looks up to her and sees nothing but pride and it forever thankful for everything she has done for him.



Aithea came a little while after Damara adopted him, she was one of the second people he was willing to talk to upon his arrival at the pride. She was the one to teach him to love himself for who he is. Farren loves Aithea just as much as his other mother, he would do anything to keep these two safe. He wants to do nothing but to make them proud of him and for the lion hes grown up to be.



It all started as a friendship, bonding over their want to help others in their time of need. Slowly over time feeling began to grow. Solaire is Farren's rock, he loves him with everything he can offer. Between them teaching each other tricks of their trades or just spending their time cuddling. He would do anything for Sol, even moving from his family into the Oasis. He hopes that he could love him forever and it will never have to end.