i cant make the music player work :/

am i doing somethin wrong?

<!--- Song player --->

<div class="card my-1 mt-1 p-2 rounded-0 border-0" style="background-color:#000000; border-radius:20px; font-size:18px;">

<div class="row no-gutters">

<div class="col-8">

<!-- Little disclaimer -->

<div class="card bg tooltipster" style="background: #707987;border-radius:50px; width:300px" data-placement="top"

title="Lana Del Rey">

<p><audio controls="" style="height:20px; mix-blend-mode: darken;"><source src=

" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvSZQ4oMHGM "><br></audio></p>



<div class="col-4 my-auto">

<p class="mr-2" style="font-size:15px; color:#5579a6; text-align:right">Dark Paradise





yeah, you can't use YouTube links >< I recommend downloading the video as an mp3 then posting it to a Discord chat, then copying the link


Hey! I downloaded the MP3 and copied the link to it from google drive and it still won’t work. I’m unable to send it to a discord chat. How did you do that?

i am absolutely in love with this code!! using right now omg <3333 😭

This looks great!!

Probably will use this for one of my characters, i love codes that are so detailed and also have music player! :D

this is so extensive yet neat and stylized I'd def use if my ocs had more info <3 thank you for your service