Fawn [COTL]



1 year, 1 month ago


Name             Fawn
Species          Rambouillet Sheep
Occupation   Cult Leader/God of Death
Pronouns       They/Them

Every follower in Cult of Fawn knows Fawn and their story. Starting off as a sacrifical lamb, upon their death, they were given the Red Crown by The One Who Waits, where upon accepting it their horns turned to faux antlers made of dark magic. They came back to get vengance and free their chained God, declaring war on the Four Bishops who sacrificed them. This revenge took the form of their cult, named Cult of Fawn, which grew to be very powerful, just like Fawn.

When the Four Bishops fell and The One Who Waits demanded his crown, Fawn refused and tore him down to a mere follower. Their display and strength earned them their followers eternal respect and loyalty, and their real antlers. They are the leader, the destroyer of the Four Bishops and The One Who Waits, and the God of Death.

But none of them know the beginnings of such a powerful Godhead. Fawn was a mere infant towards the end of the Old Faith's massacare of their kind, hidden away by a parent they never met to prevent them from being slaughtered like they had. They were discovered by Forneus hours later when they began to cry, and the cat helped raise them for a time. When they were still younger they met the former vessel of the Red Crown, Ratau.

He invited them to join his cult, to which they accepted. They grew further within the cult, learning agriculture and battle from Ratau and his followers alike. However when faith got low due to Ratau's poor decisions, a follower betrayed the cult and alerted the Old Faith to their location where the remaining followers were slaughtered and Fawn was captured and taken away.

Spouse          Pixie (Formerly Thoron/Thorn)
LF                   Terra (Formerly Antre)
Items             Necromantic Axe, Maelstrom and Fleece of Fates

Series            Cult of the Lamb

Extra              Rarely/doesn't talk. (The red crown talks for them during sermons etc.) Turns all followers into deer. Design based on the movie Chirin's Bell.