Cult of Fawn [COTL]



1 year, 4 months ago



Lanky white short-furred deer with large black antlers, gray eyes and red painted markings, was gifted a skull necklace from Fawn. Terra was formerly a follower of Shamura, she is a very quiet deer but a fiercely obedient follower. When she realized she was following the wrong God thanks to Fawn, she was so ashamed she worshiped at the altar of her new one for days, even to the point of starvation. Her devotion impressed Fawn who elected her the Loyalty Enforcer and gifted her the skull necklace in recognition of her efforts. Despite how quiet Terra is, her silence is intimidating and she takes her role very seriously. She is usually found praying at the altar or observing other followers' tasks.

Small short-furred blue deer with darker blue spots, green eyes and a feather necklace from The One Who Waits. Pixie was very smiley and friendly with everyone in the cult, pulling her weight and generally being a ray of sunshine. That’s where the comparisons to Thorn began. Eventually they grew so strong that the elders began to pressure Fawn to remarry for the sake of the cult, so they did. They are very distant with Pixie, who is intimidated by them and her new role enough that she isn’t smiling anymore and she seems constantly on edge. She has begun to isolate herself, or maybe her rise to power has caused her peers to isolate her, which has turned her to talking to the other outcast, The One Who Waits. 

Long-furred pink deer with darker pink spots, black eyes and a flower necklace from Fawn. She was born and raised to be a follower of Heket alongside her sister Nana. But her parents sacrificed themselves for their god and the two were left alone, that is until Fawn found and brought them back to the Cult of Fawn. Bimba didn’t adjust well and dissented once, but found comfort in the Camellia flowers and became the unofficial gardener due to their importance in rituals. She is very materialistic and snobbish, she does chores unrelated to Camellias for rewards rather than blessings. Fawn humored her with a flower necklace, which she cherishes and flaunts every chance she gets.

Long-furred pale pink deer with darker pink spots and brown eyes. She was born and raised to be a follower of Heket alongside her sister Bimba. But her parents sacrificed themselves for their god the two were left alone, that is until Fawn found and brought them back to the Cult of Fawn. Nana seemingly adjusted well, but she was still the closest with her sister. She stayed with her when she was in prison for dissenting until Fawn sent her away, and she made her a makeshift flower necklace when she talked about wanting the real deal, though it was discarded when Bimba received the real one. She is well-liked for her kind nature and general politeness, though some take advantage of this and she tends to be overworked, resulting in her sleeping in quite often.

Red deer with antlers, orange eyes and a missionary necklace. He lived on his own away from the cults, constantly traveling and exploring what he could. That was until he became gravely ill and in his weakness he was captured by Helob. Fawn bought him from the spider and he pledged his loyalty to them. But his lust for adventure kept him from truly settling into the camp and he kept trying to follow Fawn out on their crusades. Fawn resolved his issue with their gift of the missionary necklace and order to go gather resources. He is constantly away from camp, but is very friendly and is close with Vow.

Long-furred blue deer with long antlers and yellow painted markings, golden eyes and a feather necklace from Fawn. Vow was taken from his family by followers of Kallamar and rescued by Fawn on the instruction of Hymn. Vow was desperate to repay Fawn for their kindness in a way that only they could, and decided that their speed and nimbleness was perfect. They proposed this to Fawn, who agreed and gifted them the feather necklace as recognition and a way to amplify their abilities, which they were extremely grateful for. They were given the task of leaving the cult to gather resources, a job they now share with Rome who they are close to.

Long-furred blue deer with long antlers and blue painted markings, blue eyes. Hymn was taken from his family by followers of Kallamar, being separated from his sibling Vow in the process. He was rescued by Fawn, but begged his new leader to recover his sibling, to which Fawn agreed to. Being reunited with his brother has calmed Hymn’s worries and he now serves the cult diligently, particularly in chopping wood and mining stone.

Hop II
White deer with black spots and gray buttons, dark red eyes. He came to the cult with his father Hop as a newborn after the rest of his family were attacked by followers of Heket. He grew to resent his father, pouring his emotions into farming rather than any of his dark thoughts. He became the one others would turn to when they were assigned to work in the fields alongside him due to his knowledge and diligence. When he isn’t in the field, he loves to cook and takes over the kitchen to provide meals while Fawn is away. He is currently desperate for the nature necklace and is sucking up to Fawn a bit for one.

Green deer with darker and lighter spots and very messy fur, green eyes and a moon necklace from Fawn. Moss was formerly a follower of Kallamar, they were extremely lazy and not liked by other followers. While resource-gathering with a group, they insisted on taking a break and ended up falling asleep. The rest of the group left them behind and they were snatched by Helob. Fawn ended up buying them from the spider and they continued their lazy ways in the new cult. Fawn wasn’t pleased and gave them the moon necklace as punishment. Now they work all day and all night without slumber. This experience has humbled them, but they constantly space out during conversations which has resulted in it being hard for them to make connections with other followers.

Pale silver deer with short gray antlers and blue eyes. Mona lived with her family until they took in a traveler named Vow, who told them all about Fawn and their cult. Mona decided to leave her home with Vow to join this cult. She found her calling in healing, aided by her strange immunity to illness. She would watch over the sick until Fawn returned from crusades, and she would fetch Camellias for them from Bimba, who she became friends with. When she met Fawn, she fell for them and wasn’t subtle about it. Finally, she worked up the courage to propose, but was rejected. She tends to hang around the back at sermons and avoids Fawn where she can.

Soleil II
Short-furred orange deer with antlers, yellow eyes and painted on red markings. Soleil II was formerly a follower of Leshy alongside his father, but when he was sent into battle alongside him he watched on in horror as Fawn slayed him and the rest of the followers he came with. Fawn spared and reeducated him, but it still took him a while to accept the cult and his new leader. He did what was asked of him, but was very skeptical of everything. Through daily sermons, building up the cult, and falling in love with June and having children with her, he was able to grow old in the embrace of the cult. He is now an elder who loves to tell stories of this cult and his past one to those who will listen.

Light brown deer with white spots, green eyes and painted on red markings. Hush was born and raised inside the cult, as the daughter of Page, and she has now grown old and is preparing to die within the cult as an elder. Ever since she was young she has idolized Fawn and refused to take any slander to their name, even becoming aggressive for their sake. She was always the first to report dissenters and the last to forgive them. She spent most of her days worshiping, and now spends them resting in her retirement.

Yellow deer with white spots, brown buttons and yellow eyes. Quiche was born and raised inside the cult, being the son of Soleil II and June. He has always been a big germaphobe, refusing to take part in any tasks that could get him dirty, and when he is forced to he complains the entire time. This has made him less than popular, resulting in him constantly being pranked by other followers. The fact he is desperate to fit in and quite gullible makes him a very easy target too.

Black deer with long black antlers and painted on black markings, gray eyes. Hel’s entire family was slaughtered by followers of Shamura and the only survivor besides herself, her brother Midnight, was captured and taken away. She was found by Fawn in the ruins of her family’s campsite, on the verge of spiraling due to the tragedies. Fawn empathized with her and sat with her while she calmed down and she decided to join their cult. She asked Fawn to find her brother, and so they did. She has found herself desensitized to death now, so she mainly deals with the graveyard and anyone who dies while Fawn is on crusade. Recently, she discovered the corpse of her brother who had been murdered, and she has been neglecting her duties in pursuit of whoever did it.

The One Who Waits
Black cat with three red eyes, the top one remains closed most of the time. He has skeletal arms that are bandaged. A fallen God, his position as God of Death usurped by Fawn. Torn down to the form of a simple follower and forced to serve the one who ruined everything, all facts he is less than pleased about. Due to his failure being public to the entire cult, who he had captured and attempted to sacrifice, he is extremely unpopular and outcasted by everyone. This is not helped by Fawn borderline ignoring his existence. He has recently become acquaintances with Pixie, who is also an outcast at the moment.

Short-furred black deer with white spots, golden eyes and a flower necklace from Fawn. Theon was captured by followers of Leshy and was set to be sacrificed. A mere moment before their death, Fawn interrupted and faced onslaughts of Leshy’s minions to protect Theon. In that moment, he pledged his loyalty to Fawn and their new cult, becoming its first member. Due to being the first follower, he always judged the cult the hardest which is why he dissented twice when faith got low. Despite this, he was well-liked by Fawn and followers-to-come alike, being gifted a flower necklace as a sign of their friendship. He died of old age, a death Fawn was particularly saddened by.

Long-furred white deer with black spots and brown buttons, blue eyes and painted on red markings. June’s family was slaughtered by followers of Leshy and she was on the brink of spiraling when she met Fawn, who simply came and sat with her as she cried. She decided to follow them to their cult when given the opportunity and was able to heal. She found love with Soleil II and was able to make a new family with him, confident her children would thrive in the cult. She died when she mistakenly ate a Deadly Dish, despite Fawn trying to stop her. 

Gray deer with short darker gray antlers, red eyes and a moon necklace from Fawn. Hop sought out the Cult of Fawn when his family were attacked by followers of Heket and only him and his young son remained. Despite being smart enough to flee, he was simple in every other way, to the extent of being a bit stupid. He was very clumsy and spent the duration of his chores daydreaming instead. His son found him to be an embarrassment and kept his distance. Fawn gave Hop a moon necklace so he would make up for being distracted constantly. The necklace eventually drove him mad and he kept dissenting to the point that Fawn had to sacrifice him to stop him from spreading false teachings.

Brown deer with lighter spots, green eyes and a nature necklace from Fawn. Page was the main worker of the fields, toiling away to produce vegetables for the cult. Her chipper nature kept up morale for those who worked with her and she taught everything she knew to Hop II so that he could take over as she was preparing to become an elder. However, she died in her sleep before she could. Her daughter Hush swears that she saw Fawn kill her mother to keep crusading in a dream, but no one believes her.

Blue deer with pale blue buttons and blue-green eyes. Aster was rescued from followers of Kallamar by Fawn and became very grateful. So grateful and aggressively loyal that they impressed Fawn and became the very first Loyalty Enforcer. They took their job very seriously, and were more than happy to pass the role down to Terra before they became an elder. They served diligently and passed from old age.

Black deer with white spots, brown eyes, painted on gray markings and a skull necklace from Fawn. Thorn was taken from their family by Helob and rescued by Fawn, who they followed to the Cult of Fawn. Thorn was a very happy and mild follower, always smiling and greeting whoever they came across. They captured Fawn’s heart and reciprocated when Fawn began to court them. The two were married in the temple and as a wedding gift Thorn received a skull necklace from Fawn. The two lived a lovely married life, constantly expressing their affection with gifts and dancing together no matter the time of day. While away on crusade, Thorn fell ill and by the time Fawn finally returned, Thorn had passed. Fawn was never the same after their death.

Black deer with orange spots and blue eyes. Maus was born and raised in the cult, being the daughter of Soleil II and June. Ever since the death of her mother, Maus became very skittish. The sight of anything gruesome would always make her cry and throw up. Her fellow cultists tried to comfort her and include her, but she ended up begging Fawn to sacrifice her. She wanted to contribute but knew she couldn’t meaningfully unless it was through sacrifice. So Fawn complied.

Black deer with short gray antlers and pale blue eyes. Midnight’s entire family was killed by followers of Shamura and he was being prepared as a sacrifice. He didn’t know his sister Hel had escaped alive and had sent Fawn to find him. Despite being saved, he was traumatized and terrified of death. Whenever a sacrifice happened, he would retreat to his bed for days, which made him quite unpopular because he missed a lot of his chores. Recently, he was murdered. No one knows who did it, but fingers are being pointed at The One Who Waits.

Slain by Shamura