


1 year, 1 month ago


  • NAME Scrimshaw
  • NICKNAMES Scrim, Shaw
  • BIRTHSEASON Leaf-bare
  • AGE 8 moons
  • GENDER Male
  • ORIENTATION Undetermined
  • RESIDENCE MonarchClan
  • RANK Apprentice
  • STATUS Alive
  • MAIN THEME whalebone scripture

You left the earth, you left us here to burn.

It's tough to be a new face in a sea of hundreds of other faces. Scrimshaw knows that well enough. With so many new characters at his beck and call, its hard to know where to to put your energy! Life turns out much bigger than you first would think, after all. Still young, Scrimshaw has a lot to learn and experience. The biggest goal for this young feline is to carve out a nice spot for himself in MonarchClan's culture, and settle there for as long as he can.

Life hasn't been a breeze for Scrimshaw, despite being only eight moons old, but it'd be hard to tell from the way he presents himself. While not necessarily glitz and glamour, Scrimshaw knows how to act on top of things. Moreso practical with his ostentatiousness, it'd be hard to pinpoint any of his underlying behaviour. Like fish under the surface of a lake, dark slicks of ink, there's some simmering, mysterious intensity to Scrimshaw's every action.

Mostly though, he just wants to slide into the routine of clan-life, and meet as many cats as he can!
















Pessimist Optimist

Naive Perceptive

Reserved Social

Insolent Polite

Patient Foolhardy






There’s plenty of ways to look at a cat such as Scrimshaw, it's rare that his image or personality is static. Like fish swimming below the surface, there’s always a sense of movement to this tom. Most could tell he’d excel in being a speaker of sorts, always having a way with words and a means to get himself in and out of trouble. He’s captivating in his ways, alluringly earnest about his beliefs and his dedication to them. Though he may garner frustration, he’s quick to slip out of poor situations, much like an eel.

There’s no doubt Scrimshaw is driven when it comes down to it. He sees the world as a puzzle to solve, curious about its functions. Deeper, though, is his innate need to secure his spot in the world. Security was never an option before, but now there's a purpose. How he gets to his goal, is another question entirely. A cat such as Scrimshaw has to be hardy to get where he did, and to continue climbing upwards. The world was never gifted, hand wrapped on platter to him. He learned quickly that to survive, you develop thick skin, and to keep that skin thick, you keep your throat right at the fangs.

It’s no surprise that Scrimshaw learned to be practical at an early age, as well. There’s little time to dwell on misgivings when life carries on around you. Understanding the world at face value was key to his survival, and never expecting more than the dredges of life was enough to ensure that. If you worked hard, you got places, no matter the means to get there.

Unpredictability came with the territory. There’s no sense in routine when you wake up each day in a new place. Scrimshaw had to learn to keep himself on his toes, prepare himself for whatever was thrown at him. That, in turn, made him quite the innovative type, figuring out new ways around a situation at the drop of a hat. Scrimshaw always has his mind on the future, not one to dwell, and is often the first to jump head first into new developments. It never pays to sit and wait.

For that same reason, you could easily describe Scrimshaw as ostentatious. He’s outspoken in his beliefs, sometimes even vulgar in getting his point across. He doesn’t find the spotlight important, happy enough to be outspoken to his friends, but if onlookers saw, Scrimshaw wouldn’t shy away, either.

Admittedly, Scrimshaw has a very distinct understanding of the way the world works. And because of that, he also understands that sometimes to get somewhere, appeasing others is the safest bet. Not that the tom lacks dignity, but it certainly isn’t always at the forefront of his mind. Being kind is no sign of weakness to Scrimshaw, after all.

Getting to his core, though, it's an unfortunate truth that despite everything, Scrimshaw cares most of all for himself. Being self-serving is something that he learned early in life, and is nigh impossible to shake. There are few, if any cats, he’d put over himself when things came down to it. His goals are almost entirely focused on getting himself higher up on the hierarchy, and Scrimshaw understands that sometimes breaking a few eggs is the cost. Even moreso, there’s many facets to Scrimshaw, and with it, it is to be understood that there’s no one “true” Scrimshaw. He’s enigmatic that way, constantly shifting his demeanour around certain cats. For a cat who speaks as much as he does, there is very little Scrimshaw truly says about himself.

It’s no doubt that Scrimshaw is observant; he has to be to get what he wants. He can’t help his shrewdness most of the time. Being judgemental of small things helps keep himself sure of his own capabilities, though it's rarely something he brings up. Being fickle is a must for Scrimshaw. It’s how he maintains his composure, and how he makes sure that he’ll never be hurt. To keep others at arm's length saves him plenty of dilemmas further down the line. To be constantly moving is to never be truly seen, like a flickering mirage of something. Only half of a real cat.

Positive Traits
  • Captivating
  • Hardy
  • Driven
  • Practical
Neutral Traits
  • Unpredictable
  • Appeasing
  • Ostentatious
  • Innovative
Negative Traits
  • Self-serving
  • Enigmatic
  • Shrewd
  • Fickle
  • MOTHER Loch
  • FATHER Rory (Albatross; adopted)
  • SIBLINGS Marrow; Adopted
  • MATE -

While Scrimshaw is still young, he's experienced a fair chunk of the world. Scrimshaw was born as a result of a very tense marriage filled with more disagreement than any proper affection. His father was a particularly brutal cat, who'd been hardened from years of politically driven violence in a struggling distant cat colony, recently forced to move from their home. Tense in times of unrest, Rory’s temper only grew more foul. Upon threatening Scrimshaw's life one night, his mother took it upon herself to protect him in the only way she knew how. While she was no saint herself, part of her knew her position in the colony would not allow for kits.

Which is when she met Albatross, a weary older tom who'd been travelling through the territory. Once acquainted with Scrimshaw’s parents on a previous expedition to their old home, it seemed to be an absolute stroke of luck. With honeyed words, Loch managed to convince Albatross to take Scrimshaw with him, away and out of the colony. It wasn't without payment, of course. After being well fed, Albatross left, Scrimshaw in tow, barely old enough to have his eyes open.


Before Scrimshaw could get too far from his struggling colony, he and Albatross stumbled into another kitten, abandoned for similar reasons. With little resources since being displaced, the colony simply didn't have enough to give to new additions. Albatross was once more saddled with unwanted weight in the form of two desperate kittens. The trio travelled out and in the opposite direction of Albatross’ original destination, not without some hard earned lessons along the way. Albatross was by no means a cat fit to raise kits, and often taught them the hard values of life. Never trust an outsider, they’ll always have the worst intentions. Never fall complacent, it was the fastest way to die, and cowardly too. And most importantly: Things weren’t fair, that was life. To get somewhere, you earned it. Scrimshaw took it to heart. With Marrow at his side, the two did what they had to to survive. They stole, bartered, begged, whatever they had to do to get by.

Vying for Albatross' attention alongside his newfound brother, Scrimshaw seemed to eventually ease into the life of a nomad. Always on the run, always checking over his shoulder. The little knowledge he had of his parents only made matters worse.

Albatross, alongside his hard to learn lessons, also spoke of his original home. He was an old tom, with old values and a firm edge. He once belonged to a seaside colony of cats, sailors brought aboard ships to deal with rats and mice. He taught Scrimshaw and Marrow of his old home's culture and practices. Told them of how he chose their names. Being a seafaring feline, Albatross' colony had odd traditions. He told them tales of dangerous waters, and storms that could wreck entire ships. As a way to prevent such things, each kitten born into his colony was given a piece of bone, carved out of what Albatross believed was whale. A trinket made to protect against the spirits and storms in the water.

He explained how his culture was passed down via scriptures, carved into important pieces of bone that every cat would visit, multiple times during their lives. Scrimshaw. Depicting ancient sea beasts, tales of sailors lured into endless depths, and much, much more.

It soon became obvious, that Albatross was unfit to properly care for Scrimshaw and Marrow. Confident that he had taught them enough to carry them forwards, he eventually left their side to let the two fend for themselves. Scrimshaw made a choice that he wanted to see the sea. Just where that was though, he had no idea. They picked a direction and began walking, running into various other loners and colonies along the way. Up until they reached MonarchClan.


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  • Scrimshaw ━  The practice of engraving bones, typically whalebone, depicting life revolving around the sea.
  • NONE ━  N/A
  • LONER ━  Scrimshaw
  • KIT ━  -
  • Stealing food from Marrow.
  • The sound of the sea. A lake would do, too, I Guess.
  • Learning about others.
  • Talking about his parents.
  • Battle practice. He's violently jealous of cats who are physically strong.
  • Being belittled or made out to be incapable.

  • Charisma.
  • Emotionally pretty sturdy. For the most part. Sometimes.
  • Oh you know. :)
  • Trusting others.
  • Honestly just most physical prowess.
  • He'd only eat fish if he could. Hates furred creatures.
  • You'll almost always see him with Marrow, in some capacity.
  • Neutral evil allignment.
  • Has an Irish accent.
  • Curly fur from being a Devon Rex primarily. Salt made his fur a little crunchy looking.
  • He's just a little guuuuy! Cahmannnn! You wouldn't hit a little guy!
  • It's not rare to see Scrimshaw collecting snail shells and the likes. It's obvious he misses aspects of his culture: the sea.
  • Uses lots of sea and water descriptors.
  • BREED Devon Rex (of sorts)
  • BODY TYPE Lithe, muscled.
  • BUILD Friendly :)
  • HEIGHT Slightly below average.
  • SCARS Knicked ears, scars over his muzzle and a few other scratches here and there.
  • SCENT Vague brine and smoke, something like tar.
  • PELT COLOUR Brown/Ragdoll
  • FUR SHAPE Curly, thin.
  • WEIGHT Light
  • DESIGNER me lol
  • WORTH -

Scrimshaw is a curly furred, shorthair ragdoll with piercingly blue eyes. He's more lithe than others, but still has some degree of muscle on him. Like most devon rex types, he has a very triangular head shape, with wide, round eyes. He looks almost perpetually excited about something.

His pelt is a mixture of various creams and browns, with a dark mask around his eyes, and a bit of longer fur that likes to obscure his vision. He has a somewhat rugged look, though some might find it more ratty. As a kitten, he's not deathly thin, but its obvious food is hard to come by.

Let him into your house you want to do that so badly.

 father figure -

We've had ya' since we were wee lads, took us from our shit homes. I owe ya' that much, I suppose. But not much more. I'll be bloody grateful once I found out the reason we ended up here. Sinkin' in the worlds largest ship. Guess you were smart enough t' jump before we caused any more problems for ya', hey ol' man?

Scrimshaw has a hard time parsing his feelings on his caretaker. He knows Albatross took him in as some temporary deal, with no actual attachment. There's some soft, tender place in Scrimshaw's heart that makes it difficult to blame him for leaving. But he still tries to convince himself.

 adopted brother -

You've got a right proper stick up your arse. If it weren't for the ol' man keepin' us at bay I'dve figured we'd tore each other's throats out by now. 'Least, you'dve tried, aye? I'll gladly take the role of makin' your life a living hell. I'll be damn deadly at it too.

Scrimshaw loves Marrow more than he's ever loved any cat. Which is to say... more than not at all. He cares about his brother, but he'd sooner slip and die than admit it. He acts rough and tumble around Marrow, but Scrimshaw knows he'd be at his side in a heartbeat if something were to happen.