


1 year, 1 month ago


it's finally coming into focus

Name Neanra Elmeni
Age 9 sweeps / 19
Handle anarchicAttraction
Gender nonbinary
Sexuality bisexual
Pronouns she / it
blood mutantblood
sign canza

you're lying and i think you know it
  • she wears accessories with the blood colours of the trolls in her quadrants
  • she has several ear piercings and a lip piercing
  • stands at around 5'8 - 5'9
  • lots of scars all over
  • freckles on her face and upper body
full reference

To put it simply, Neanra is kind of a shit disturber.

Being a mutantblood in a society where your blood colour determines everything about your life, she's grown up to be an extremely jaded, extremely dedicated activist - or anarchist, depending on how you see it. Neanra is aggressive, outspoken, and kind of a hothead even if she has good intentions most of the time.

Though she'd happily burn all of highblood society to the ground, she isn't violent for the hell of it. Just someone with a lot of conviction in her beliefs, and some of the patience to be calculated about her plans. She's stubborn - Neanra will never back down in the face of impossible challenges, and she'd just as soon make someone's life hell for opposing her if she feels they're in the wrong.


( solitary ) social
( observant ) intuitive
logical emotional
organized ( flexible )
assertive ( turbulent )

but you're too afraid to face the storm you helped create

One who destroys / destroys with their aspect. Neanra is an extremely calculated person when it comes to those she opposes. She's aggressive, sure, but she's smart. She understands well just how to fuck with someone's head to get what she wants. Whether that be knowing just what to say to get others on her side, or just how to make them question what they know and the very fabric of their reality.

To put it simply, Neanra is very skilled with manipulation. Though her classpect doesn't provide her with much physically, she's very much a threat - whether that be convincing someone to switch sides, or making sure they're not in much of a state to fight back.


Beside her words, Neanra's other weapon of choice is a trusty baseball bat. She's not really one for unnecessary violence, she just likes to cause a bit of chaos and destroy some shit - though if she needs to hit someone, she can certainly do some damage.

By the time she's far enough into the game to care more about combat, she upgrades to a spiked bat. Still her same old trusty weapon, just with a bit more edge for taking out enemies where her abilities won't help.


Life hasn't been easy on Neanra. Obviously, her blood situation wasn't exactly setting her up for success. Most trolls like her don't survive into adulthood, let alone as an activist the government is very much aware of in current day. Things weren't always like this for her, however. When she was younger, she used to be much quieter about her status, much more secretive and someone who hid just like any other surviving mutant. You don't make it as far as Neanra has being proud about her existence from day one.

This kind of hardship is exactly what's shaped it into the kind of troll it is now. Neanra was never afforded the chance to grow up gentle - exposed to the horrors of highblood rule right from its very birth, its hostile demeanor and cunning are traits Neanra was quick to develop. It was also very quick to develop a hatred for the class system imposed by those at the top of the hemospectrum, and has dedicated its life to fighting for something better for lowbloods and mutants like itself.

She's aware lives as long as she's lived are exceedingly rare for other candybloods. It's why Neanra stopped hiding who she was - she'd sooner be a martyr for her cause than live in fear. If anything, making herself an open enemy of the highblood government was less about making herself a threat, and more to inspire hope among lowbloods. Even if she can't encourage everyone to fight for her cause, as long as others like her know that there are trolls who will fight for them, she's satisfied. Neanra seeks change - despite everything she's been through, she does genuinely believe that a world where things are different can exist, and she'd do anything for her cause.


  • her sylladex stores items as cards in a deck of 52 - each item is assigned a specific card, which she has to remember to draw and use. the deck can be shuffled, switching around the items randomly
  • her land is made up of fantastical cities full of creatures with crustacean features. acid replaces water - both lakes and rain, etc
  • her lusus is a large bipedal creature with shrimp / general crustacean features
  • she keeps the fuschia charm on her necklace in a locket of sorts - hiding her connection to lulana unless she can use it to get out of danger
  • takes shrimp fried rice jokes VERY personally

did you think i wouldn't notice?
Lunar Sway derse
Classpect prince of mind
Strife Specibi batkind
Fetch Modus card deck modus
Planet acid and cities
Lusus tempura (shrimp)
Dancestor rianon elmeni
Ancestor the eternity



Having first met while escaping highbloods when they were both young, Neanra is very protective of her moirail. Though he's not as outspoken as Neanra is, she's perfectly fine with that - she appreciates Xanyea's passive support, and admires his optimism greatly.

She doesn't particularly get on with his matesprit, but she cares for Xanyea's happiness and begrudgingly sets aside her disdain for highbloods for his sake. He's her best friend - and the one who keeps her anger in check. As long as he's safe, Neanra can play nice with his purpleblood girlfriend.


Neanra hates Lulana - at least initially. Given Neanra's life goal is destroying the system she represents, Lulana's entire existence is kind of a problem to her. She's extremely competitive with the heiress, always dedicated to besting her in any given situation.

However, deep down she maybe has some admiration for Lulana's composure and leadership - not that she'd ever admit it. Or acknowledge the part of her that hopes that maybe one day she could make Lulana see her side of things, help her cause. That part definitely doesn't exist.

flushed crush

Neanra became close with Leiyah while the two were growing up. It's always considered Leiyah a close friend, and her opinionated nature was what initially gave it the confidence to fight for something better. She's fearlessly outspoken, and that's always inspired it.

Having a friend who always has her back is something Neanra doesn't take for granted - and she's come to develop deeper feelings for Leiyah. However, Leiyah's growing rage toward others and her confusing emotions about her kismesis might complicate things a bit.


To say Neanra and Xeslah don't get along would be a bit of an understatement. It hates her - not in the caliginous way, in the you stand for everything I oppose way. It absolutely despises the violence that Xeslah represents.

Neanra tries to remain civil, for Xanyea's sake, but it can't help but wish he hadn't gotten involved with the heiress' right hand woman. It's a messy situation, having your moirail dating the moirail of your hate-girlfriend. If either had their way, the other would be dead.