


1 year, 1 month ago


time has changed the metaphor now

Name Khiani Breken
Age 10 sweeps / 20
Handle chimericalGarden
Gender nonbinary
Sexuality lesbian
Pronouns they / kit
blood oliveblood
sign lesces

dust is not the origin of bone
  • they often have embroidered mushrooms and plants on their clothes
  • they have several ear piercings
  • stands at around 5'6
  • absolutely covered in freckles
  • they like nature related accessories and earrings
full reference

Khiani is someone who's always looking for new and exciting things.

They're very adventurous and social, and thoroughly enjoy going out and experiencing the world. Khiani is chatty and tries to make friends wherever they go. Growing up in the woods, they're also very in tune with nature and enjoy gardening a lot. They love to share their plants with friends, and try to take care of everyone that enters their life.

Khiani is usually the one others look to when trying to find someone to try something with. They love to go to new places, explore their friends' interests and love to share their own with other trolls just as much. They're very outgoing and very curious - and just as resilient to get back up when something doesn't work out.


solitary ( social )
( observant ) intuitive
logical ( emotional )
organized ( flexible )
( assertive ) turbulent

little girl, don't let them sell you any armor

One who steals their aspect for the benefit of others. Being aligned with the life aspect means exactly one thing for Khiani - life steal healing. They're able to sap the life force from others to provide something else with life, whether that be their friends or the plants in their very successful garden.

While Khiani primarily takes a healing role, that healing role makes them a great threat in combat - the ability to take from other creatures to boost their own allies is pretty deadly. The only downside to this ability is that Khiani can't heal themself.


Abilities aside, Khiani's weapon of choice is blades - particularly their katana, but any knife or sword will do. Growing up fending for themselves in the forest, they're very familiar with bladed weapons. Particularly knives for their resourceful purposes, but Khiani likes the dramatics of using big swords like katanas in game.

Kit doesn't make many functional upgrades over time, preferring to make their weapons more fancy than change the reliability of a good blade.






  • their sylladex functions like a virtual garden. captchalogued items become plants that need maintenance like tamagotchis to stay in storage. the item type determines how difficult the plant is to take care of - letting it die makes the item disappear

all your ribs are still your own
Lunar Sway derse
Classpect rogue of life
Strife Specibi bladekind
Fetch Modus garden modus
Planet ..
Lusus ..
Dancestor messah breken


best friend

They wouldn't seem like the type to be close initially, but Khiani gives them the interesting herbs they grow, and Skirax gives them colourful candy that makes them feel funny for a bit. It just works.

Habits aside, they do get along great. Khiani doesn't mind that Skirax isn't much of a talker - they love to talk and love friends who'll listen. Kit loves going out and trying new things, it's just natural they'd have a friend who shares that. They're super outgoing, and love getting involved in Skirax's scene whenever they can.

close friend >

Much like Skirax, they're an odd pair initially, but the two have a lot of similarities that means their friendship just works. Veirah's just as outgoing and adventurous as Khiani - they like to cause a little chaos.

Khiani appreciates his wholehearted, enthusiatic support of anyone he considers a friend. He's always there to talk about whatever or explore new places and hobbies with, and Khiani's ability to be more levelheaded helps keep his impulsive nature in check. They compliment each other well.