


NAME: Havoc
AGE: Ageless/Ancient
GENDER: Male ♂ (Any Pronouns)
SEXUALITY: Quoi-Homosexual



SPECIES: Demon Flying Fox
HEIGHT: 1,22 m (4'0)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Evil
OCCUPATION: Infiltrator & Musician

- His smile varies on his forms
- Most of the time he looks devious in expression - Unpredictable and vanishes randomly a lot, which can be a manjor inconvenience for others depending on him


Lets Play A Game

How fast can you run?


Havoc is a Gothic dressed flying fox with a wiggily spade tip devil tail that is constantly moving. He looks like an ordinary flying fox for the most part aside from the tail normally. When he swaps to his 'true form' he looks more abnormal with a horrific unnaturally large grin and double-set toothy maw. His screlas bleed to black and become shifting dark matter that drips upwards rather than downwards.

Havoc has been living on earth much longer than most on the planet, exceeeding past earth's creation, thus making him a very old entity that defies time itself. Mortals are interesting and amusing to him, he enjoys playing mean pranks on them as well as consuming their souls. He may spare those he finds 'too interesting' or 'not worth wasting'



  • Pranks / Jokes
  • Playing Mean Games
  • Music (Metal & Elec.)
  • Flying


  • Boring People
  • Failure / Failing
  • Prolonged Silence
  • Hunger

Unpredictable | Comical | Morbid | Shrewd | Trickster

- If he is not spying or pulling mean pranks on others, he is jamming out on the guitar and singing on stage.

- Can be melancholic sometimes and lost in his headspace (will zone out and be unresponsive for a short while)




Maecenas condimentum dui in justo ullamcorper, eget porta ante rhoncus. Vivamus sit amet turpis gravida, molestie risus in, bibendum dolor. Nam sagittis risus sed nulla finibus tincidunt id nec nibh. Ut sed dictum metus, et sagittis felis. Quisque nec dui sit amet est rhoncus convallis sed ut libero. Nam iaculis magna quis quam dapibus rutrum. Ut rhoncus imperdiet magna, euismod suscipit ante. Etiam blandit erat eu purus eleifend, vitae congue elit blandit. Integer at ipsum sit amet justo faucibus viverra non sed mi.


Clement —

One of his minions he has given imortality to, consensually unlike most of his 'minions' who are more like 'slaves', as they are turned into minions who work for him against their will. Clement on the otherhand willfully gave his soul to Havoc for imortality and chose to follow under him. Clement idolizes Havoc and treats him like a 'god' despite not actually being one. Clement's devotion to Havoc is often seen as 'infatuation and love' towards Havoc, if he truly loves Havoc or not though is a mystery, as he tends to talk of him like a fanatic cultist.

Rufflez / Anton2fangs / A2 - Conscience Wrath Mix