Moris Naica



1 year, 1 month ago


Moris Naica

Name Moris Naica
Nicknames/Aliases Grandpa
Pronouns He/Him
Age XX (At Death)
D.o.B May 31st
Blood Green
Sexuality Heterosexual
Species Canine
Resides Varmonte
Occupation Retiree



An old patriarch of the Malbranche, Moris was never the big cheese of the operation, but he was an indispensable font of generational knowledge.
--Not that anyone ever really wanted it.

He outlived his cohort easily (aided by their dangerous line of work), making him one of the few Malbranche that was alive not only for Aeneas' birth, but his death too. His nephew, Graff, he practically raised as a son. He had to, seeing as his sister had not been quite so lucky in this criminal game.

He remembers the days when the Palsgrave and Malbranche were just one entity, two branches of the same family. It was practically a coin flip as to which side he ended up on after the split, and he'd always been a little bitter about how it seems he ended up on the losing one. Not that the Malacodas would ever listen.

Classpect: Mage of Rage
Lunar Sway: Prospit
True Zodiac: Gemicorn (Anarchic)

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