Archivebot Department



1 year, 14 days ago


Welcome to the Archivebots!

ooc: Hello! This is my original department concept for Toontown: Corporate Clash. There is still a lot of work to be done to pretty this reference up, but I still thought i would upload it so anyone has a handy reference to the spookiest, scariest Department in the COGS family :3c

What is the Archive Department?

The day-to-day business of the Coal, Oil, and Gas Syndicate (COGS) is one that generates a lot of information. Between current and outdated data, it all needs a place to be kept safe and organized. The Archive Department is a smaller branch of COGS Inc privately operated by one Sir Lazarus Corona, a longtime investor of COGS since it's founding. It's emblem is known to be that of a scroll, tied off with ribbon.

The Archivebot HQ serves primarily as an archive for all of the information that has passed through COGS Inc, as well as a museum of the many products, inventions, and other memorabilia that has been produced during the company's history.

Colloquially, employees of other Departments prefer to not speak of the Archivebot Department by name, if they are aware of them at all. Out of some strange business-related superstition, this Department is instead referred to as "The Graveyard Shift"- And it's enigmatic leader, The Chief Archivist, as merely "The Sunsetter".

Who are the Archivebots?

The Archive's employment ladder differs from those of the public-facing branches, as very few suits apply to be part of this team. Instead, COGS employs this division through the use of transfers.

When certain employees of the various branches of COGS have failed to keep their duties up to the standards of their department, they are transferred out to the Archives Department for the remainder of their employment. Retired models of suit also find their place here, struggling to keep themselves functional amid an aging framework unavailable for repair requests.

Who is the Chief Archivist?

The Current Head of this Department is Sir Lazarus Corona, a historian, patron of the arts, and avid astronomer. An early investor into COGS Inc, Sir Corona cemented his place as a legacy member of the company through his numerous decades of work assisting the background operations in COGS early years. His main responsibilities, beyond general oversight of the Archivebot Department, includes formally inducting retired policies into the archives and advising the board in regards to the current company expansion endeavors.



The Archive (HQ main building)- this location takes the shape of a large stately building- built with an exterior that may almost remind one of a mausoleum. The interior is a long hallway of modular shelves, which can can be rolled in and out to be explored at one's leisure. At the very back stands the monumentous desk of Sir Corona, towering above the archives and blocking out the meager light offered by a windows installed in the back.

The Scrapyard- Behind the Archives lies a sprawling hills of metal, the discarded husks of things COGS deems beyond repair. An incalculable number of mechanical scraps lay out here, disused and unwanted. Beware of scavengers if you linger out here.

The Ghost Train- Main mode of transport for the standard Archivebots going between the main floors and the upper level. Beware of Ghost Workers.

Archivebot Specifics (for character-building):

- The Archivebot signature color is Maroon (Though any rich dark red is fine- double check it's distinct from the reddish-brown the bossbots wear)

-The suit pattern for Archivebots are Windowpane stripes with solid black sleeves, and in lieu of a tie the Archivebot uniforms have a clerical collar. Executive level Archivists have a gray uniform.

-Archivebot typically spawn in the evening time of toontown servers, with some exceptions for particularly overcast areas- The daytime is a bit much for their delicate condition (manager OC's are allowed to skirt this rule)