Archivebot Department (Corporate Ladder)



This is a list of the standard enemies encountered within the Archivebot Department! Not Full OC's, just here to flesh out the Archives.

Dead Ends

Dead-Ends form the entry-level tier of Archivebots. In days long past, these employees worked tirelessly to prove their worth as dependable Bossbots. However, promotion was never in the cards for these workers, and now they accept their fate, being held in lowest regard in the archives.


These former Lawbots used to have a storied history in their court records, but countless Non-Disclosure Agreements and mandated Redactions leave them unable to tell their tales.


Once a major Hot Shot in the Cashbots, these suits worked themself too hard and too fast, leaving their department in an explosion of frustration. Still carry their skelecog heads in their lock-boxes, as the are impossible to be re-attached.


Back in the day, these feminine suits made a splash on the waves of sellbot tv, sea-starring in countless infomercials, jingles, and advertisements. Could not keep up with the current of innovation, and were swept out with the tide as they were reassigned to the Archives. Enters battles already soaked.

Midnight Oil

The top of the corporate ladder, these suits are the professional mourners of The Graveyard Shift. Always weeping, sobbing, or sighing over some imagined sorrow, these dreary lamps offer no warmth to others. (They kind of play it up for the drama. The only true goths of the ladder.)